Since the beginning of time, gnomes have been the humble caretakers of nature. In secret, they emerge from their underground homes to maintain meticulous rings of mushrooms known to the human folk as "fairy rings". But the work must be done quickly because as soon as a mushroom path is finished, the mushrooms are ready for picking. Who will be the cleverest gnome and harvest the most mushrooms by the end of the season?
Gnome Hollow is a spatial, tile-placement, worker-placement game in which you grow a tabletop garden of mushrooms and flowers. Every piece is a hand-painted watercolor that captures the whimsical feel of gnomes and nature. Turns are deceptively simple: Players place tiles into the garden, and move a gnome to take a single action on their turn. Come to Gnome Hollow and experience a peaceful garden, the thrill of competing to harvest buckets of mushrooms, and the reward of gathering in all your shiny treasures!
· Immerse yourself in Gnome Hollow, a captivating fun strategy game where players cultivate a vibrant garden of mushrooms and flowers using strategic tile and worker placement mechanics.
· Harvest valuable mushrooms by completing intricate rings, select rewarding bonuses, and sell your mushrooms at the market for the shiniest treasures for points in the hollow.
· Enjoy automatic score calculation on player boards, ensuring smooth game play and allowing you to focus on strategic decisions and garden development.
Note that the game is listed for the "Toy of the year award". Let's cross fingers! You can vote too ;)
Yes it has everything you can think of. The only thing to know is if you are ready to start it now by clicking the link below (and have a look at the easy to read rules):
There's a lot going on, and the game is pretty close to the original tabletop one, thanks to the work done by BanBan to adapt and develop it for Board Game Arena.
Let's mention the ones who allowed this to happen on our platform, the game designer Ammon Anderson and the team from The Op Games publishing.
That's it for your Wednesday dose of Board Game!
Try it now from your device, and let's discover a cool novelty today.
Until next week, take care and play fair!
GNOME HOLLOW: Vse se vrti okoli gob!
Že od začetka časa so palčki skromni skrbniki narave. Na skrivaj prihajajo iz svojih podzemnih domov, da bi vzdrževali natančne kolobarje gob, ki jih ljudje poznajo kot "pravljične obroče". A delo je treba opraviti hitro, saj takoj ko je gobarska pot končana, so gobe pripravljene za nabiranje. Kdo bo najpametnejši palček in bo do konca sezone nabral največ gob?
Gnome Hollow je prostorska igra za postavitev ploščic in delavca, v kateri gojite namizni vrt z gobami in rožami. Vsak kos je ročno naslikan akvarel, ki ujame muhast občutek palčkov in narave. Obrati so zavajajoče preprosti: igralci postavijo ploščice na vrt in premaknejo gnoma, da na svojem potezu izvedejo eno dejanje. Pridite v Gnome Hollow in izkusite miren vrt, vznemirjenje ob tekmovanju v nabiranju veder gob in nagrado ob nabiranju vseh vaših sijočih zakladov!
· Potopite se v Gnome Hollow, očarljivo zabavno strateško igro, v kateri igralci gojijo živahen vrt gob in rož z uporabo strateških ploščic in mehanikov postavitve delavcev.
· Nabirajte dragocene gobe tako, da izpolnite zapletene obroče, izberite nagrajevalne bonuse in prodajte svoje gobe na tržnici za najbolj sijoče zaklade za točke v luknji.
· Uživajte v samodejnem izračunu rezultatov na igralnih ploščah, kar zagotavlja nemoteno igranje in vam omogoča, da se osredotočite na strateške odločitve in razvoj vrta.
Upoštevajte, da je igra navedena za "Igračo leta". Držimo pesti! Glasujete lahko tudi vi ;)
Da, ima vse, kar si lahko zamislite. Edina stvar, ki jo morate vedeti, je, ali ste pripravljeni začeti zdaj s klikom na spodnjo povezavo (in si oglejte lahko berljiva pravila):
Veliko se dogaja in igra je precej blizu originalni namizni, zahvaljujoč delu, ki ga je opravil BanBan, da jo je prilagodil in razvil za Board Game Arena.
Naj omenimo tiste, ki so dovolili, da se je to zgodilo na naši platformi, oblikovalca iger Ammon Anderson in ekipo založbe The Op Games.
To je to za vaš sredin odmerek družabnih iger!
Preizkusite zdaj v svoji napravi in odkrijmo kul novost še danes.
Do naslednjega tedna pazite nase in igrajte pošteno!
Welcome to the Ratcity Casino! Here, rats, weasels and rodents of all kinds gather to play Ratjack. Paws are sweaty, whiskers are quivering, the cards are's your turn to play.
Each deck in Ratjack has twelve cards with values from 1 to 12, each with a special ability. A central draw pile is created by shuffling together as many decks as the number of players. Players start with a card face down in front of them and a single card in hand. On their turn, they draw a single card from the central deck, then:
- Play a card face down in front of them,
- Play a card face up in front of them and activate its ability, or
- Discard a card to flip over one of their face-down cards and activate its ability.
