Get ready to celebrate the best of board gaming with the Board Game Arena Awards!
Following the success of the first Board Game Arena Awards in 2024, they're back! We invite you to vote for the games released in 2024 that brightened up your evenings.
Why these awards?
We all love to compete on the virtual board, but we also love to come together to discover hidden gems, share strategies, and celebrate our shared passion. The Awards are a chance to highlight the games that marked the year 2024, while giving you the opportunity to choose your favorites!
How does it work?
We have identified the games released on BGA in 2024 that have been most popular with players and divided them into several categories to cater to different tastes:
- Best Casual Game: For those quick, fun laughs and friendly competition.
- Best Regular Game: For games that offer strategic depth and satisfying complexity.
- Best Expert Game: For true puzzles, where only the sharpest minds will reign supreme.
- Best 2-player Game: For intense head-to-head battles.
- Best Animal Theme: For fans of the animal world.
How to vote?
- Visit the dedicated page:
- Check out the list of nominated games in each category.
- Select your favorite game in each category and click on it.
Note that you can change your vote at any time or click the "reset" button at the bottom of the page to start over.
We're trying new stuff and balancing of votes:
The main difference between this year and last year is that there are only 4 games in each category.
To vote in a category, you must have played all 4 nominated games at least once before the voting ends. So it's not too late to play them!
You can choose to vote in all categories or only in the ones that interest you.
It's your turn to play! Participate in the election of the best board games of 2024 and make your voice heard!
If you don't know some of the nominated titles, don't hesitate to discover them! The Board Game Arena Awards are the perfect opportunity to discover new games that could become your favorites.
May the best games win!
P.S.: Follow us on social media with the hashtag #BGAawards to stay up to date on the latest news.
BGA AWARDS 2025: GLASUJTE ZDAJ! (In odkrijte nove igre)
Pripravite se na praznovanje najboljšega igranja družabnih iger z nagradami Board Game Arena Awards!
Po uspehu prve podelitve nagrad Board Game Arena leta 2024 so se vrnili! Vabimo vas, da glasujete za igre, izdane v letu 2024, ki so vam popestrile večere.
Zakaj te nagrade?
Vsi radi tekmujemo na virtualni deski, radi pa se tudi zberemo, da odkrijemo skrite dragulje, delimo strategije in slavimo našo skupno strast. Nagrade so priložnost, da izpostavite igre, ki so zaznamovale leto 2024, hkrati pa vam dajejo možnost, da izberete svoje najljubše!
Kako deluje?
Identificirali smo igre, izdane na BGA leta 2024, ki so bile med igralci najbolj priljubljene, in jih razdelili v več kategorij, da bi zadovoljili različne okuse:
- Najboljša priložnostna igra: Za tisti hitri, zabavni smeh in prijateljsko tekmovanje.
- Najboljša navadna igra: Za igre, ki ponujajo strateško globino in zadovoljivo kompleksnost.
- Najboljša strokovna igra: Za prave uganke, kjer bodo kraljevali le najbolj ostri umi.
- Najboljša igra za 2 igralca: Za intenzivne dvoboje.
- Najboljša živalska tema: Za ljubitelje živalskega sveta.
Kako glasovati?
- Obiščite namensko stran:
- Oglejte si seznam nominiranih iger v vsaki kategoriji.
- Izberite svojo najljubšo igro v vsaki kategoriji in kliknite nanjo.
Upoštevajte, da lahko svoj glas kadar koli spremenite ali pa kliknete gumb »ponastavi« na dnu strani, da začnete znova.
Preizkušamo nove stvari in usklajujemo glasove:
Glavna razlika med letošnjim in lanskim letom je, da so v vsaki kategoriji samo 4 igre.
Če želite glasovati v kategoriji, morate pred koncem glasovanja vsaj enkrat odigrati vse 4 nominirane igre. Torej še ni prepozno, da jih igrate!
Glasujete lahko v vseh kategorijah ali samo v tistih, ki vas zanimajo.
Na vrsti si za igro! Sodelujte v izboru najboljših družabnih iger leta 2024 in povejte svoj glas!
Če nekaterih nominiranih naslovov ne poznate, jih ne oklevajte in jih odkrijte! Nagrade Board Game Arena Awards so odlična priložnost za odkrivanje novih iger, ki bi lahko postale vaše najljubše.
Naj zmagajo najboljše igre!
PS: Spremljajte nas na družbenih omrežjih z oznako #BGAawards, da boste na tekočem z najnovejšimi novicami.
Welcome to Superstore 3000, the retro-futuristic mall building game where you must build the tallest and most incredible mall to satisfy as many customers as possible.
In Superstore 3000, each player builds their own mall by placing shop tiles and being the first to meet the criteria to collect the unique attraction tiles that will make your building even more exceptional.
