*- Knock knock!
Sul sul.
Who's there?
Your new neighbor!
Welcome to... ? Is that you ?
Yes, and i'm with a new friend : Welcome to... New Las Vegas!*
Oh, i already know him. Get in and get a seat. We have to talk.
It's time to release these 2 games!
Welcome to... is a game that has been awarded close to 20 awards worldwide, from Golden Geek awards to TricTrac, for good reasons: it's simple, addictive and challenging.
It's like The Sims, or Simcity: You build up houses or casinos, take care of the neighbours, but you don't have to care about Karen directly as she will probably mess around with Steve, you just have to build the places, whatever happens to the people living there is not your job. And the reason is that you'll already suffer enough from planning things.
As an architect in Welcome To..., you want to build the best new town in the United States of the 1950s by adding resources to a pool, hiring employees, and more.
Welcome To... plays like a roll-and-write dice game in which you mark results on a score-sheet... But without dice. Instead you flip cards from three piles to make three different action sets with both a house number and a corresponding action from which everyone chooses one. You use the number to fill in a house on your street in numerical order. Then you take the action to increase the point value of estates you build or score points at the end for building parks and pools. Players also have the option of taking actions to alter or duplicate their house numbers. And everyone is racing to be the first to complete public goals. There's lots to do and many paths to becoming the best suburban architect in Welcome To...!
Because of the communal actions, game play is simultaneous and thus supports large groups of players. With many varying strategies and completely randomized action sets, no two games will feel the same!
And when you'll get tired of Welcome to...
Rediscover the game with a new theme and new mechanisms in Welcome To New Las Vegas!
The game plays with a set of two different sheets — one dedicated to the map, the other used to keep track of the score and objectives — where you have to build and open casinos in the streets, hotels in avenues, create golf courses, give performances to the tourists, and move limousines for VIPs in order to build the greatest and most entertaining city and win the game!
Welcome To New Las Vegas keeps the same roll-and-write with dice-without-dice mechanism from Welcome to... Your Perfect Home: you flip cards from three piles to make three different sets with both a casino number and a corresponding action from which everyone chooses one. You use the number to fill in a casino on your street in numerical order. And everyone is racing to be the first to complete public goals. There's lots to do and many paths to becoming the best resort architect in Welcome To New Las Vegas!
That's 2 games released, the first one, Welcome To... being for Premium subscribers, and Welcome to New Las Vegas being free for all.
You can find the games here:
For Welcome to... https://boardgamearena.com/gamepanel?game=welcometo
For Welcome to New Las Vegas https://boardgamearena.com/gamepanel?ga ... ewlasvegas
Both of them are designed brilliantly by the same game designers, and are beautifully illustrated by Anne Heidsieck. So you should feel at home in both of them 😉
Please note that you can also buy the real game at your local retail store to help the publisher 😉
We would like to thank of course the publisher, Blue Cocker, and more specifically Alain Balay for his support in bringing the games to Board Game Arena.
Also, nothing would have been possible without the hard work of our developpers, Tisaac, Justinfernal and, of course, joezg (you rule).
Of course, the Wednesday releases are part of BGA Opus Magnum Calendar releases, because we just simply couldn't release a game before it has been tested 😉
Enjoy building your cities, having games with up to 12 opponents (We might increase this later if it's proven to be stable enough), and let's celebrate boardgames together.
*There will be more coming,
but that's it for today 😉*
Dag dag.
(PS: anything related to Simcity or The Sims would be a simple coincidence.)
(PPS: Klapaucius cheat-code doesn't work either.)
Dobrodošli v ... The Sims. Oh, ne. Mislim tvoj dom. Ali Vegas.
- Trkaj!
- Sul sul.
- Kdo je tam?
- Tvoj novi sosed!
- Dobrodošli v... ?
Si to ti?
- Da, in jaz sem z novim prijateljem: Dobrodošli v ...
Novi Las Vegas!
Oh, že ga poznam.
Vstopi in sedej.
Moramo se pogovoriti.
Čas je, da izdate ti dve igri!
Dobrodošli v ... je igra, ki je bila iz resničnih razlogov nagrajena s skoraj 20 nagradami, od nagrad Golden Geek do TricTrac: preprosta, zasvojenost in zahtevna.