At any point in the game, a player with more than 25 in value in front of them is taken out. Card abilities are interactive effects that allow players to manipulate cards and their value. Players earn points by taking out their opponents- try to be the last player standing or reach 25 exactly!
You can discover now this very original game based on BlackJack by clicking the link below:
We would love to thank the team from Studio H and the game designers Mathieu Can & Maxime Mercier, the game designers, for their authorization to bring the game to the platform.
Let's also celebrate the fantastic work done by Galeelox who developed this title on Board Game Arena!
That's it for today,
Have a wonderful week, and see you on Wednesday for more games!
As always, take care and play fair...
RATJACK: Bistvo blackjacka s sodobnimi preobrati in interakcijo igralcev.
Dobrodošli v igralnici Ratcity! Tukaj se zbirajo podgane, podlasice in glodavci vseh vrst, da igrajo Ratjack. Tace so potne, brki trepetajo, karte so razdeljene ... ti si na vrsti za igro.
Vsak komplet v igri Ratjack ima dvanajst kart z vrednostmi od 1 do 12, od katerih ima vsaka posebno sposobnost. Osrednji kup za žrebanje se ustvari tako, da se premeša toliko kompletov, kolikor je igralcev. Igralci začnejo s karto obrnjeno navzdol pred seboj in eno karto v roki. Na vrsti potegnejo eno karto iz osrednjega kompleta, nato pa:
- Pred njimi igrajte karto obrnjeno navzdol,
- Pred njimi odigrajte obrnjeno karto in aktivirajte njeno sposobnost, oz
- Zavrzite karto, da obrnete eno od svojih obrnjenih kart in aktivirate njeno sposobnost.
Kadar koli v igri je igralec z več kot 25 vrednostjo pred seboj izločen. Sposobnosti kart so interaktivni učinki, ki igralcem omogočajo manipulacijo s kartami in njihovo vrednostjo. Igralci zaslužijo točke tako, da premagajo svoje nasprotnike - poskusite biti zadnji igralec ali dosežete natančno 25!
Zdaj lahko odkrijete to zelo izvirno igro, ki temelji na BlackJacku, tako da kliknete spodnjo povezavo:
Radi bi se zahvalili ekipi iz Studio H in oblikovalcem iger Mathieu Can & Maxime Mercier, oblikovalcem iger, za njihovo pooblastilo za prenos igre na platformo.
Proslavimo tudi fantastično delo, ki ga je opravil Galeelox, ki je razvil ta naslov na Board Game Arena!
To je to za danes,
Imejte čudovit teden in se vidimo v sredo za več iger!
Kot vedno, pazite in igrajte pošteno...
In Sky Team: Turbulence, terrible weather conditions and technical incidents will be the order of the day for your landings.
Take your seat in the cockpit and test your skills in 20 scenarios that are even more demanding! Turbulence introduces new rules and new modules, such as Turbulence, Low Visibility, and Alarms, that will add depth and diversity to your Sky Team base game.
Now boarding for such wonderful destinations as Beijing, Madrid, Warsaw, Sydney, Cape Town, Kyiv, and Saint Martin.
Hang on to your seats. It is going to be a bumpy ride!
Turbulence is an expansion for the co-operative two-player game Sky Team and you can try it now by clicking the link below:
Enjoy and see you on Monday for more games!
SKY TEAM : TURBULENCES – Razširitev na SPIEL DES JAHRES 2024 je na voljo ZDAJ!
V igri Sky Team: Turbulence bodo pri vaših pristankih na dnevnem redu grozljive vremenske razmere in tehnični incidenti.
Usedite se v pilotsko kabino in preizkusite svoje sposobnosti v 20 scenarijih, ki so še bolj zahtevni! Turbulenca uvaja nova pravila in nove module, kot so Turbulenca, Nizka vidljivost in Alarmi, ki bodo vaši osnovni igri Sky Team dodali globino in raznolikost.
Zdaj se vkrcava na tako čudovite destinacije, kot so Peking, Madrid, Varšava, Sydney, Cape Town, Kijev in Saint Martin.
Držite se svojih sedežev. To bo nerodna vožnja!
- Turbulence * je razširitev za sodelovalno igro za dva igralca * Sky Team in jo lahko preizkusite zdaj s klikom na spodnjo povezavo: *
Uživajte in se vidimo v ponedeljek za več iger!
In Odin, you want to empty your hand as quickly as possible, sending all your Vikings out into the world.
The game lasts several hands, with each hand consisting of one or more rounds. The deck contains cards in six suits, each numbered 1-9, and each player starts with a hand of nine cards.
The lead player for the hand lays a single card on the table. The next player either passes (but can play on a future turn) or plays the same number of cards (or one more than that number) with a higher value. When you play two or more cards, the cards must be the same number or color, and the value of these cards is created by placing their digits in order from high to low. For example, if you play a blue 3 and blue 6, their value is 63, not 36. When you play and are not the lead, you must take one of the cards from the previous play into your hand, then discard the rest.