In the year 2964, become a visionary mall engineer with the thrilling board game, Superstore 3000. Set against the backdrop of interstellar commerce, players race to construct the most customer-friendly and aesthetically pleasing shopping haven. Each round is a dive into strategic decision-making, from choosing the optimal Mall Elements from the innovative Dispenser 3000 to strategically positioning attractions to draw in more visitors.
This game is not only about building but also about foreseeing customer needs and cleverly managing your resources. The Dispenser 3000 enhances the tactical depth, requiring you to think ahead as you invest in valuable tiles. With over 96 Mall Elements to choose from and dynamic setup changes, no two games are alike, ensuring that each playthrough remains exciting and full of new challenges.
Superstore 3000 is beautifully crafted with detailed components that include food courts, fashion stores, and hobby shops, each tile vividly illustrated to reflect its unique identity. Aim to satisfy your customers, outsmart your competitors, and watch your futuristic mall come to life!
This game offers not just a play experience but an engaging narrative that blends commerce, architecture, and a hint of cosmic adventure.
Learn how to play it right now through it's tutorial, and join the race to build the ultimate space mall and be the envy of the galaxy!
We would love to thank Rodrigo Rego, the game designer, and the Space Cowboys team for their authorization to bring this game to our platform, and the huge work done by Mizutismask for developing it: It runs well on most devices!
Let us know what you think about this awesome title: hundred tables are already waiting for you.
That's it for your Wednesday Release Time.
See you next week, and until then, take care and play fair!
SUPERSTORE 3000: Kupci zadovoljni!
Dobrodošli v Superstore 3000, retro-futuristični igri za gradnjo nakupovalnega središča, kjer morate zgraditi najvišje in najbolj neverjetno nakupovalno središče, da zadovoljite čim več strank.
V Superstore 3000 vsak igralec zgradi svoje nakupovalno središče tako, da postavi ploščice trgovine in prvi izpolni merila za zbiranje edinstvenih ploščic privlačnosti, ki bodo vašo zgradbo naredile še bolj izjemno.
V letu 2964 postanite vizionarski inženir nakupovalnega središča z vznemirljivo družabno igro Superstore 3000. V ozadju medzvezdnega trgovanja igralci tekmujejo, da bi zgradili strankam najbolj prijazno in estetsko prijetno nakupovalno zatočišče. Vsak krog je potop v strateško odločanje, od izbire optimalnih elementov nakupovalnega središča od inovativnega razpršilnika 3000 do strateškega pozicioniranja zanimivosti za privabljanje več obiskovalcev.
Pri tej igri ne gre le za gradnjo, temveč tudi za predvidevanje potreb strank in pametno upravljanje vaših virov. Dispenser 3000 izboljšuje taktično globino in od vas zahteva, da razmišljate vnaprej, ko vlagate v dragocene ploščice. Z več kot 96 Mall Elementi, med katerimi lahko izbirate, in dinamičnimi spremembami nastavitev si nobena igra ni enaka, kar zagotavlja, da bo vsako igranje ostalo vznemirljivo in polno novih izzivov.
Superstore 3000 je čudovito oblikovan s podrobnimi komponentami, ki vključujejo restavracije, modne trgovine in hobi trgovine, pri čemer je vsaka ploščica živo ilustrirana, da odraža njeno edinstveno identiteto. Prizadevajte si zadovoljiti svoje stranke, prelisičiti svoje tekmece in opazovati, kako vaše futuristično nakupovalno središče oživi!
Ta igra ne ponuja samo igralne izkušnje, ampak tudi privlačno pripoved, ki združuje trgovino, arhitekturo in kanček kozmične pustolovščine.
Naučite se, kako jo igrati prav zdaj v njeni vadnici in se pridružite dirki za izgradnjo najboljšega vesoljskega nakupovalnega središča in bodite predmet zavisti galaksije!
Radi bi se zahvalili Rodrigu Regu, oblikovalcu igre, in ekipi Space Cowboys za njihovo pooblastilo za prenos te igre na našo platformo in za ogromno delo, ki ga je opravil Mizutismask pri njenem razvoju : dobro deluje na večini naprav!
Povejte nam, kaj mislite o tem izjemnem naslovu: sto miz vas že čaka.
To je to za vaš sredin čas izdaje.
Se vidimo naslednji teden, do takrat pa pazite nase in igrajte pošteno!
After the massive success of Playpunk's first game (Captain Flip), let's discover Zenith by Gregory Grard and Mathieu Roussel, illustrated by Naïade.
This is a 2 player game, where the goal is to gain control over 5 planets in the solar system using a tug-of-war mechanism.
To win, you need either 3 tokens of the same planet, 4 different planets, or 5 tokens in total.
On your turn, you have 3 possible actions by playing a card. You can either use it for its effects and to advance on the tug-of-war track of the planet matching the card’s color, use it to collect resources, or progress on the technology tree.
