We are pleased to announce that Hotseat mode is now available on Board Game Arena. Using Hotseat mode, you can play any game on Board Game Arena with friends next to you, using the same computer/tablet/phone.
Board Game Arena's main purpose is to give you a way to find opponents anywhere in the world, but we figured that in some specific situations it could be nice to play on BGA from the same place: playing against oneself to learn how to play, playing with a friend next to you AND a friend far away, ...
So we chose to introduce Hotseat, and it's available right now. After you create a table, click on "invite a friend" and select "Hotseat". You can invite as many hotseat players than you need, and you can even play with both hotseat players and distant players. Please note that ELO ranking is disabled when using this mode.
Hotseat is a BETA feature, so please do not hesitate to report any difficulties you may encounter using it.
Important note: BGA's purpose is not to replace real board games, but to advertise for real board games. We certainly do not want this new mode to incite players to play board games on BGA when they are physically at the same place. This is why Hotseat mode is going to become a Premium-restricted feature after some period of time. In the meantime feel free to enjoy it!
Hotseat način (BETA)
Z veseljem sporočamo, da Hotseat način je zdaj na voljo na krovu igra Arena.
Z uporabo Hotseat način, lahko igrate vse igre na prizorišče igre, s prijatelji zraven tebe, z istega računalnika/tablet/telefon.
Namizna igra Arena glavni namen je, da način, da ugotovite nasprotniki kjerkoli v svetu, vendar smo ugotovili, da v nekaterih posebnih primerih je lahko lepo igrati na BGA iz istega kraja: igranje proti samemu sebi in se naučite igrati , igranje s prijateljem poleg vas in na daleč, prijatelj...
Tako smo se odločili predstaviti Hotseat, in je na voljo zdaj.
Ko ustvarite tabelo, kliknite na "povabi prijatelja" in izberite "Hotseat".
Povabite čim več hotseat igralcev, kot jih potrebujete, in lahko tudi igra z hotseat igralci in oddaljenih igralcev.
Prosimo, upoštevajte, da razvrstitev ELO onemogočen, ko uporabljate ta način.
Hotseat je BETA funkcija, zato prosimo, ne oklevajte, da poročajo o vseh težav, ki lahko naletite, using to.
Pomembna Opomba: namen je BGA je ni nadomestiti pravi družabne igre, ampak za oglaševanje za resnično družabne igre.
Zagotovo ne želite ta nov način za spodbujanje igralcev, da igrajo družabne igre na BGA, ko so fizično na istem mestu.
To je razlog, zakaj Hotseat način bo postala nagrada omejena funkcija čez nekaj časa.
V tem času vas prosimo, da uživajo!