Play continues around the table until either a player is out of cards, which ends the round immediately, or all players have passed in succession. In the latter case, discard the last cards played; whoever played these cards lays a single card to start a new round. Alternatively, if the lead player has cards in hand of a single suit or number, they play all of these cards at once to end the hand. When a hand ends, each player scores 1 point for each card they still hold.
If no player has at least 15 points, shuffle the deck and start a new hand. If someone does have 15 or more points, whoever has the fewest points wins.
It's a fast-paced game for 2 to 6 players you can all learn in a few minutes through the available amazing tutorial, and available to play right now on our platform by following the link below:
Let's thank the HELVETIQ team for bringing this title to our platform, with the help of the amazing game designers Yohan Goh, Hope S. Hwang and Gary Kim!
Also, we should send our warmest regards to fenadoruk who developed it for Board Game Arena.
The game looks awesome on any device and you can play it well from any device.
That's it for today's release.
What will come next? Can you guess?
Until next week, play fair and take care!
ODIN: Valhallah Rising!
V Odinu si želite čim hitreje izprazniti roko in poslati vse svoje Vikinge v svet.
Igra traja več handov, pri čemer je vsak hand sestavljen iz enega ali več krogov. Špil vsebuje karte v šestih barvah, vsaka je oštevilčena od 1 do 9, vsak igralec pa začne s kombinacijo devetih kart.
Glavni igralec v kombinaciji položi eno karto na mizo. Naslednji igralec poda (vendar lahko igra na prihodnjem potezu) ali odigra enako število kart (ali eno več od tega števila) z višjo vrednostjo. Ko igrate z dvema ali več kartami, morajo biti karte istega števila ali barve, vrednost teh kart pa se ustvari tako, da se njihove števke razporedijo od višje do nižje. Na primer, če igrate modro 3 in modro 6, je njuna vrednost 63, ne 36. Ko igrate in niste vodilni, morate vzeti eno od kart iz prejšnje igre v svojo roko, nato pa zavreči preostale.
Igra se nadaljuje okoli mize, dokler ni igralec brez kart, kar takoj konča krog, ali pa vsi igralci zaporedoma ne prestopijo. V slednjem primeru zavrzite zadnje odigrane karte; kdor je igral s temi kartami, položi eno karto, da začne nov krog. Druga možnost je, če ima vodilni igralec v roki karte ene barve ali števila, igra vse te karte hkrati, da konča kombinacijo. Ko se igra konča, vsak igralec doseže 1 točko za vsako karto, ki jo še drži.
Če noben igralec nima vsaj 15 točk, premešajte komplet in začnite novo kombinacijo. Če ima nekdo 15 ali več točk, zmaga tisti, ki ima najmanj točk.
To je hitra igra za 2 do 6 igralcev, ki se jo lahko vsi naučite v nekaj minutah skozi razpoložljivo čudovito vadnico in je na voljo za igranje prav zdaj na našem platformo tako, da sledite spodnji povezavi:
Zahvaljujmo se ekipi HELVETIQ, da je prinesla ta naslov na našo platformo s pomočjo izjemnih oblikovalcev iger Yohan Goh, Hope S. Hwang in Gary Kim!
Prav tako bi morali poslati naše najtoplejše pozdrave fenadoruku, ki ga je razvil za Board Game Arena.
Igra je videti čudovito v kateri koli napravi in jo lahko dobro igrate v kateri koli napravi.
To je to za današnjo objavo.
Kaj bo sledilo? Lahko uganete?
Do naslednjega tedna igrajte pošteno in pazite!
With three games being released today, all published by Mandoo, it is up to you to decide which one is the best for your gaming time!
Van Gogh and Gauguin debate what is important for drawing. It is a very special climbing game for two players. You must play one card from the elements that have not yet been played this trick among the four elements: money, inspiration, passion, and skill. If the value of that element is low, you must play additional cards to increase its value before playing one card. The player who goes out first scores the last card played and wins the round. Win the game by winning three rounds first or by scoring the same element twice.
Ready to play as a famous painter? This game, designed by Geonil, is available for you! Join a game right now by clicking the link to the game page:
Capybaras love to eat pumpkins. You will need the help of the baby monkey walking above to pick up the pumpkins that the capybaras like to eat. You, the players, play as capybara bosses, aiming to line up your capybaras well to earn lots of pumpkins!
In Capybara, you will form a line of capybaras to score Pumpkin cards. You will move the baby monkey above the row of capybaras to carry out different actions. You gain Capybara cards by moving the baby monkey forward to the left, gaining capybaras for the number of spaces moved.
You can also score Pumpkin cards by forming a row of capybaras that meet the Pumpkin scoring conditions, moving the monkey to the left to score them.
Fond of capybaras? You can try this game by Hisashi Hayashi right now from your browser:
Hungry giraffes gather under apple trees, all craving apples!
You lead a herd of them to gather fruit... but you always have to go higher and higher until you cannot anymore!
