Allround League
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Zadnje dejavnosti
361 članov
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Zadnje dejavnosti
O Allround League
The Allround League is a tournament for playing a mix of various games. In each season, there is a pool of 70-100 different games and the players have matches with games that are randomly drawn from this pool.
The tournament is organized as a league with groups of 8 players and promotion + relegation between groups. During a 3-4-month season, the participants play a 9-game match of random games against each of the 7 other player within their group.
So this is for players who are interested in a wide range of games and who are willing to compete in whatever comes. It's a chance of learning new games or to play again some games you almost forgot about.
If you are interested in joining, please read the about-section in our sheets first for more detailed information.
[can't put clickable links in a group discription]
--> you'll find a link in one of the newest posts. Browse through those to find the link to the tournament-sheets of the latest season.
Group icon by
The tournament is organized as a league with groups of 8 players and promotion + relegation between groups. During a 3-4-month season, the participants play a 9-game match of random games against each of the 7 other player within their group.
So this is for players who are interested in a wide range of games and who are willing to compete in whatever comes. It's a chance of learning new games or to play again some games you almost forgot about.
If you are interested in joining, please read the about-section in our sheets first for more detailed information.
[can't put clickable links in a group discription]
--> you'll find a link in one of the newest posts. Browse through those to find the link to the tournament-sheets of the latest season.
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361 članov