Dobrodošli v Board Game Arena !
Pridruži se največji namizni igri na svetu.
Brez dodatnih prenosov, neposredno iz vašega brskalnika.
S prijatelji in tisoči igralcev iz celega sveta.
10 994 000 nasprotnikov, ki jih lahko izzoveš pri 959 igrah.
Brezplačno. Sedaj.
Igrajte preko brskalnika na vseh vaših napravah.
PC / Mac, iOS in tablice Android, pametni telefoni, Wii U, Playstation, Xbox One, ...
Tekmuj proti celotnemu svetu
7 700 000 igranih iger na mesec
Na voljo v 42 jezikih in več kot 200 državah.
Vzemi si čas za igranje.
Realno časovno ali potezno.
Med pavzo za kosilo - ali v času prevoza?
Tiho doma?
Sam ali s prijatelji?
Začetnik ali napredni igralec?
Razišči in osvoji.
Nauči se novih iger ali izboljšaj svoje veščine v svojih najljubših igrah, vse glede na tvoj lasten ritem.
Potrebujete izzive?
Pridruži se rangiranim igram in pristopi k novim izzivom! Najboljši igralci se dvigujejo po rangih!
Premaknite karto na prosto mesto. Preprosto kot se zdi
Odlične igre samo za Vas!
Najboljše igre današnjih dni, prilagojene za spletno igro.
Ark Nova, terraformingmars, CATAN, Wingspan, Azul, Ticket to Ride, Carcassonne, Forest Shuffle, Splendor, The Castles of Burgundy, harmonies, 7 Wonders Duel, Agricola, Space Base, Heat: Pedal to the Metal, itsawonderfulworld, 6 nimmt!, Lost Ruins of Arnak, Hanabi, Can't Stop, Ticket to Ride: Evropa, seasaltpaper, altered, 7 Wonders, darwinsjourney, cartographers, skyteam, Lucky Numbers, Yahtzee, King of Tokyo
Poglej vse
challengers, Kingdomino, ageofinnovation, castlecombo, Patchwork, odin, Gizmos, Welcome To, splendorduel, Faraway, Terra Mystica, supermegaluckybox, potionexplosion, 7 Wonders Architects, azulsummerpavilion, Srca (Hearts), Izgubjena mesta (Lost Cities), handandfoot, memoir, Stone Age, Great Western Trail, Race for the Galaxy, gaiaproject, akropolis, tapestry, rummy, gnomehollow, Backgammon, Barrage, bang, Kingdom Builder, orleans, CuBirds, distilled, flowers, scythe, French Tarot, pandemic, nimalia, viticulture, Alhambra, Seasons, Earth (Zemlja), draftandwriterecords, valeofeternity, resarcana, Puerto Rico, Through the Ages: A new Story of Civilization, pocketcats, livingforest, captainflip, feastforodin, wizard, Chakra, Innovation, Railroad Ink, Cribbage, bunnykingdom, planetunknown, letsgotojapan, papayoo, Jaipur, theisleofcats, Love Letter, obsession, thecrewdeepsea, solstis, daybreak, ratjack, Takenoko, bonsai, century, pixies, Piki (Spades), cosmoctopus, Nova Luna, fivetribes, mountaingoats, newyorkzoo, Belote, caverna, Beyond the Sun, Solo, Dice Forge, Next Station: London, Sushi Go!, tichu, breakthecode, burglebros, Tock, Clans of Caledonia, The Crew, nanatoridori, maracaibo, smallworld, Bubblee Pop, Saint Petersburg, justone, Piraten Kapern, bloodrage, tikal, middleages, rollforthegalaxy, riverofgold, mojo, Bandido, naishi, Carcassonne: Hunters & Gatherers, spots, Oh Hell!, knarr, botanicus, hadrianswall, looot, For Sale, terranova, Bärenpark, sagani, Martian