You can now discover the first expansion of Carcassonne: Inns & Cathedrals, on Board Game Arena 🙂
This expansion introduces 18 new tiles and "big meeples" in the game :
_ Cathedral tiles: cities with a cathedral get +1 by city tile and +1 by symbol, but ZERO if unfinished at the end of the game.
_ Inns on road tiles: roads with an Inn get +1 by road tile, but ZERO if unfinished at the end of the game.
_ Big meeples: a big meeple counts double when determining majorities (note that it does NOT double points).
Carcassonne is now the most popular game of our premium catalog, and we are very happy to offer this expansion to our members. Inns & Cathedrals is an essential addition to the base game, and is considered as the most popular expansion for this game. If you continue to make Carcassonne a big success on BGA, there will probably be more expansions in the future 🙂
Note that Carcassonne is part of BGA premium catalog : only Club members can create new tables (but once you create a table, you can play with anyone).
Carcassonne: Inns & katedral
Ta širitev uvaja 18 nove ploščice in "big meeples" v igri:
_ Katedrala ploščice: mesta z katedrala + 1 z mesta ploščic in + 1 s simbolom, vendar nič če nedokončane konec igre.
_ Gostilne na cesti ploščice: ceste z gostilno dobili + 1 z cesti ploščic, vendar nič če nedokončane konec igre.
_ Velik meeples: velik meeple šteje dvojno pri določanju večine (upoštevajte, da dvojni točk).
Carcassonne je zdaj najbolj priljubljena igra nagrada kataloga, in smo zelo veseli, da ponudijo to širitev za naše člane. Gostilne in katedrale je bistveno dodatek k osnovni igri, in se šteje kot najbolj priljubljenih širitev za to igro. Če boste še naprej Carcassonne velik uspeh na BGA, verjetno bo več širitev v prihodnosti
Je Carcassonne del BGA nagrada katalog: samo člani kluba lahko ustvarite nove tabele (ampak ko ustvarite tabelo, lahko igrate z nikomer).