It is incredibly efficient, and although complex this time, it remains very accessible in terms of rules, promising a solid progression curve with the game's 90 different cards!
Click the link below to dive into the game page and start a table in no-time:
Let's thank the PlayPunk team and the game designer duo, Grégory Grard & Mathieu Roussel, for their authorization to bring the game on our platform!
Also, we need to mention the work done by Moof to develop this game for Board Game Arena, and to send some kudos for his achievement.
That's all for this Monday, which is off to a great start,
We'll see you on Wednesday for the next release, but until then, take care and play fair!
ZENITH: Obzorje na vidiku!
Po velikem uspehu prve igre Playpunk (Captain Flip), odkrijmo Zenith avtorjev Gregory Grard in Mathieu Roussel, ilustrirala Naïade.
To je igra za 2 igralca, kjer je cilj pridobiti nadzor nad 5 planeti v sončnem sistemu z uporabo mehanizma vlečenja vrvi.
Za zmago potrebujete 3 žetone istega planeta, 4 različne planete ali skupaj 5 žetonov.
Ko ste na vrsti, imate 3 možne akcije z igranjem karte. Lahko jo uporabite za njene učinke in napredovanje na progi vlečenja vrvi planeta, ki se ujema z barvo karte, uporabite jo za zbiranje virov ali napredovanje na tehnološkem drevesu.
Je neverjetno učinkovita in čeprav je tokrat zapletena, ostaja zelo dostopna v smislu pravil, saj obljublja trdno krivuljo napredovanja z 90 različnimi kartami v igri!
Kliknite spodnjo povezavo, da se potopite na stran igre in takoj začnete igrati za mizo:
Zahvaljujmo se ekipi PlayPunk in dvojcu oblikovalcev iger, Grégory Grard & Mathieu Roussel, za njuno dovoljenje za prenos igre na našo platformo!
Prav tako moramo omeniti delo, ki ga je opravil Moof pri razvoju te igre za Board Game Arena, in poslati nekaj pohval za njegov dosežek.
To je vse za ta ponedeljek, ki se je začel odlično,
Vidimo se v sredo na naslednji objavi, do takrat pa pazite se in igrajte pošteno!
As a Jarl, you travel the northern seas to achieve immortal glory. Under the sails of your own ship, which is built like a karve (Karvi), you will lead a crew, trade with foreign cultures and plunder other lands.
Strengthen the skills of your crew by upgrading your ship and hiring stronger warriors. Whether you wish to establish new trade routes to secure rare goods or battle distant settlements to plunder their riches, your path to glory is yours to choose. But make sure to remember to stock up on beer and bread, so you have enough supplies to outmaneuver the competing clans.
The gameplay is based on Glen More's famous "rondel" system. Players move around a track, with priority always given to the one in the last position. Additionally, there is the subtle twist of having to wait for your companions once you have completed a full lap. A mechanic that is easy to understand, fosters genuine table interaction, and enhances the timing and risk-taking aspects of decision-making.
Successful planning will make you renowned throughout the lands, and secure your place in Norse legend as a fearless Jarl.
It's time for you to dive in the first advanced game release of the year, and you might have a blast if you click the link below:
Let's thank the whole team from Hans Im Glück and the game designer Torgeir Tjong for their authorization to bring this novelty on Board Game Arena, and at the same time, celebrate the work done by Archduke who made an excellent work porting this title to the platform.
And now it's time for you to take the sea...
Don't forget to take care and... play fair!
See you next week for another amazing release...
KARVI: Prijatelje imej blizu, sovražnike pa malo dlje...
Kot Jarl potujete po severnih morjih, da bi dosegli nesmrtno slavo. Pod jadri lastne ladje, ki je zgrajena kot karve (Karvi), boste vodili posadko, trgovali s tujimi kulturami in plenili druge dežele.
Okrepite veščine svoje posadke tako, da nadgradite svojo ladjo in najamete močnejše bojevnike. Ne glede na to, ali želite vzpostaviti nove trgovske poti, da zagotovite redke dobrine, ali se želite boriti z oddaljenimi naselbinami in pleniti njihovo bogastvo, svojo pot do slave lahko izberete sami. Vendar ne pozabite narediti zaloge piva in kruha, da boste imeli dovolj zalog, da boste premagali konkurenčne klane.
Igranje temelji na slavnem sistemu "rondel" Glena Morea. Igralci se premikajo po stezi, pri čemer ima vedno prednost tisti, ki je na zadnjem mestu. Poleg tega obstaja subtilen zasuk, ko morate počakati na svoje spremljevalce, ko pretečete celoten krog. Mehanika, ki je lahko razumljiva, spodbuja pristno interakcijo miz in izboljša časovno razporeditev in vidike tveganja pri odločanju.
Z uspešnim načrtovanjem boste zasloveli po vseh deželah in si zagotovili mesto v nordijski legendi kot neustrašni Jarl.
