We are delighted today to brighten this winter season with a very colorful game! Red7, a game from designers Carl Chudyk and Chris Cieslik, published by Asmadi Games, is now available online on Board Game Arena!
The rule of Red is really easy: if you have the best card, you win! But this is just one of the 7 available rules (one for each color in the game) that can apply to the numbers and colors of the cards in play, and in Red7 you get to choose the rule that's applicable at the end of your turn. So you may be unable to win with the current rule, but completely turn the tables by changing the rule to get to a very strong position!
On each turn, you may play one card face up before you to create your "Palette". Then, if you are not winning with the currently applicable rule, you have to discard one card to the "Canvas" to change the rule in your favor, so that you are winning at the end of your turn. Otherwise, you're out for this round!
Red7 is a nice mix of skill and luck, in the range of poker. There is definitely skill in evaluating your hand to play it in the best possible way, but the newer players still have a chance if they get lucky either with the draw or with their insight into the play. The "advanced draw" and "actions" variants (both enabled by default) also bring some extra strategical edge by allowing you to get some more cards along the way or to optimize your Palette (or your opponent's).
In just a few words, this game is simple, fast, and good! We are pretty sure that if you try it, you'll get addicted quickly! 😁
A lot of thanks to Asmadi Games for allowing us to have Red7 online on BGA (this is the third game of Asmadi Games avalaible on BGA after Innovation and Penny Press), to Chris Cieslik (AngelKurisu) for helping us to playtest, and to the two developers Dosychev and MrTerriFy who teamed up to develop this game on BGA studio!
Have a good colorful fun!
Danes smo veseli, da bomo to zimsko sezono popestrili z zelo barvito igro!
Red7, igra oblikovalcev Carla Chudyka in Chrisa Cieslika, ki jo je objavil Asmadi Games, je zdaj na voljo na spletu na Board Game Arena!
Igrajte zdaj!
Pravilo Reda je res enostavno: če imaš najboljšo karto, zmagaš!
Vendar je to le eno od sedmih pravil, ki so na voljo (po eno za vsako barvo v igri), ki se lahko nanašajo na številke in barve kart v igri, in v Red7 lahko izberete pravilo, ki je veljavno na koncu vašega obrata. .
Tako morda ne morete zmagati s trenutnim pravilom, vendar popolnoma spremenite tabele, tako da spremenite pravilo, da pridete do zelo močnega položaja!
Na vsakem koraku lahko pred vami ustvarite eno kartico, da ustvarite svojo " paleto ".
Če ne zmagate s trenutno veljavnim pravilom, morate zavreči eno kartico na " Platno ", če želite spremeniti pravilo v svojo korist, tako da boste na koncu svojega obrata zmagali.
V nasprotnem primeru ste za ta krog!
Red7 je lepa mešanica spretnosti in sreče v pokru.
Zagotovo je spretnost ocenjevanja vaše roke, da jo igrate na najboljši možni način, vendar imajo novejši igralci še vedno priložnost, če bodo imeli srečo bodisi z žrebom bodisi z vpogledom v igro.
Različici " naprednega žreba " in " akcije " (obe sta privzeto omogočeni) prinašata tudi nekaj dodatnega strateškega prednosti, saj vam omogoča, da dobite še nekaj kart ob poti ali optimizirate svojo paleto (ali nasprotnikovega).
V samo nekaj besedah je ta igra preprosta, hitra in dobra!
Prepričani smo, da se boste, če poskusite, hitro zasvojili!
Veliko zahvale za Asmadi Games, ker so nam omogočili, da imamo Red7 na spletu na BGA (to je že tretja igra Asmadi Games, ki je na voljo na BGA po inovacijah in Penny Pressu ), Chrisu Ciesliku ( AngelKurisu ), da nam je pomagal pri igranju. dva razvijalca Dosychev in MrTerriFy, ki sta se združila za razvoj te igre na studiu BGA!
Dobro se obarvajte!