In this game, you must play cards or spend Apple tokens and if you cannot, you are the sole loser of the game. Be sure to lead your herd to the right trees!
Another game by Hisashi Hayashi that you can join by gently typing the link below:
That's it for this Mandoo day release!
We would like to fondly thanks the Mandoo team as well as for Moof, the developer who adapted all of these games for Board Game Arena.
Enjoy the games, let us know which one you prefer, and as always...
Take care and play fair!
Ker so danes izdane tri igre, ki jih je izdal Mandoo, se morate odločiti, katera je najboljša za vaš čas igranja iger!
Van Gogh in Gauguin razpravljata o tem, kaj je pomembno za risanje. Je zelo posebna plezalna igra za dva igralca. Od štirih elementov morate odigrati eno karto elementov, ki še niso igrali tega trika: denar, navdih, strast in spretnost. Če je vrednost tega elementa nizka, morate igrati dodatne karte, da povečate njegovo vrednost, preden odigrate eno karto. Igralec, ki prvi izstopi, doseže zadnjo odigrano karto in zmaga v krogu. Zmagajte v igri tako, da najprej zmagate v treh krogih ali dvakrat dosežete isti element.
Ste pripravljeni igrati kot slavni slikar? Ta igra, ki jo je oblikoval Geonil, je na voljo za vas! Pridružite se igri takoj, tako da kliknete povezavo do strani igre:
Kapibare rade jedo buče. Potrebovali boste pomoč opičjega mladiča, ki hodi zgoraj, da poberete buče, ki jih kapibare rade jedo. Vi, igralci, igrate kot šefi kapibar, s ciljem dobro razporediti svoje kapibare in si prislužiti veliko buč!
V igri Capybara boste oblikovali vrsto kapibar, da boste dosegli karte Pumpkin. Opičjega mladiča boste premikali nad vrsto kapibar, da boste izvajali različna dejanja. Karte Capybara pridobite tako, da premaknete opičjega mladiča naprej v levo, s čimer pridobite kapibare za število premaknjenih mest.
Karte Pumpkin lahko dosežete tudi tako, da oblikujete vrsto kapibar, ki ustrezajo pogojem točkovanja Pumpkin, in premaknete opico v levo, da jih dosežete.
Obožujete kapibare? To igro Hisashija Hayashija lahko preizkusite zdaj v svojem brskalniku:
Lačne žirafe se zbirajo pod jablanami, vse hrepenijo po jabolkih!
Vodite njihovo čredo, da nabirajo sadje ... a vedno morate iti višje in višje, dokler ne zmorete več!
V tej igri morate igrati karte ali porabiti Apple žetone in če ne morete, ste edini poraženec igre. Bodite prepričani, da vodite svojo čredo do pravih dreves!
</u> Še ena igra Hisashija Hayashija, ki se ji lahko pridružite tako, da nežno vtipkate spodnjo povezavo:
To je to za to izdajo Mandoo dan!
Radi bi se prisrčno zahvalili ekipi Mandoo kot tudi Moof, razvijalcu, ki je vse te igre prilagodil za Board Game Arena.
Uživajte v igrah, povejte nam, katera vam je ljubša in kot vedno...
Pazite se in igrajte pošteno!
Let's welcome this expansion that introduces:
- One new driver w/ all of the essential player specific components in orange (now allowing up to 7 racers)
- Two new maps (Japan & Mexico)
- New upgrade cards (introducing the purple drop- a different cooldown that allows the player to take a heat card from their discard pile and place it back into their engine)
- Submerged track sections (must spend an extra heat for downshifting gears in these sections)
- More heat, stress, championship, sponsorship, and event cards!
Improve your skills, master the game, play it or discover it from the link below:
VROČINA: MOČEN DEŽ - Prepričan sem, da ne bo mačk in psov!
Pozdravimo to razširitev, ki uvaja:
- En nov voznik z vsemi bistvenimi komponentami za posamezne igralce v oranžni barvi (zdaj dovoljuje do 7 dirkačev)
- Dva nova zemljevida (Japonska in Mehika)
- Nove kartice za nadgradnjo (predstavljamo vijolično kapljico - drugačno ohlajanje, ki omogoča igralcu, da vzame toplotno kartico iz svojega kupa zavržkov in jo postavi nazaj v svoj motor)
- Potopljeni odseki proge (v teh odsekih je treba porabiti dodatno toploto za prestavljanje navzdol)
- Več vročine, stresa, prvenstva, sponzorstev in kartic dogodkov!
Izboljšajte svoje sposobnosti, obvladajte igro, igrajte jo ali jo odkrijte na spodnji povezavi:
And we will start with one of the 2 games released today!
Cosmoctopus is an engine-building, tentacle-gathering board game for 1 to 4 devotees. Guide Cosmoctopus through the Inky Realm, a flexible configuration of tiles, to gather resources and obtain powerful cards that represent relics, scripture, hallucinations and constellations. Harness the power of these bizarre objects and experiences, craft potent card combinations and be the first to gain 8 tentacles to win!