Dice, eternitium, Saboteur, coinche, mycityrb, gammelogic, Tokaido, LLAMA, downforce, Tzolk'in, dicehospital, texasholdem, turingmachine, cantstopexpress, regicide, framework, nextstationparis, carnegie, decrypto, anachrony, rivervalleyglassworks, shiftingstones, nidavellir, praga, locomomo, agestofrobinhood, yokohama, Targi, ultimaterailroads, takenokolor, citadels, warchest, laserreflection, duckcover, metro, evolution, werewolves, canasta, thewolves, liverpoolrummy, Koi-Koi, coalbaron, draculahelsing, rallymangt, chromino, spiteandmalice, treos, applejack, amalfi, lagranja, federation, minirogue, resist, festival, Šah, newton, sushigoparty, ginrummy, lettertycoon, pentaquest, elgrande, capybarancapybara, railwaysoftheworld, paxrenaissance, dinogenics, ancientknowledge, santorini, catinthebox, fromage, pathofcivilization, rainforest, paxpamir, marcopolo, Thurn and Taxis, Russian Railroads, myshelfie, jumpdrive, golf, architectsofthewestkingdom, Incan Gold, mexica, nextstationtokyo, Just Desserts, Draftosaurus, Abandon All Artichokes, spellbook, Tranquility, similo, Marrakech, afterus, stella, chemicaloverload, Abyss, codexnaturalis, Tash-Kalar, explodingkittens, luxor, lostseas, coupcitystate, Teotihuacan: City of Gods, mandala, Colt Express, mycity, Hive, karvi, dungeonrummy, inori, Fluxx, Marco Polo II: In the Service of the Khan, automobiles, Štiri v Vrsto, perfectwords, nowboarding, P.I., Caylus, arctic, glassroad, spaceempires, hardback, boop., euchre, flamingpyramids, Quantum, doglover, rolltothetopjourneys, quartermastergeneraleastfront, dominoes, Red7, dungeontwister, conspiracy, foreverhome, superfantasybrawl, happycity, Copenhagen, trektwelve, dungeonpetz, tigriseuphrates, slide, president, rauha, mythicbattlesragnarok, Haiclue, rollandbump, The Builders: Middle Ages, finca, botanik, Keyflower, Via Magica, goldblivion, scopa, dvonn, Machiavelli, thefoxintheforest, canvas, sobektwoplayers, escapefromthehiddencastle, cityofthebigshoulders, theyellowhouse, harvest, Troyes, Forbidden Island, glow, Photosynthesis, trailblazers, umbrella, kingsinthecorner, cacao, setup, gosux, Concept, trio, splitter, Coloretto, hanamikoji, quibbles, onitama, dicycards, expeditions, crusadersthywillbedone, gonutsfordonuts, deus, Battleships Pencil & Paper, Emminent Domain, spacestationphoenix, Battle Sheep, grumblestone, Dobble, Skull, mlem, dicehospitaler, Nippon, threethousandscoundrels, lineit, fornorthwood, ageofcivilization, Trekking the World, The Builders: Antiquity, dungeonroll, shogun, Farkle, Color Pop, littlefactory, clashofdecks, Kahuna, villagers, tranquilitytheascent, donuts, No thanks, neom, highseason, Reversi, oriflamme, lure, evergreen, painttheroses, thirteenclues, wizardsgrimoire, numberdrop, Lords of Xidit, wonderfulkingdom, mutantcrops, undergrove, knister, Mr. Jack, capereurope, Polis: Fight for Hegemony, Libertalia, illustori, Schrödinger's Cats, pingimus, icecoldicehockey, romirami, riftforce, stockpile, Celestia, hens, biomos, stupormundi, chimerastation, Not Alone, dobro, iwari, newfrontiers, whisttwentytwo, skatelegend, Expedition: Northwest Passage, chinesecheckers, Elfenland, caboodle, trellis, starfluxx, tinyepicdefenders, bagofchips, abalone, Eruption, orionduel, orchard, Quarto, Lewis & Clark, Quoridor, dogpark, Tha Palaces of Carrara, ginkgopolis, Tobago, Buttons, Rage, vaalbara, ontour, ninetynineaddition, babydinosaurrescue, pugsinmugs, fairytrails, hadara, megajackpot, Butterfly, twentyfourseven, Skat, The Boss, ruhr, vault, Perudo, gangofdice, cubosaurs, Senet, imhotep, chocolatefactory, digupadventure, krosmasterarena, mighty, greatsplit, Kalah, myfirstcastlepanic, mindup, troyesdice, sixtyone, thirtyone, gogoa, Room-25, Uncle