To je kot The Sims ali Simcity: gradite hiše ali igralnice, skrbite za sosede, vendar vam ni treba skrbeti za Karen neposredno, saj se bo verjetno zmešala s Stevom, samo zgraditi morate mesta, ne glede na to, zgodi se ljudem, ki tam živijo, ni vaša naloga.
In razlog je v tem, da boste že dovolj trpeli zaradi načrtovanja stvari.
Kot arhitekt v Dobrodošli v ... želite zgraditi najboljše novo mesto v ZDA iz petdesetih let, tako da dodate sredstva v bazen, najamete zaposlene in še več.
Dobrodošli v...
igra kot igra z kockami in piši, v kateri rezultate označiš na zapisniku ...
A brez kock.
Namesto tega zložite karte iz treh kupčkov, da ustvarite tri različne akcijske sklope s hišno številko in ustreznim dejanjem, med katerimi si ga vsak izbere.
Številko uporabite za zapolnitev hiše na vaši ulici v številčnem vrstnem redu.
Nato ukrepate tako, da povečate točkovno vrednost posesti, ki jo zgradite, ali na koncu dosežete točke za gradnjo parkov in bazenov.
Igralci imajo tudi možnost, da spremenijo ali podvojijo svoje hišne številke.
In vsi tekmujejo, kdo je prvi, ki bo izpolnil javne cilje.
Veliko dela je in veliko poti do tega, da postanete najboljši primestni arhitekt v Welcome To ...!
Zaradi skupnih dejanj je igra simultana in tako podpira večje skupine igralcev.
S številnimi različnimi strategijami in popolnoma naključnimi akcijskimi sklopi nobena igra ne bo enaka!
In ko se boste naveličali Dobrodošli v ...
Ponovno odkrijte igro z novo temo in novimi mehanizmi v programu Welcome To New Las Vegas!
Igra se igra z dvema različnima listoma - eden je namenjen zemljevidu, drugi pa za beleženje rezultatov in ciljev - kjer morate graditi in odpirati igralnice na ulicah, hotele v avenijah, ustvarjati igrišča za golf, predstave turistom in premaknite limuzine za VIP-je, da bi zgradili največje in najbolj zabavno mesto in zmagali v igri!
Dobrodošli v novem Las Vegasu ohranjajo enak mehanizem vrtenja in pisanja z mehanizmom kocke brez kocke podjetja Welcome to ...
Vaš Popolni dom: zložite karte iz treh kupčkov, da ustvarite tri različne komplete s številko igralnice in ustreznim dejanjem, med katerim si vsak izbere enega.
Številko uporabite za izpolnitev igralnice na vaši ulici v številčnem vrstnem redu.
In vsi tekmujejo, kdo je prvi, ki bo izpolnil javne cilje.
Veliko dela je in veliko poti do tega, da postanete najboljši letoviški arhitekt v Welcome To New Las Vegas!
Izšli sta dve igri, prva, Welcome To ...
za naročnike Premium in Dobrodošli v New Las Vegasu brezplačno za vse.
Igre najdete tukaj:
Za Dobrodošli na ... https://boardgamearena.com/gamepanel?game=welcometo
Za dobrodošlico v New Las Vegi s https://boardgamearena.com/gamepanel?ga ...
Oba sta sijajno oblikovala ista oblikovalca iger in lepo ilustrirala Anne Heidsieck.
Tako v obeh bi se morali počutiti kot doma
Upoštevajte, da lahko pravo igro kupite tudi v lokalni trgovini, da založniku pomagate
Seveda bi se radi zahvalili založniku Blue Cocker in natančneje Alainu Balayu za podporo pri igranju iger na Board Game Arena.
Prav tako nič ne bi bilo mogoče brez trdega dela naših razvijalcev, Tisaaca, Justinfernala in seveda joezga (vi vladate).
Seveda so izdaje v sredo del izdaj koledarja BGA Opus Magnum, ker preprosto nismo mogli izdati igre, preden je bila preizkušena
Uživajte v gradnji svojih mest, igrajte igre z do 12 nasprotniki (to lahko kasneje še povečamo, če se izkaže, da je dovolj stabilna) in skupaj praznujmo družabne igre.
Prihajalo jih bo še več,
ampak to je to za danes
Dag dag.
(PS: vse, kar je povezano s Simcity ali The Sims, bi bilo preprosto naključje.)
(PPS: tudi kladilna koda Klapaucius ne deluje.)