Click the link below to get to the game page and find more informations before starting a game:
Let's thank the Paper Fort Games team and the game designer Henry Audubon for their authorization to bring this game to our platform, as well as the work done by Kayvon and Mogri to make it work on any devices, for your pleasure!
In a near future, agrotoxics and contamination created some strange mutant plants... that are really scary! But hey, profit is profit, so you have to be the best farmer and make them grow.
You have 12 actions in the table (half face down, half face up) that allow you to gather resources (tokens), gain plants, and nurture them. Each turn you have 2/3 actions, and what you use and what you block stop your friends from doing the same. You need to take care of your resources, and you do not know exactly what action will be available next, so your goals can be hard to reach. You have to get your crops well nurtured to score, and they do crazy stuff together, so keep and eye on other players crops, to be sure you have the best mutants to score points and win the game.
Curious about the veggie side of Halloween? Check the nice included tutorial here, or simply browse the dedicated page by clicking below:
And we would like to send our thanks to the team of publishers El Dragón Azul, OK Ediciones and Atheris Games who made it happen here, and also thanks to the nice adaptation made by hymnal to have this title playable here!
and... IT'S SHOWTIME! (again)
Also, let's celebrate this time of the year by offering you a selection of games you might not know, or you possibly missed their halloween expansions!
We offer plenty of games, and there are plenty of reasons to choose a specific theme for a specific period of the year.
If you are in the mood to play with a lot of people, why not get involved in a Werewolves game? Will you get the chills from meeting new people?
Why not join a game of PATCHWORK with it's Halloween expansion?
or King of Tokyo, for some monster fights?
Two players only? Get into a trick-taking game of Jekyll vs Hyde and discover your dark side...
Tired of being Jekyll or Hyde? Dress as Dracula vs Van Helsing!
Will you dare to join a game of Don't Go In There?
Or did you simply prefer to face a single soul, in Soulaween?
Before calling the Ghostbusters, it might be better to have fun with 2 to 4 players in Ghost at Home:
If you cannot get rid of the monsters, why not make your very own in Monster Factory?
It is not about the monsters but more about the place? You will love to fight with your armies in Blood Rage!
An old classic to play in the frightening London streets? Let's call Mr Jack!
You are not into any of these? There's always a way to wear a mask with people. That's a Mascarade to play with your friends, by clicking right below:
That's it for today.
With the continuous waves of games that are released, it's good sometimes to remember about titles that deserves more love.
You can find this full playlist direcly by clicking the link below:
Feel free to add them to your "Games to play".
And what a perfect occasion to have them displayed, again, on the frontpage!
Don't be afraid, there will be more novelties coming.
Or not?
Until next week, play fair and... take care!
COSMOCTOPUS in MUTANTSKI PRIDELKI: To je BGA, BGA, BGALLOWEEN! In srhljiv izbor družabnih iger za igranje na spletu.
In začeli bomo z eno od 2 iger, ki sta bili izdani danes!
Cosmoctopus je družabna igra za gradnjo motorjev in zbiranje lovk za 1 do 4 bhakte. Vodite Cosmoctopus skozi Inky Realm, prilagodljivo konfiguracijo ploščic, da zberete vire in pridobite močne karte, ki predstavljajo relikvije, sveto pismo, halucinacije in ozvezdja. Izkoristite moč teh bizarnih predmetov in izkušenj, ustvarite močne kombinacije kart in bodite prvi, ki bo pridobil 8 lovk za zmago!
Kliknite spodnjo povezavo, da pridete na stran igre in poiščete več informacij, preden začnete igro:
Zahvaljujmo se ekipi Paper Fort Games in oblikovalcu igre Henry Audubon za njihovo pooblastilo za prenos te igre na našo platformo, kot tudi za delo, ki sta ga opravila Kayvon in Mogri, da je delovala na vseh napravah, za vaše veselje!
V bližnji prihodnosti sta agrotoksičnost in kontaminacija ustvarila nekaj nenavadnih mutiranih rastlin... ki so res strašljive! Ampak hej, dobiček je dobiček, zato moraš biti najboljši kmet in jim omogočiti rast.
V tabeli imate 12 dejanj (polovica obrnjena navzdol, polovica obrnjena navzgor), ki vam omogočajo, da zbirate vire (žetone), pridobivate rastline in jih negujete. Vsak korak imate 2/3 dejanj in tisto, kar uporabite in blokirate, prepreči vašim prijateljem, da storijo isto. Poskrbeti morate za svoje vire in ne veste točno, kateri ukrep bo naslednji na voljo, zato je vaše cilje težko doseči. Svoje pridelke morate dobro negovati, da dosežete rezultat, in skupaj delajo nore stvari, zato pazite na pridelke drugih igralcev, da se prepričate, da imate najboljše mutante za doseganje točk in zmago v igri.
