*It's been a rough year.
*For everyone, worldwide. And it still is.
During this strange time we welcomed more and more players from all around the globe, more developers, more publishers and, overall, more games.
We would like to send our warmest thanks to all of our Premium users: you're not only helping support the infrastructure, but also publishers and game designers from anywhere in the world.
Also, we received many emails telling us about how Board Game Arena helped many people stay sane while in lock-down. To play with friends, family, relatives...
*We keep thinking about all of these messages. And we're thankful to all of the people helping us in here.
It's also a curious time, since having close to **5M player accounts **on BGA isn't something easy to manage. But our small team is on it, 24h a day, 7 days a week, to keep things as enjoyable as we can.
We're improving, tinkering, ding-a-ling every part of the website.
It's not perfect, but we try to improve it: next year could bring some new things to BGA, and a lot of improvements are in progress.
We expect you to be able to witness and enjoy all of this next year.
**But for now, we're close to end this one, since tomorrow we'll be in December.
As the year was hard, we wanted to thank you for playing on BGA and supporting us.
We have more publishers joining BGA every day, as well as developers.
And we just can't keep the usual Wednesday Release schedule.
Not that we're missing games, but actually the opposite: we have a lot, and we need to release more of them!
That's why we came up with a simple idea: Like an advent calendar, let's make this one an
Opus Magnum is Latin for Masterpiece. Could also be used as "Work well done".
We pushed our team to the limit, with the help of our developers, to bring you a special FULL month of NEW games.
How ?
Starting from today, you might have seen a new block below the headline blocks on our home page:
A December 2020 Calendar.
Each days of December, you'll be able to click the daily gift that will show you our release of the day.
ONE New Game Release EACH DAY. For 31 Days.
That's 31 Games for December.
From classics to novelties, indies to famous titles, you'll have a new game to discover each time the moon rises (on Paris time).
You'll be able to click on the calendar to see the new games, and you'll also be able to find the releases listed in this post.
But we added a small feature on the calendar: if you come each day to click on the daily gift, you'll get a Trophy as a reward depending on how many days you were able to do so in a row.
That's a way for us to know what has been seen, what has been clicked, and a way to know if that kind of idea can be used on front page to offer more things, later.
*So, for now, here are the games released (the list will be updated daily):
1st December release:
Thurn & Taxis, 2006 Spiel des Jahres, designed by
Andreas Seyfarth & Karen Seyfarth and developed for BGA by Volker78 & tutchek
2nd December release:
Welcome to AND Welcome to VEGAS, designed by
Alexis Allard & Benoît Tupin and developed for BGA by Tisaac & JustinFernal
3rd December release:
99, from
public domain and developed for BGA by QuasarDuke
4th December release:
Flaming Pyramids, designed by
Norbert Abel and developed for BGA by DrNob
5th December release:
Small Islands, designed by
Alexis Allard and developed for BGA by Galeelox
6th December release:
Map Maker, designed by
Louis Lafair, Joshua Lafair, Becca Lafair and developed for BGA by gkz
7th December release:
Solo Whist, from
Public Domain and developed for BGA by Jimblefredberry
8th December release:
Kami, adapted from
Goïta Shogi and developed for BGA by LeSteffen
9th December release:
Luxor, from
Rüdiger Dorn and developed for BGA by Cpasbanal
10th December release:
Hungarian Tarokk, from
Public Domain and developed for BGA by LaszloK
11th December release:
Cacao, from
Phil Walker-Harding and developed for BGA by ExtraPaul
12th December release:
Piraten Kapern, from
Haim Shafir and developed for BGA by VinceS