Čas je, da se potopite v prvo letošnjo izdajo napredne igre in morda boste navdušeni, če kliknete spodnjo povezavo:
Zahvaljujmo se celotni ekipi Hans Im Glück in oblikovalcu igre Torgeir Tjong za njuno pooblastilo za uvedbo te novosti na Board Game Arena, hkrati pa proslavimo delo, ki ga je opravil *Archduke * ki je odlično prenesel ta naslov na platformo.
In zdaj je čas, da greste na morje ...
Ne pozabite paziti in... igrati pošteno!
Se vidimo naslednji teden na še eni neverjetni izdaji...
Congratulations to all participants and winners from the previous season!
But wait, what exactly is "the Arena?"
The Arena is the competitive mode on BGA. If you master a game and want to play it competitively, this is THE mode to use, so you can challenge the best players and get the most experience points.
The Arena is organized in seasons of 3 months each. Achievements are awarded to the best players at the end of each season.
To play in the Arena: select "Play" and then choose "Arena" instead of "Simple game."
Arena format and Gurus
In the previous seasons, it was you (more exactly the gurus) who chose the game formats for the Arena: player number, options used, ...
We are very happy to see that this way of doing things contributed to making the Arena more popular: thank you to all gurus for their smart suggestions and their votes!
Rules updates
No Arena rules are changing this season. It does not mean we are 100% satisfied with how the Arena is running, but you seem to appreciate the current rules so we want to keep them as they are for now.
Season 20 is NOW Launched.
The new Arena is now open for its new season.
Some Explanation About: Relegations
At the end of each season, after winners have been awarded, you are relegated.
Some custom relegation rules may have been applied to games for some reason (ex: we decided to update the number of leagues), but in general here is what happens:
- For games with 6 or 5 different leagues, all players are decreased by 3 leagues.
- For games with 4 different leagues, all players are decreased by 2 leagues.
- For games with 2 or 3 different leagues, all players are decreased by 1 league.
- For all games and all leagues, your number of Arena points is reset to 1, and your AES ("Arena Elo") is reset to 1500.
It's up to you to find the way to the elite!
May the odds be ever in your favor!
You'll find soon below the updated options for each game for this new arena season
Arena, sezona 20: Blizzard iger
Čestitke vsem udeležencem in zmagovalcem prejšnje sezone!
Toda počakajte, kaj točno je "Arena?"
Arena je tekmovalni način na BGA. Če obvladate igro in jo želite igrati tekmovalno, je ta način za uporabo, tako da lahko izzovete najboljše igralce in pridobite največ točk izkušenj.
Arena je organizirana v sezonah po 3 mesece. Dosežki se podelijo najboljšim igralcem ob koncu vsake sezone.
Če želite igrati v Areni: izberite "Igraj" in nato izberite "Arena" namesto "Enostavna igra."
Arena format in Guruji
V prejšnjih sezonah ste vi (natančneje guruji) izbrali formate iger za Areno: številka igralca , uporabljene možnosti, ...
Zelo smo veseli, da je ta način dela prispeval k večji priljubljenosti Arene: hvala vsem gurujem za pametne predloge in glasove!
Posodobitve pravil
To sezono se pravila Arene ne spreminjajo. To ne pomeni, da smo 100 % zadovoljni s tem, kako Arena deluje, vendar se zdi, da cenite trenutna pravila, zato jih želimo za zdaj ohraniti takšna, kot so.
Sezona 20 je ZDAJ predstavljena.
Nova Arena je zdaj odprta za novo sezono.
Nekaj pojasnil o: izpadih
Na koncu vsake sezone, po podelitvi zmagovalcev, izpadete iz lige.
Nekatera pravila za izpadanje po meri so bila morda uporabljena za igre iz nekega razloga (npr. odločili smo se posodobiti število lig), toda na splošno se zgodi naslednje:
- Za igre s 6 ali 5 različnimi ligami se vsi igralci zmanjšajo za 3 lige.
- Za igre s 4 različnimi ligami se vsi igralci zmanjšajo za 2 ligi.
- Za igre z 2 ali 3 različnimi ligami se vsi igralci zmanjšajo za 1 ligo.
- Za vse igre in vse lige je vaše število točk Arene ponastavljeno na 1, vaš AES ("Arena Elo") pa je ponastavljen na 1500.
Na tebi je, da najdeš pot do elite!
Naj vam bodo možnosti vedno naklonjene!
Spodaj boste kmalu našli posodobljene možnosti za vsako igro za to novo sezono arene
Board Game Arena is excited to announce the addition of eight beloved tabletop and card games developed by the talented UFM. These timeless classics are now available on BGA for you to play and enjoy! Here is an overview of each game and a direct link to their pages:
1. Spite & Malice
Known as "Cat and Mouse," this classic card game is all about playing your cards in the right sequence while blocking your opponent’s progress. Outsmart your rivals to empty your stockpile first.