Vas zanima vege plat noči čarovnic? Oglejte si lepo vključeno vadnico tukaj ali preprosto prebrskajte namensko stran s klikom spodaj:
Radi bi se zahvalili ekipi založnikov El Dragon Azul, OK Ediciones in Atheris Games, ki so poskrbeli, da se je to zgodilo tukaj, in tudi hvala lepi prilagoditvi, ki jo je naredil hymnal za ta naslov tukaj se lahko igra!
in... ČAS JE ZA PREDSTAVO! (spet)
Praznujmo ta čas v letu tudi tako, da vam ponudimo izbor iger, ki jih morda ne poznate ali pa ste morda zamudili njihove razširitve za noč čarovnic!
Ponujamo veliko iger in veliko je razlogov, da izberete določeno temo za določeno obdobje v letu.
Če ste razpoloženi za igranje z veliko ljudmi, zakaj se ne vključite v igro Volkodlaki? Vas bo zmrazilo od spoznavanja novih ljudi?
Zakaj se ne bi pridružili igri PATCHWORK z njeno razširitvijo za noč čarovnic?
ali King of Tokyo, za nekaj spopadov s pošastmi?
Samo dva igralca? Vstopite v igro Jekyll vs Hyde in odkrijte svojo temno plat ...
Ste naveličani biti Jekyll ali Hyde? Oblecite se kot Dracula proti Van Helsingu!
Si boste upali pridružiti igri Ne hodi noter?
Ali pa ste se preprosto raje soočili z eno samo dušo v Soulaween?
Preden pokličete Ghostbusters, bi bilo morda bolje, da se zabavate z 2 do 4 igralci v Ghost at Home:
Če se ne morete znebiti pošasti, zakaj ne bi naredili svoje lastne v Tovarni pošasti?
Ne gre za pošasti, ampak bolj za kraj? Z veseljem se boste borili s svojimi vojskami v Blood Rage!
Stara klasika za igranje na strašljivih londonskih ulicah? Pokličimo Mr Jack!
Vas ne zanima nič od tega? Vedno obstaja način, kako nositi masko z ljudmi. To je Maskarada, ki jo lahko igrate s prijatelji, tako da kliknete desno spodaj:
To je to za danes.
Zaradi nenehnih valov izdanih iger se je včasih dobro spomniti na naslove, ki si zaslužijo več ljubezni.
Ta celoten seznam predvajanja najdete neposredno s klikom na spodnjo povezavo:
Lahko jih dodate med svoje "Igre za igranje".
In kakšna popolna priložnost, da jih ponovno prikažemo na prvi strani!
Ne bojte se, še več novosti bo.
Ali ne?
Do naslednjega tedna igrajte pošteno in ... pazite se!
Dive into the world of Naishi, an exciting new card game with a unique blend of hand management, open drafting, and strategic set collection.
Naishi is easy to learn, quick to play, and provides a range of scoring options that keep players engaged until the final turn.
In Naishi, players take turns selecting cards from a central board, placing them in their tableau or hand without changing their original positions. This position-based gameplay brings a fresh challenge, as each card type scores uniquely, often based on its placement relative to other cards. With a simple yet deep mechanic, Naishi offers multiple paths to victory, where both careful planning and timely decisions are key.
Each player has two tokens to enhance their strategy by rearranging cards or removing them from the central board. As an exciting twist, players can use a single steal move during the game, swapping a card from their opponent’s tableau into their own- but at a cost. This move comes with a sacrifice: losing one token for the remainder of the game, adding an element of high-risk, high-reward strategy.
Though strategic depth is at the game’s heart, Naishi maintains a lighthearted pace, making it perfect for casual play. The game typically runs until two central card piles are depleted or a player calls the end, ensuring a dynamic and unpredictable final reveal. With its accessible rules and fast-paced turns, Naishi is easy to jump into, even if you are new to card games or unfamiliar with two-player strategy games.
The final reveal of points creates thrilling moments, as players often forget the full extent of their choices until the cards are laid out.
Naishi is now available online on Board Game Arena and it's time for you to learn it through its amazing tutorial, or to play it by clicking the link below:
And that's it for today!
We'd like to extend our warmest thanks to the teams at Merle Editions, who are offering their first game on the platform, and to the game's authors, Alex Fortineau and Mathieu Bieri. The whole thing has been brilliantly ported to Board Game Arena by BenjL, and we have to salute the work done: you should be able to play it from any connected device.
That's all for this Monday, and we'll see you in 2 days' time for the next release.
Until then, take care and play fair!
NAISHI: Dva igralca za igro sestavljanja tabele!
Potopite se v svet Naishi, vznemirljive nove igre s kartami z edinstveno mešanico ročnega upravljanja, odprtega risanja in strateškega zbiranja kompletov.
Naishi je enostaven za učenje, hiter za igranje in ponuja vrsto možnosti točkovanja, ki ohranjajo igralce angažirane do zadnjega koraka.