13th December release:
Off the Rails, from
Andrew Platt, Stuart Platt and developed for BGA by paramesis
14th December release:
Connect 6, from
Professor I-Chen Wu and developed for BGA by VinceS
15th December release:
Spades, from
Public Domain and developed for BGA by VinceS
16th December release:
Saint Petersbug, from
Bernd Brunnhofer and developed for BGA by Marcuda
17th December release:
Cribbage, from
Sir John Suckling and developed for BGA by MikeIsHere
18th December release:
Yokai, from
Julien Griffon and developed for BGA by Galeelox
19th December release:
Quantik, from
Nouri Khalifa and developed for BGA by lyconide
20th December release:
Nanga Parbat, from
Steve Finn and developed for BGA by jonsmiley
21th December release:
Oh-Seven, from
Alex Weldon and developed for BGA by Xom
22th December release:
Bandido, from
Martin Nedergaard Andersen and developed for BGA by Harkle & ophelopède
23th December release:
Concept, from
Gaëtan Beaujannot & Alain Rivollet and developed for BGA by Tisaac
24th December release:
Haiclue, from
Will Leaf and developed for BGA by Volker78
25th December release:
Via Magica, from
Paolo Mori and developed for BGA by CuriousTerran
26th December release:
Martian Dice, from
Scott Almes and developed for BGA by KuWizard
27th December release:
Dungeon Roll, from
Chris Darden and developed for BGA by MGoulet
28th December release:
Con Sonar!, from
Christian Boutin and developed for BGA by Feunisher
29th December release:
Big Time Soccer, from
Andrew S. Fischer and developed for BGA by DrKarotte
30th December release:
Forbidden Island, from
Matt Leacock and developed for BGA by jeffdi
31th December release:
Klaverjassen, a popular traditional four player trick-tacking card game in the Netherlands,
developed for BGA by wolmot.
Please don't forget that you can report any issues or bugs through our BUG REPORT form, at the bottom of the website. You'll get in touch directly with the developers and that way, they can fix issues quickly. But don't forget to read the games rules before 😉
We're really waiting on your feedback about this special event, that is a way to thank all of our members who are making BGA the world's #1 place to play boardgames.
If you want to help furthermore publishers and game designers, don't forget that you can also buy the real games from many shops around the world, in your area. If you enjoy them, that's also a good way to reward them.
*We would like to thanks all our partners for their efforts during this year.
The best is yet to come.
And next year, we're expecting to continue offering you the best we can.
Take care and... play fair!*
Ian, Greg, Emmanuel and Jurica.
BGA Team.
Opus Magnum december: Letos skupaj zaključimo lepo.
Bilo je težko leto.
Za vse po vsem svetu.
In še vedno je.
V tem nenavadnem času smo pozdravili vse več igralcev z vsega sveta, več razvijalcev, več založnikov in na splošno več iger.
Najlepše se zahvaljujemo vsem našim uporabnikom Premium: ne samo, da pomagate pri podpori infrastrukture, temveč tudi založnikom in oblikovalcem iger od koder koli na svetu.
Prejeli smo tudi veliko e-poštnih sporočil o tem, kako je Board Game Arena pomagala marsikomu ostati pri zdravi pameti, medtem ko je bil zaprt.
Igrati se s prijatelji, družino, sorodniki ...
Ves čas razmišljamo o vseh teh sporočilih.
In hvaležni smo vsem ljudem, ki nam pomagajo tukaj.
Prav tako je nenavaden čas, saj imeti na BGA blizu 5 milijonov računov igralcev ni enostavno upravljati.
Toda naša majhna ekipa je na njej 24 ur na dan, 7 dni v tednu, da bodo stvari čim bolj prijetne.
Izboljšujemo, izpopolnjujemo, popravljamo vsak del spletnega mesta.
Ni popoln, vendar ga poskušamo izboljšati: naslednje leto bi lahko prineslo nekaj novih stvari v BGA, v teku pa je še veliko izboljšav.
Pričakujemo, da boste lahko vsemu temu priča naslednje leto.
A za zdaj bomo to končali, saj bomo jutri decembra.
Ker je bilo leto težko, smo se vam želeli zahvaliti, ker ste igrali na BGA in nas podpirali.
Vsak dan se BGA pridružuje več založnikov, pa tudi razvijalcev.