Play Spite & Malice Now:
2. Canasta
A thrilling team-based card game where players form melds and aim to score big by creating Canastas. Strategy and cooperation are key to victory in this timeless classic.
Play Canasta Now:
3. Open Face
A twist on traditional poker, Open Face requires strategic card placement and risk management to create the best poker hands across three rows. Test your wits in this high-stakes challenge.
Play Open Face Now:
4. Euchre
A trick-taking card game with roots in the 19th century, Euchre is all about teamwork and strategy. Can you and your partner out-maneuver your opponents?
Play Euchre Now:
5. Farkle
A dice game of luck and strategy, Farkle challenges players to push their luck as they roll for high scores. Risk it all or play it safe- the choice is yours.
Play Farkle Now:
6. Ludo
A family favorite, Ludo combines strategy and luck as players race their tokens around the board. Block, strategize, and roll your way to victory.
Play Ludo Now:
7. Go Stop
A traditional Korean card game, Go Stop requires skill and quick thinking as players match cards to score points and declare victory. A unique and engaging challenge awaits.
Play Go Stop Now:
8. Kings in the Corner
A solitaire-style card game that pits players against each other in a race to get rid of their cards by building piles in a clockwise pattern. Simple yet deeply strategic.
Play King in the Corner Now:
UFM’s collection showcases the enduring appeal of these classic games. Whether you are looking to relive fond memories or discover new favorites, these games offer something for everyone. Log in to your BGA account today and start learning these games through their tutorials, or just join a table!
That's it for your Monday release. What's coming next? The top and newest content you can find and play online.
Until Wednesday, for your WRT, take care and play fair!
UFM Classics: Celoten nabor klasičnih iger za vse!
** Board Game Arena ** z navdušenjem napoveduje dodatek osmih priljubljenih namiznih iger in iger s kartami, ki jih je razvil nadarjeni UFM. Te brezčasne klasike so zdaj na voljo na BGA, da jih igrate in uživate! Tukaj je pregled vsake igre in neposredna povezava do njihovih strani:
1. Spite & Malice
Ta klasična igra s kartami, znana kot "Mačka in miška", je namenjena igranju s kartami v pravem zaporedju in hkrati blokiranju napredka nasprotnika. Prelisičite svoje tekmece in najprej izpraznite svoje zaloge.
Igraj Spite & Malice zdaj:
2. Canasta
Vznemirljiva timska igra s kartami, kjer se igralci združujejo in si prizadevajo doseči velik rezultat z ustvarjanjem kanast. Strategija in sodelovanje sta ključnega pomena za zmago v tej brezčasni klasiki.
Igraj Canasta zdaj:
3. Odprt obraz
Zasuk tradicionalnega pokra, Open Face zahteva strateško postavitev kart in obvladovanje tveganja, da ustvarite najboljše poker kombinacije v treh vrstah. Preizkusite svojo pamet v tem izzivu z visokimi vložki.
Igrajte Open Face zdaj:
4. Euchre
Euchre je igra s kartami, ki zajema trike, s koreninami v 19. stoletju in temelji na timskem delu in strategiji. Ali lahko vi in vaš partner premagate nasprotnike?
Igrajte Euchre zdaj:
5. Farkle
Igra s kockami sreče in strategije, Farkle izziva igralce, da spodbujajo svojo srečo, ko mečejo za visoke rezultate. Tvegajte vse ali igrajte varno – izbira je vaša.
Igraj Farkle zdaj:
6. Ludo
Družinski najljubši Ludo združuje strategijo in srečo, medtem ko igralci tekmujejo s svojimi žetoni na mizi. Blokirajte, oblikujte strategijo in se pomaknite do zmage.
Igraj Ludo zdaj:
7. Pojdi nehaj
Tradicionalna korejska igra s kartami Go Stop zahteva spretnost in hitro razmišljanje, ko igralci povežejo karte, da dosežejo točke in razglasijo zmago. Čaka vas edinstven in privlačen izziv.
Igraj Go Stop zdaj:
8. Kings in the Corner
Igra s kartami v slogu pasjanse, pri kateri se igralci pomerijo drug proti drugemu v tekmi, da se znebijo svojih kart, tako da gradijo kupe v smeri urinega kazalca. Preprosto, a zelo strateško.
Igraj King in the Corner zdaj:
Zbirka UFM prikazuje trajno privlačnost teh klasičnih iger. Ne glede na to, ali želite podoživeti lepe spomine ali odkriti nove priljubljene, te igre ponujajo za vsakogar nekaj. Prijavite se v svoj račun BGA še danes in se začnite učiti teh iger prek njihovih vadnic ali pa se pridružite mizi!
To je to za vašo ponedeljkovo objavo. Kaj sledi? Najboljša in najnovejša vsebina, ki jo lahko najdete in predvajate v spletu.