V igri Naishi igralci izmenično izbirajo karte z osrednje plošče in jih postavljajo na svojo mizo ali roko, ne da bi spremenili njihove prvotne položaje. To igranje, ki temelji na položaju, prinaša nov izziv, saj vsaka vrsta karte dosega edinstvene točke, pogosto glede na njeno postavitev glede na druge karte. S preprosto, a globoko mehaniko Naishi ponuja več poti do zmage, kjer sta ključnega pomena skrbno načrtovanje in pravočasne odločitve.
Vsak igralec ima dva žetona za izboljšanje svoje strategije tako, da prerazporedi karte ali jih odstrani z osrednje plošče. Kot vznemirljiv preobrat lahko igralci med igro uporabijo eno potezo kraje, s katero zamenjajo karto iz nasprotnikove tabele v svojo lastno – vendar za svojo ceno. Ta poteza vključuje žrtvovanje: izguba enega žetona do konca igre, dodajanje elementa visoko tvegane strategije z visoko nagrado.
Čeprav je strateška globina v središču igre, Naishi ohranja lahkoten tempo, zaradi česar je popolna za priložnostno igranje. Igra običajno poteka, dokler nista izčrpana dva osrednja kupčka kart ali dokler igralec ne pokliče konca, kar zagotavlja dinamično in nepredvidljivo končno razkritje. S svojimi dostopnimi pravili in hitrimi zavoji je Naishi enostaven za skok, tudi če ste začetnik v igrah s kartami ali niste seznanjeni s strateškimi igrami za dva igralca.
Končno razkritje točk ustvari vznemirljive trenutke, saj igralci pogosto pozabijo na vse svoje odločitve, dokler karte niso položene.
** Naishi ** je zdaj na voljo v spletu na Board Game Arena in čas je, da se ga naučite v njegovi neverjetni vadnici ali da ga igrate s klikom na povezava spodaj:
In to je to za danes!
Radi bi se prisrčno zahvalili ekipam pri Merle Editions, ki ponujajo svojo prvo igro na platformi, in avtorjema igre, Alexu Fortineauju in Mathieuju Bieriju. Celotno stvar je BenjL sijajno prenesel v Board Game Arena in moramo pozdraviti opravljeno delo: morali bi jo igrati iz katere koli povezane naprave.
To je vse za ta ponedeljek in se vidimo čez 2 dni na naslednji izdaji.
Do takrat pa pazite in igrajte pošteno!
When all you can identify in the horizon for many long days is the line that detaches the sea from the sky, the glimpse of a distant shore appearing before you will make you shiver at the understanding that the adventure is about to begin.
You find yourself astonished, landing on the shore that will be the origin of an extensive exploration through the Galapagos, a magic place of inconceivable beauty and endless biodiversity. There, you will gather repertoires and expand your knowledge of the natural sciences. Your eyes will learn how to detect the hidden species in the tropical forest, gazing at the countless colors and textures of nature. After inspiring hours spent studying and coming to enlightening conclusions, you will rest under a sparkling sky, admiring the stunning complexity of the animal realm.
Darwin's Journey is a worker-placement eurogame in which players recall Charles Darwin's memories of his adventure through the Galapagos islands, which contributed to the development of his theory of evolution.
With the game's innovative worker progression system, each worker will have to study the disciplines that are a prerequisite to perform several actions in the game, such as exploration, correspondence, gathering, and dispatching repertoires found on the island to museums in order to contribute to the human knowledge of biology. The game lasts five rounds, and thanks to several short- and long-term objectives, every action you take will grant victory points in different ways.
And of course you can play it alone. But beware: it's not for the faint-hearted. It will take you a lot to master what is happening on the different boards, but the art to master it will pop in front of your eyes once you really understand why this game received so many awards worldwide. Click below to try it now:
Let's thank of course Simone Luciani and Nestore Mangone, who designed the game, for their authorization to bring it online, with the help of their publisher ThunderGryph Games, and of course with the magnificent work done by EINSTEIN and J0j0b0 who made the code, scripts and programmed it for you all to enjoy online!
That's kind of a big game we're releasing today and we wish you'll all get as much pleasure as we do playing it.
That's it for this Wednesday Release Time!
Enjoy, and until next week, as always...
Take care and play fair!
DARWINOVO POTOVANJE: Revolucija iz evolucije!
Ko lahko dolge dni na obzorju prepoznate le črto, ki ločuje morje od neba, vas bo pogled na oddaljeno obalo, ki se pojavi pred vami, naježil ob zavedanju, da se bo pustolovščina kmalu začela.
Presenečeni boste pristali na obali, ki bo izhodišče obsežnega raziskovanja Galapagosa, čarobnega kraja nepojmljive lepote in neskončne biotske raznovrstnosti. Tam si boste nabrali repertoar in razširili svoje naravoslovno znanje. Vaše oči se bodo naučile odkrivati skrite vrste v tropskem gozdu, ob pogledu na nešteto barv in tekstur narave. Po navdihujočih urah, preživetih v študiju in prihajanju do razsvetljujočih zaključkov, boste počivali pod bleščečim nebom in občudovali osupljivo kompleksnost živalskega sveta.