Chestnut's Table Gype, welcometonewlasvegas, Off the Rails, ludo, boreal, fourgardens, seikatsu, lookatthestars, sail, rallymandirt, In The Year of the Dragon, diamonds, Nautilus, elawa, getonboard, zooloretto, tiwanaku, arcticscavengers, solarstorm, dicedtomatoes, Taluva, Dinosaur Tea Party, marram, Dragon Castle, girafferaffe, springcleaning, Go, grovesolitaire, ultimatetictactoe, jekyllvshide, hiddenleaders, thegnomesofzavandor, homeworlds, Nanga Parbat, Monster Factory, Small Islands, pinochle, aurum, oxono, gostop, mastersofrenaissance, theshipwreckarcana, noah, cloudcity, grund, Dragonheart, Legendary Inventors, ghostathome, medina, steamrollers, catcafe, tucano, dickory, bacon, thattimeyoukilledme, pente, Fleet, dragonwood, forage, Fruit Picking, splito, geekoutmasters, refuge, Big Time Soccer, Boomerang: Australia, cosmosempires, madeira, okanagan, Turn the tide, getonboardparisrome, throneandthegrail, Kami, battlespiritssaga, insidejob, Dama, tictacmatch, Sobek, zuuli, Uptown, dicesummoners, noneshallpass, almadi, Paris Connection, openseason, Haggis, chicagoexpress, gardennation, wordtraveler, piepmatz, Niagara, crypt, cardiceo, vaultdenofthieves, Origin, klaverjassen, Nile, worldwidetennis, Battle of LITS, qawale, trusis, mue, herd, Khronos, goldwest, oasis, lepidoptery, The Battle for Hill 218, Hungarian Tarokk, fifteendays, gangsta, boomerangeurope, Signorie, Hawaii, vultureculture, ageofchampagne, diceathlon, twinpalms, exitstrategy, farmclub, thefoxintheforestduet, sakura, maatatahay, Pylos, microdojo, linx, Circle of Life, mapmaker, timelinetwist, thatslife, rollingpins, rainbow, greasyspoon, Sapiens, golfie, mechadream, onda, Unconditional Surrender! World War 2 in Europe, Briškola, rollintotown, thenumber, herrlof, Noir: Killer versus Inspector, pond, enemyanemone, The King's Guild, sherlockthirteen, fivethreefive, gofish, Thermopyles, Amyitis, dontgointhere, colorado, strawberrysunset, lasvegan, Secret Moon, Gomoku, Armadöra, tanghulu, Through the Ages, Gear & Piston, K2, buyword, blackjack, narabi, Saint Poker, hokito, imtheboss, bigtwo, khiva, Twin Tin Bots, vektorace, kulami, astra, flipfreighters, fika, powervacuum, Blooms, golems, Dingo's Dreams, Tournay, strands, openfacechinesepoker, heroesofhellas, kiriaitheduel, streets, tumbleweed, crisps, sheepboombah, 8 Masters' Revenge, schnapsen, lumen, Palace, Takara Island, cannonades, Gaïa, hund, nainjaune, odicey, vidrasso, durak, tinnerstrail, Xiangqi (kitajski šah), restinpeace, dotsandboxes, diablo, blockarena, spiritsoftheforest, ticketgagnant, Quetzal, Hex, Dragon Keeper: The Dungeon, regidice, moonriver, betta, yaniv, batalladecoronas, themotherroad, baolakiswahili, amazonas, paniclab, cookieaddict, riichimahjong, Cinco, volto, lunar, robotsateourpizza, dobbleconnect, meridians, crazyeights, legendraiders, teatime, eriantys, cradletograve, Nine Men's Morris, bahamataxi, Hypnosia, bauer, krosmasterblast, ekko, cairocorridor, Connect 6, Neutreeko, ohseven, squadro, egocentricworld, yinyang, oneohone, Alveole, minhwatu, veronatwist, roppyakken, boomerangusa, forks, quattuorreges, tinyturbocars, twelvechips, sparts, simplicity, auntiemildred, unrest, nachopile, Caravan, Bobail, trickoftherails, mow, mapsofmisterra, zener, belladonebluff, China Gold, sevens, yoxii, parklife, rolledwest, stonks, forex, Stir