Do srede za vaš WRT, pazite se in igrajte pošteno!
Ask for favors, attack friends, see the future- whatever it takes to avoid exploding!
There is no way you have not heard about the Exploding Kittens phenomenon which stormed the board game world 10 years ago. But if you do not know about it...
Exploding Kittens is a kitty-powered version of Russian Roulette. Players take turns drawing cards until someone draws an exploding kitten and loses the game. The deck is made up of cards that let you avoid exploding by peeking at cards before you draw, forcing your opponent to draw multiple cards, or shuffling the deck.
The game gets more and more intense with each card you draw because fewer cards left in the deck means a greater chance of drawing the kitten and exploding in a fiery ball of feline hyperbole.
It's easy, fast, fun, plays in a few minutes, and there's also a tutorial available for you to learn how to play it. Click below to know more and start a game immediately:
Let's thanks Elan Lee, Shane Small and Matthew Inman for their authorization, as well as Jordijansen for the adaptation to the platform!
That's a very good way to start an amazing year, with a light-hearted snacking game to enjoy.
That's it for today.
We have prepared a lot of games to be released this year, and we are happy to see that more and more people are joining the platform.
We wish you all the best to come, and be ready to enjoy more games and improvements on Board Game Arena.
See you next week for some surprises.
Until then, take care and play fair!
Srečno novo leto in EXPLODING KITTENS vsem!
Prosite za usluge, napadajte prijatelje, glejte v prihodnost - karkoli je potrebno, da se izognete eksploziji!
Ni možnosti, da ne bi slišali za fenomen Exploding Kittens, ki je pred 10 leti preplavil svet družabnih iger. Ampak, če ne veš za to ...
Exploding Kittens je različica ruske rulete, ki jo poganjajo mačke. Igralci izmenično vlečejo karte, dokler nekdo ne izvleče eksplozivnega mucka in izgubi igro. Špil je sestavljen iz kart, ki vam omogočajo, da se izognete eksploziji tako, da pokukate na karte, preden vlečete, prisilite nasprotnika, da vleče več kart, ali premešate komplet.
Igra postaja vedno bolj intenzivna z vsako karto, ki jo izvlečete, saj manj kart, ki ostanejo v kompletu, pomeni večjo možnost, da izvlečete mucka in eksplodirate v ognjeni krogli mačje hiperbole.
Je enostaven, hiter, zabaven, predvaja se v nekaj minutah, na voljo pa je tudi vadnica, da se naučite igrati . Kliknite spodaj, če želite izvedeti več in takoj začeti igro:
Naj se zahvalimo Elan Lee, Shane Small in Matthew Inman za njihovo avtorizacijo, kot tudi Jordijansen za prilagoditev platformi!
To je zelo dober način za začetek čudovitega leta z lahkotno igro prigrizkov, v kateri lahko uživate.
To je to za danes.
Pripravili smo veliko iger, ki bodo izdane letos, in veseli smo, da se vse več ljudi pridružuje platformi.
Želimo vam vse najboljše v prihodnosti in bodite pripravljeni na uživanje v več igrah in izboljšavah na Board Game Arena.
Se vidimo naslednji teden za nekaj presenečenj.
Do takrat pa pazite in igrajte pošteno!
Cheesemakers compete to run the most prosperous creamery in France.
You are a French cheesemaker in the early 20th century making, aging, and selling your artisanal cheeses. Become the most prestigious cheesemaker in all of France by running a highly successful creamery and crafting exceptional cheese.
Fromage is a simultaneous worker-placement game where players place Workers to make cheese and gather resources from the quadrant of the board facing them. Once all players have placed their Workers, the board rotates, aging any cheese that was made, and presenting each player with a new quadrant to place Workers into. Score Prestige Points by selling cheese to the four locations, and by efficiently managing and upgrading your creamery.
Happy to go frenchy? You can learn how to baguette and chesse in bliss by going directly to the tutorial, or by visiting the game page through the link below:
Note that you can also play it on solo mode to train your capabili-cheese before getting into the competition with other players.
And it's up to the game designers Matthew O'Malley & Ben Rosset authorization that you can enjoy this title on BGA, as well as the awesome team behind Road To Infamy Games (R2i).
That's also another work of art done by jordijansen who developped it for Board Game Arena, and it plays as good as it looks!
Let's toast this for today, see you later for more servings, but until then, take care and play fair!
FROMAGE: Ko nimaš dovolj racletta....
Sirarji tekmujejo za vodenje najbolj uspešne smetarne v Franciji.
Ste francoski sirar v zgodnjem 20. stoletju, ki izdeluje, stara in prodaja svoje domače sire. Postanite najprestižnejši sirar v vsej Franciji z vodenjem zelo uspešne smetarne in izdelovanjem izjemnega sira.