Darwinovo potovanje je evroigra za delavce, v kateri igralci obujajo spomine Charlesa Darwina na njegovo pustolovščino po otočju Galapagos, ki je prispevala k razvoju njegove teorije evolucije.
Z inovativnim sistemom napredovanja delavcev v igri bo moral vsak delavec študirati discipline, ki so predpogoj za izvajanje več dejanj v igri, kot so raziskovanje, dopisovanje, zbiranje in pošiljanje repertoarjev, najdenih na otoku, v muzeje, da bi prispeval k človeško znanje biologije. Igra traja pet krogov in zahvaljujoč številnim kratkoročnim in dolgoročnim ciljem bo vsako vaše dejanje na različne načine podelilo zmagovalne točke.
In seveda jo lahko igrate sami. A pozor: ni za slabovidne. Potrebovali boste veliko, da boste obvladali dogajanje na različnih deskah, vendar vam bo umetnost obvladovanja padla pred oči, ko boste zares razumeli, zakaj je ta igra prejela toliko nagrad po vsem svetu. Kliknite spodaj, da poskusite zdaj:
Zahvaljujmo se seveda Simone Luciani in Nestore Mangone, ki sta oblikovala igro, za njuno dovoljenje, da jo objavita na spletu, s pomočjo njihovega založnika ThunderGryph Games in seveda z veličastnim delom, ki ga je opravil * EINSTEIN in J0j0b0*, ki sta naredila kodo, skripte in jih programirala, da lahko vsi uživate na spletu!
To je nekakšna velika igra, ki jo izdajamo danes, in želimo si, da bi vsi imeli pri njenem igranju toliko užitka kot mi.
To je to za to sredo.
Uživajte in do naslednjega tedna, kot vedno...
Pazi se in igraj pošteno!
Embark on a journey through time to conquer immortality! In this thrilling deckbuilding game, become a time traveler in search of the enigmatic Eternitium, a precious gem that grants eternal life hidden in a distant era. Showcase your ingenuity and clever tactics to outpace your rivals in this captivating temporal race.
Your quest for eternity begins now!
Use the various portals you can create to search for the gem. A mad race begins between the different time travellers. Use technology to help you find the gem more quickly, gather information, or waste the time of other players! No holds barred, only one thing matters: being the first to get your hands on the Eternitium gem!
One after another, players will play Technology cards to discard as many Era cards as possible.
Players will be able to acquire more powerful technologies from the market. Be careful, building these will cause you to lose time by adding Era cards. These technologies will help you to have more prolific turns or to put obstacles in the way of your opponents.
The first player to discard all his Era cards and find the gem wins the game.
Curious about this game? Click the link below to find out more informations and start a game in no time:
Let's thank the Haumea Games team and Thomas Carlier, the game designer, for this nice addition to Board Game Arena, and let's send some love to Galeelox who made this adaptation to your favorite platform. ;)
That's it for this Monday. More will come, but until then...
Take care and play fair!
ETERNITIUM: Dirkajte skozi različna obdobja, da boste prvi našli dragulj Eternitium.
Podajte se na potovanje skozi čas, da osvojite nesmrtnost! V tej vznemirljivi igri sestavljanja krovov postanite časovni popotnik v iskanju skrivnostnega Eternitiuma, dragocenega dragulja, ki daje večno življenje, skritega v daljni dobi. Pokažite svojo iznajdljivost in pametno taktiko, da prehitite svoje tekmece v tej očarljivi časovni dirki.
Vaše iskanje večnosti se začenja zdaj!
Za iskanje dragulja uporabite različne portale, ki jih lahko ustvarite. Začne se nora tekma med različnimi časovnimi popotniki. Uporabite tehnologijo, ki vam bo pomagala hitreje najti dragulj, zbrati informacije ali zapravljati čas drugih igralcev! Brez omejitev, pomembno je samo eno: biti prvi, ki se bo dokopal do dragulja Eternitium!
Drug za drugim bodo igralci igrali karte tehnologije, da bi zavrgli čim več kart Era.
Igralci bodo lahko s trga pridobili zmogljivejše tehnologije. Bodite previdni, saj boste z gradnjo teh izgubili čas z dodajanjem kartic Era. Te tehnologije vam bodo pomagale doseči bolj plodne poteze ali postaviti ovire nasprotnikom.
Zmaga igralec, ki prvi odvrže vse svoje Era karte in najde dragulj.
Vas zanima ta igra? Kliknite spodnjo povezavo, če želite izvedeti več informacij in takoj začeti igro:
Zahvaljujmo se ekipi Haumea Games in Thomasu Carlierju, oblikovalcu igre, za ta lep dodatek k Board Game Arena in pošljimo nekaj ljubezni Galeeloxu, ki je naredil to prilagoditev vaši najljubši platformi . ;)
To je to za ta ponedeljek. Še bo prišlo, a do takrat...
Pazite se in igrajte pošteno!