Fry Eighteen, Bombay, hoola, lamarcheducrabe, cucco, The Jelly Monster Lab, bossquest, NXS, thebrambles, ToeShamBo, pescadonovo, pokerdice, Lines of Action, roadtothreehoundred, sevenknightsbewitched, hoarders, hydroracers, Ponte del Diavolo, flowersmandalagame, artthief, sensei, claim, cucumber, emdomicrocosm, mijnlieff, goodcopbadcop, talon, crazyfarmers, Koryŏ, linkage, mercadodelisboaste, tinyfarms, barbu, coupell, tienlen, zookeepers, nicodemus, cairn, turncoats, colorflush, letscatchthelion, dronesvsseagulls, soulaween, meadow, quantik, Four Color Cards, expressions, zefiria, eck, reflectionsinthelookingglass, inverteddice, ladyandthetiger, tapas, Mammalath, qango, Con Sonar!, murusgallicus, empireplateau, dodo, pyramidpoker, seotda, nylonppong, danceofmuses, giftoftulips, resolve, thelast, Balloon Pop!, knockoutwhist, toepen, fistfulofgold, piereighteen, tuned, crimezoom, penaltychallenge, castlesofcaleira, shogi, thewaytojuliet, quato, modten, silo, bamboozle, fractal, xxung, trike, bandada, explorationwarzone, soluna, tortugasixteensixtyseven, fightthelandlord, yokai, kmakici, circleoflifesavannah, sahwari, yokaiseptet, Herooj, aniversus, safariwitness, oust, pook, thrive, Time Masters, iceandthesky, leroydesribauds, goblinhood, bigmonster, Isaac, bug, Guildes, blueskies, krakenup, Tablut, lielow, konane, coinage, lifeline, hadron, Diam's, United Square, Djambi, Kabaleo, Spyrium, Assyria, Florenza: The Card Game, Metromania, darkagent, Le Dernier Peuple, Logger, EVO: the game no name, Jump Gate, Dragon Line, Caribbean All Fours, Outlaws: Last Man Standing, Penny Press, GORami, finity, Veletas, ninetynine, Steam Works, biyi, solowhist, grandbazaar, bids, homesteaders, quinque, onceuponaforest, getthemacguffin, detectivepoker, blaze, queenskings, mattock, Gopher, epizodiak, kingofthepitch, canosa, faifo, factum, lostexplorers, mascarade, artdecko, zola, samarkand, pyrgos, morocco, icebreaker, commanderchess, vegetables, heckinhounds, rive, kingdoms, draftcider, dicethemepark, dinnerinparis, ekonos, impasse, megalomania, perikles, flume, riftvalleyreserve, splashdown, triatri, aves, thegreatamericanfoxhunt, allin, mia, isleoftrainsallaboard, germanwhist, sergeantmajor, envelopesofcash, divideetimpera, twotenjack, humanity, quirkyquarks, ynarosfallin, fortytwo, mate, metz, festivibes, fibonachos, norsemen, personanongrata, Gygès, Hack Trick, KQJ, Remember When, Veggie Garden, pedro, grosstarock, phat, one, theninedomains, lineae, senshi, calypso, troggu, guile, minnesotawhist, evl, ladyschoice, scriptoria, cephalopod, redstone, dragonbridge, raubbau, quintus, sasaki, coins, divercite, starshipmerchants, wastelandia, nap, ecarte, tholos, eightyeight, alakablast, cheeztricks, goldncrash, micromidgard, blot
You play the games in your browser which is great.
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Jan 2016
Very popular with the online board gaming community.
Chaz Marler
Dec 2016
BGA has digital board games you won't find anywhere else.
Dave Neumann
Jan 2016
Drei Klicks zum Spielstart.
Jan Drewitz
2014 - Fairplay #9
Allez vous entrainer sur BGA, et foutre la patée à tous vos potes.
Dr Mops
TTtv BGA de l`interview
Pridružite se Areni. Sedaj.
Pridruži se največji namizni igri na svetu.
Board Game Arena je največja spletna storitev za igranje namiznih iger na svetu.
