In SETUP, you create a set or sets, scoring points as you place tiles around the board. How many points on each turn depends on how good you are at spotting sequences and by playing a set which will create multiple combinations on the board. Even when it is not your turn, unwitting opponents may gift you points by creating sets using tiles in your bonus spaces, so always keep your eyes peeled to claim those extra points.
SETUP is a game of strategic tile placement, making sets of numbers of matching suits. You cannot always plan in advance though, because the tiles stack, so a sequence you had in mind may disappear when your opponents take their turn.
The strategy is even more intense when you try team play mode, work with a partner to plan your sets together. You will work hard to maximize points, help your partner create sets, and gift each other bonus points. Careful how many points you score because the game ends when the first player crosses the finish line, but being in first place does not decide the win; it's the team that avoids finishing last when the game ends!
The best here is that a tutorial is available so you can learn the rules in a few minutes only!.
The game is available right now, and if you want more information, you can find them by clicking the link below:
We would love to thank GTSchemer for his hard work onto this game, as well as the game designer, Jacob Berg, and the publishing team from BEZZERWIZZER studio for bringing this game to your beloved platform.
And that's it for today.
That's it? Really?
Being the 31st of July, there should be something more.
*I see... Sand and sun... Boardgames... The sea... Oh yeah, it will come later today.. It is the beginning of a new SUMMER OF GAMES calendar!
Stay tuned! 😉*
NASTAVITEV: Preprosto pametno.
V NASTAVITVI ustvarite niz ali nize in točkujete, ko postavite ploščice po plošči.
Koliko točk na vsakem potezu je odvisno od tega, kako dobri ste v opazovanju zaporedij in igranju niza, ki bo ustvaril več kombinacij na plošči.
Tudi ko niste na vrsti, vam lahko nevede nasprotniki podarijo točke tako, da ustvarijo komplete s ploščicami v vaših bonus prostorih, zato vedno imejte odprte oči, da zahtevate te dodatne točke.
SETUP je igra strateškega postavljanja ploščic, sestavljanje nizov številk ujemajočih se barv.
Ne morete pa vedno načrtovati vnaprej, ker se ploščice kopičijo, zato lahko zaporedje, ki ste ga imeli v mislih, izgine, ko pridejo na vrsto vaši nasprotniki.
Strategija je še bolj intenzivna, ko preizkusite skupinski način igranja, sodelujete s partnerjem, da skupaj načrtujete nize.
Trdo boste delali, da bi povečali število točk, pomagali partnerju ustvariti nize in drug drugemu podarili dodatne točke.
Pazite, koliko točk dosežete, ker se igra konča, ko prvi igralec prečka ciljno črto, vendar prvo mesto ne odloča o zmagi; to je ekipa, ki se izogne zadnjemu položaju, ko se igra konča!
Najboljše pri tem je, da je na voljo vadnica, tako da se lahko naučite pravil v samo nekaj minutah!.
Igra je na voljo prav zdaj, in če želite več informacij, jih lahko najdete s klikom na spodnjo povezavo:
Radi bi se zahvalili GTSchemerju za njegovo trdo delo pri tej igri, pa tudi oblikovalcu igre, Jacobu Bergu, in založniški ekipi iz studia BEZZERWIZZER, da so to igro prenesli na vašo priljubljeno platformo.
To je to? res?
Ker je 31. julij, bi moralo biti nekaj več.
Vidim... Pesek in sonce... Namizne igre... Morje... O ja, danes bo kasneje.. Začetek je novega koledarja SUMMER OF GAMES!
Ostani na vezi!