In preprosto ne moremo upoštevati običajnega razporeda za izdajo v sredo.
Ne da pogrešamo igre, ampak prav nasprotno: imamo jih veliko in izdati jih moramo še več!
Zato smo prišli do preproste ideje: kot adventni koledar, naj tudi ta postane
Opus Magnum je latinsko za mojstrovino.
Lahko se uporablja tudi kot "Dobro opravljeno delo".
Našo ekipo smo s pomočjo naših razvijalcev pripeljali do meje, da bi vam prinesli poseben FULL mesec NOVIH iger.
Od danes dalje ste morda videli nov blok pod bloki naslovov na naši domači strani:
Koledar za december 2020.
Vsak decembrski dan boste lahko kliknili dnevno darilo, ki vam bo pokazalo našo objavo dneva.
ENA nova izdaja igre VSAK DAN. 31 dni.
To je 31. igra za december.
Od klasike do novosti, indie do slavnih naslovov, boste imeli novo igro, ki jo boste lahko odkrili vsakič, ko luna vzhaja (po pariškem času).
Za ogled novih iger boste lahko kliknili koledar, poleg tega pa boste lahko našli tudi izdaje, navedene v tej objavi.
V koledar pa smo dodali majhno funkcijo: če boste vsak dan prišli klikniti dnevno darilo, boste dobili nagrado kot nagrado, odvisno od tega, koliko dni ste to lahko storili zapored.
To je način, da pozneje vemo, kaj je bilo videti, kaj je bilo kliknjeno in kako lahko na prvi strani uporabimo takšno idejo za ponujanje več stvari.
Za zdaj so tukaj izdane igre (seznam se bo posodabljal vsak dan):
Izdanje 1. decembra:
Thurn & Taxis, 2006 Spiel des Jahres, oblikoval
Andreas Seyfarth & Karen Seyfarth, za BGA pa Volker78 & tutchek
2. december:
Dobrodošli v IN Dobrodošli v podjetju VEGAS, ki ga je oblikoval
Alexis Allard in Benoît Tupin, za BGA pa Tisaac & JustinFernal
Izdanje 3. decembra:
Izdanje 4. decembra:
Izdanje 5. decembra:
6. december:
Objava 7. decembra:
8. december:
Objava 9. decembra:
Objava 10. decembra:
Objava 11. decembra:
12. december:
Objava 13. decembra:
14. december:
Objava 15. decembra:
Sprostitev 16. decembra:
Objava 17. decembra:
Izid 18. decembra:
19. december:
20. december:
Objava 21. decembra:
Objava 22. decembra:
Objava 23. decembra:
Objava 24. decembra:
Objava 25. decembra:
Sprostitev 26. decembra:
Objava 27. decembra:
Sprostitev 28. decembra:
Objava 29. decembra:
Sprostitev 30. decembra:
Objava 31. decembra:
Ne pozabite, da lahko o kakršnih koli težavah ali napakah prijavite prek našega obrazca POROČILO O NAPAKIH na dnu spletnega mesta.
Stopili boste v neposreden stik z razvijalci in tako bodo lahko hitro odpravili težave.
Ne pozabite pa prej prebrati pravil o igrah
Resnično čakamo na vaše povratne informacije o tem posebnem dogodku, to je način, da se zahvalimo vsem našim članom, ki so BGA postavili na prvo mesto na svetu za igranje družabnih iger.
Če želite še dodatno pomagati založnikom in oblikovalcem iger, ne pozabite, da lahko prave igre kupite tudi v številnih trgovinah po vsem svetu na vašem območju.
Če jih uživate, je to tudi dober način, da jih nagradite.
Zahvaljujemo se vsem našim partnerjem za njihov trud v tem letu.
Najboljše še prihaja.
In naslednje leto pričakujemo, da vam bomo še naprej ponujali najboljše, kar lahko.
Pazite in ...
igraj pošteno!
Ian, Greg, Emmanuel in Jurica.
Ekipa BGA.