Fromage je igra za sočasno postavljanje delavcev, kjer igralci postavljajo delavce, da izdelujejo sir in zbirajo vire iz kvadranta plošče, ki je obrnjena proti njim. Ko vsi igralci postavijo svoje delavce, se plošča vrti, stara se kateri koli sir, ki je bil narejen, in vsakemu igralcu ponudi nov kvadrant, v katerega postavi delavce. Pridobite točke prestiža s prodajo sira na štirih lokacijah ter z učinkovitim upravljanjem in nadgrajevanjem vaše smetarne.
Z veseljem greste po francosko? Lahko se naučite, kako igrati bagueto in šah v blaženosti tako, da obiščete vadnico ali obiščete stran igre prek spodnje povezave:
Upoštevajte, da jo lahko igrate tudi v solo načinu, da trenirate svoje zmogljivosti, preden se podate v tekmovanje z drugimi igralci.
In dovoljenje oblikovalcev iger Matthew O'Malley & Ben Rosset je, da lahko uživate v tem naslovu na BGA, kot tudi izjemna ekipa, ki stoji za Road To Infamy Games (R2i).
To je še eno umetniško delo, ki ga je naredil jordijansen, ki ga je razvil za Board Game Arena, in igra tako dobro, kot izgleda!
Nazdravimo za danes, se vidimo kasneje za več porcij, do takrat pa pazite in igrajte pošteno!
In Small World, players compete for dominance in a world that is far too small to house all its inhabitants peacefully.
Designed by Philippe Keyaerts as a whimsical, fantasy successor to his acclaimed game Vinci, Small World is teeming with colorful characters like dwarves, wizards, amazons, giants, orcs, and humans. Each race battles for control by occupying territories and conquering neighbors, striving to push rival civilizations off the map.
Players choose from 14 unique fantasy races and pair them with 20 distinct special powers to create dynamic combinations. The goal is to expand your empire rapidly- but knowing when to let your overextended civilization decline and switch to a fresh one is just as crucial for success.
Each turn, you use your active race's tiles to occupy adjacent territories, defeating weaker opponents where necessary. When a race becomes too stretched to continue thriving, you can put it "into decline" by flipping its tiles to their black-and-white side, making room for a new, active race.
At the end of every turn, you earn coins for each territory your races control. You may have one active race and one declining race on the board simultaneously, with occupation totals influenced by race-specific abilities and the regions they occupy. After the final round, the player with the most coins emerges victorious.
Small World offers a fast-paced, strategic experience where timing and tactical decisions are key to conquering this overcrowded fantasy land.
The game is an absolute classic for more than 15 years now, and it was more than time for it to be available for all on our platform.
Play it now by clicking the link below:
We would love to thank the strong efforts done by Moof to port this amazing game to Board Game Arena, and for all of the work done there.
Let's also celebrate Days Of Wonders for allowing us to bring this title for all to play, on most devices, all over the (small) world.
That's it for today.
Have a wonderful holiday season. Today is our gift to you for your loyalty and support.
As always, see you soon for another wonderful release, and until then...
Take care and play fair!
Konec koncev je SVET MAJHEN...
V Small World igralci tekmujejo za prevlado v svetu, ki je veliko premajhen, da bi mirno nastanil vse svoje prebivalce.
Mali svet, ki ga je zasnoval Philippe Keyaerts kot čudaški, domišljijski naslednik njegove hvaljene igre Vinci, mrgoli barvitih likov, kot so škrati, čarovniki, Amazonke, velikani, orki in ljudje. Vsaka rasa se bori za nadzor z zasedbo ozemelj in osvajanjem sosedov ter si prizadeva izriniti konkurenčne civilizacije z zemljevida.
Igralci izbirajo med 14 edinstvenimi domišljijskimi dirkami in jih združijo z 20 različnimi posebnimi močmi za ustvarjanje dinamičnih kombinacij. Cilj je hitro razširiti svoj imperij, vendar je za uspeh prav tako ključnega pomena vedeti, kdaj pustiti, da vaša prerazširjena civilizacija propade in preiti na novo.
Vsako potezo uporabite ploščice vaše aktivne rase, da zasedete sosednja ozemlja in premagate šibkejše nasprotnike, kjer je to potrebno. Ko postane rasa preveč raztegnjena, da bi še naprej uspevala, jo lahko spravite "v zaton", tako da njene ploščice obrnete na črno-belo stran in tako naredite prostor za novo, aktivno raso.
Na koncu vsakega koraka zaslužite kovance za vsako ozemlje, ki ga nadzira vaša rasa. Na plošči imate lahko istočasno eno aktivno raso in eno padajočo raso, pri čemer na skupno število poklicev vplivajo sposobnosti, specifične za posamezno raso, in regije, ki jih zasedajo. Po zadnjem krogu zmaga igralec z največ kovanci.
Small World ponuja hitro razvijajočo se strateško izkušnjo, kjer so časovne in taktične odločitve ključne za osvojitev te prenatrpane domišljijske dežele.