Več kot 11 milijonov nasprotnikov za izziv v 959 znanih družabnih igrah.
Pridite igrati Ark Nova, terraformingmars, Wingspan, Azul, Ticket to Ride, Carcassonne in še mnoge druge!
Ta aplikacija predlaga igralno storitev Board Game Arena za Android. Če vam je všeč, jo bomo optimizirali korak za korakom, da bo še boljša. Zato jo, prosimo, podprite :)
Realno časovno ali potezno.
Med pavzo za kosilo - ali v času prevoza?
Tiho doma?
Sam ali s prijatelji?
Igraj s svojo hitrostjo :)
Začetnik ali napredni igralec?
Razišči in osvoji.
Nauči se novih iger ali izboljšaj svoje veščine v svojih najljubših igrah, vse glede na tvoj lasten ritem.
Potrebujete izzive? Pridruži se rangiranim igram in pristopi k novim izzivom! Najboljši igralci se dvigujejo po rangih!
Opomba: Tukaj je najnovejši seznam iger, ki so na voljo:
Ark Nova, terraformingmars, Wingspan, Azul, Ticket to Ride, Carcassonne, Forest Shuffle, Splendor, The Castles of Burgundy, harmonies, 7 Wonders Duel, Agricola, Space Base, Heat: Pedal to the Metal, itsawonderfulworld, 6 nimmt!, Lost Ruins of Arnak, Hanabi, Can't Stop, Ticket to Ride: Evropa, seasaltpaper, altered, 7 Wonders, darwinsjourney, cartographers, skyteam, Lucky Numbers, Yahtzee, King of Tokyo, challengers, Kingdomino, ageofinnovation, castlecombo, Patchwork, odin, Gizmos, Welcome To, splendorduel, Faraway, supermegaluckybox, potionexplosion, 7 Wonders Architects, azulsummerpavilion, Srca (Hearts), Izgubjena mesta (Lost Cities), handandfoot, memoir, Stone Age, Great Western Trail, Race for the Galaxy, gaiaproject, akropolis, tapestry, rummy, gnomehollow, Backgammon, Barrage, bang, Kingdom Builder, orleans, CuBirds, distilled, flowers, scythe, French Tarot, pandemic, nimalia, viticulture, Alhambra, Seasons, Earth (Zemlja), draftandwriterecords, valeofeternity, resarcana, Puerto Rico, Through the Ages: A new Story of Civilization, pocketcats, livingforest, captainflip, feastforodin, wizard, Chakra, Innovation, Railroad Ink, Cribbage, bunnykingdom, planetunknown, letsgotojapan, papayoo, Jaipur, theisleofcats, Love Letter, obsession, thecrewdeepsea, solstis, daybreak, ratjack, Takenoko, bonsai, century, pixies, Piki (Spades), cosmoctopus, Nova Luna, fivetribes, mountaingoats, newyorkzoo, Belote, caverna, Beyond the Sun, Solo, Dice Forge, Next Station: London, Sushi Go!, tichu, breakthecode, burglebros, Tock, Clans of Caledonia, The Crew, nanatoridori, maracaibo, smallworld, Bubblee Pop, Saint Petersburg, justone, Piraten Kapern, bloodrage, tikal, middleages, rollforthegalaxy, riverofgold, mojo, Bandido, naishi, Carcassonne: Hunters & Gatherers, spots, Oh Hell!, knarr, botanicus, hadrianswall, looot, For Sale, terranova, Bärenpark, sagani, Martian Dice, eternitium, Saboteur, coinche, mycityrb, gammelogic, Tokaido, LLAMA, downforce, Tzolk'in, dicehospital, texasholdem, turingmachine, cantstopexpress, regicide, framework, nextstationparis, carnegie, decrypto, anachrony, rivervalleyglassworks, shiftingstones, nidavellir, praga, locomomo, agestofrobinhood, yokohama, Targi, ultimaterailroads, takenokolor, citadels, warchest, laserreflection, duckcover, metro, evolution, werewolves, canasta, thewolves, liverpoolrummy, Koi-Koi, coalbaron, draculahelsing, rallymangt, chromino, spiteandmalice, treos, applejack, amalfi, lagranja, federation, minirogue, resist... in še več!