We are happy today to release a new classic card game: Briscola, one of the most popular traditional card games in Italy, is now available on Board Game Arena. Play it now! Briscola is a trick taking card game that you can play either one on one or in teams with a standard Italian 40 cards deck (for people unfamiliar with Italian cards, on BGA an in-game preference allows to display cards using an Anglo-French deck). At the start of a round, each player is dealt three cards, then the next card, called the Briscola, is displayed face up and represent the trump suit for this round. Each player in turn will play a card, and the trick will be taken by the player having played the strongest card in the suit requested by the first player, or the strongest card in the trump suit. Unlike some other trick taking games, in Briscola you do not have to follow suit, which gives players more flexibility to manage their hand strategically. Also, be sure to check how cards are ranked between themselves for strength before starting a game! 🙂 Briscola has been adapted using BGA Studio by Tommaso Pifferi (neslinesli93) an Italian developer and fan of the game. A big thank you to him for gifting the BGA community with this quick and fun card game! We hope that Italian players will enjoy playing this game here on BGA, and that a lot of players of other countries will get curious and have fun discovering and playing Briscola!
Mi smo srečni, da danes izpust nov vzoren kvarta zabava: Briškola, eden od najbolj priljubljenih kartica tradicionalne igre v Italiji, je zdaj na voljo na krovu igra Arena.
Igra je zdaj!
Briškola je trik ob kartice igro, da lahko igrate bodisi eden na eni ali v skupinah s standardno italijanski 40 kartice krova (za ljudi, ki poznajo italijanski kartice, na BGA v igri prednost omogoča, da prikažete z Anglo-francoski krova kartic).
Na začetku krog, vsak igralec prejme tri karte, potem na naslednjo kartico, imenovano Briškola, je prikazano soočiti in predstavljajo adut za ta krog.
Vsak igralec pa bo imel kartico, in trik bo sprejela igralec imelo najmočnejši kartico v obleko, ki je zahteval prvi igralec ali kartici najmočnejši adut.
Za razliko od nekaterih drugih trik, ob igre, v Briškola, vam ni treba slediti, ki daje igralci več prožnosti za strateško upravljanje roke.
Prav tako se prepričajte, da preverite kako so karte razvrščene med seboj za moč pred začetkom igre!
Briškola je bil prilagojen s BGA Studio Tommaso Pifferi (neslinesli93) italijanski razvijalec in ljubitelj iger.
Velik hvala mu za darilo BGA Skupnosti s to kartico hitro in zabavno igro!
Upamo, da italijanke bodo uživajo igral to igro tukaj na BGA, in da je veliko igralcev drugih držav dobili radoveden in se zabavajte odkrivanje in igranje Briškola!