Igra je absolutna klasika že več kot 15 let in bil je več kot čas, da je na voljo vsem na naši platformi.
Igrajte jo zdaj s klikom na spodnjo povezavo:
Radi bi se zahvalili močnemu trudu Moof, da prenese to neverjetno igro v ** Board Game Arena **, in za vse tam opravljeno delo.
Praznujmo tudi Days Of Wonders, ker so nam omogočili, da lahko ponudimo ta naslov za igranje vsem, na večini naprav, po vsem (majhnem) svetu.
To je to za danes.
Imejte čudovit praznični čas. Danes je naše darilo za vašo zvestobo in podporo.
Kot vedno, se kmalu vidimo na še eni čudoviti izdaji, do takrat pa...
Pazite se in igrajte pošteno!
During the medieval goings-on around Orléans, you must assemble a following of farmers, merchants, knights, monks, etc. to gain supremacy through trade, construction, and science in medieval France.
In Orléans, you will recruit followers and put them to work to make use of their abilities. Farmers and Boatmen supply you with money and goods; Knights expand your scope of action and secure your mercantile expeditions; Craftsmen build trading stations and tools to facilitate work; Scholars make progress in science; Traders open up new locations for you to use your followers; and last but not least, it cannot hurt to invest in monasteries because with Monks on your side you are much less likely to fall prey to fate.
You will always want to take more actions than possible, and there are many paths to victory. The challenge is to combine all elements as best as possible with regard to your strategy.
The game won a dozen different awards worldwide, and that is for a solid reason: it has became a reference for demanding serious gamers.
Luckily, you can not only play it now on Board Game Arena, but also learn it in no-time by using the tutorial by Scribal. Simply click the link below:
No games without publishers, and it is all thanks to DLP Games and the game designer Reiner Stockhausen that you can enjoy it online on our platform.
Such a big game requires a lot of effort, and we would love to thank the wonderful work done by jordijansen for coding and developing it for BGA. It plays well, but do not hesitate to report bugs if you ever encounter one... or two. But remember that a rule that doesn't seem right to you may be caused by a misreading or simply some bad habits: We try to make sure that the rules are always implemented according to the original printed rulebook. How many times did it happened to you? Let us know in the comments. ;)
That's it for today!
See you in a few days for more exciting news.
Until then, as always... Take care and play fair!
ORLEANS: Obrtniki, učenjaki in menihi vam lahko pomagajo zavladati - toda kdo bo prišel na pomoč?
Med srednjeveškim dogajanjem okoli Orléansa morate zbrati sledilce kmetov, trgovcev, vitezov, menihov itd., da pridobite premoč s trgovino, gradnjo in znanostjo v srednjeveški Franciji.
V Orléansu boste novačili sledilce in jih prisilili, da bodo izkoristili svoje sposobnosti. Kmetje in čolnarji vas oskrbujejo z denarjem in blagom; Vitezi razširijo vaš obseg delovanja in zavarujejo vaše trgovske ekspedicije; Obrtniki gradijo trgovske postaje in orodja za olajšanje dela; Učenjaki napredujejo v znanosti; Trgovci vam odprejo nove lokacije za uporabo vaših sledilcev; in nenazadnje, vlaganje v samostane ne more škoditi, ker je z menihi na vaši strani veliko manj verjetno, da boste postali žrtev usode.
Vedno boste želeli narediti več dejanj, kot je mogoče, in obstaja veliko poti do zmage. Izziv je čim bolje združiti vse elemente glede na vašo strategijo.
Igra je prejela ducat različnih nagrad po vsem svetu, in to z dobrim razlogom: postala je referenca za zahtevne resne igričarje.
Na srečo je ne morete igrati le zdaj na Board Game Arena, ampak se je tudi hitro naučite z uporabo Scribalove vadnice . Preprosto kliknite spodnjo povezavo:
Ni iger brez založnikov, zahvaljujoč DLP Games in oblikovalcu iger Reiner Stockhausen pa lahko v njih uživate na spletu na naši platformi.
Tako velika igra zahteva veliko truda in radi bi se zahvalili za čudovito delo, ki ga je opravil jordijansen za kodiranje in razvoj za BGA. Igra dobro, vendar ne oklevajte in prijavite napake, če kdaj naletite na eno ... ali dve. Vendar ne pozabite, da je pravilo, ki se vam ne zdi pravilno, lahko posledica napačnega branja ali preprosto slabih navad: Trudimo se zagotoviti, da se pravila vedno izvajajo v skladu z originalnim tiskanim pravilnikom. Kolikokrat se vam je to zgodilo? Sporočite nam v komentarjih. ;)
To je to za danes!
Se vidimo čez nekaj dni za več razburljivih novic.
Do takrat pa kot vedno... Čuvajte se in igrajte pošteno!