*There will be draft, combinations, powers and destruction.
There will be magic, there will be blood,
There will be special abilities under your hood.*
What could be better than a BRAND NEW miniatures game filled with so much awesomeness?
A new game by the legendary team from Mythic Games.
But first, the story:
In the land of Fabulosa, powerful magics have rendered war obsolete. With nothing else to compete for, the bored populace has turned to the Super Brawl for entertainment. These same powerful magics are now used to reach back into the timelines to pluck out the finest warriors from every civilization in order to compete against each other in the greatest entertainment spectacle ever staged.
Next, the game:
Super Fantasy Brawl is a fun, fast-paced competitive miniatures board game. Players select a team of three champions and combine their unique action cards to create a synergistic action deck. The game is faction-free, so players have their choice of any combination of champions they wish. Each turn, the players use their hand of action cards to maneuver, attack, displace enemies, and claim objectives to score victory points.
The objectives in Super Fantasy Brawl are only scored at the beginning of a players' turn, ensuring that you always get a chance to disrupt your enemy's plans and position your champions to score the objective for yourself. This tactical to-and-fro continues until one player reaches the victory point threshold, declaring themselves the winner and advancing towards victory in the Super Brawl tournament!
**We're super-glad to bring this fantasy game to our never-ending brawl platform.
**Curious about this super-duper game ?
**You can free up to 30 minutes, and can play a 2 players game?
Check this game page link and see by yourself:
https://boardgamearena.com/gamepanel?ga ... ntasybrawl
The game has been developed by Mistergos, one of the best we have in town. So you can tell it's playable.
Kudos to him!
It's very nicely illustrated by some of the most talented people out there, including Stéphane Gantiez, Johannes Helgeson, Bayard Wu and Irek Zielinski.
And the game design is all up to Jochen Eisenhuth and the wonderful team of Mythic Games. Thanks to them for bringing the game on BGA.
**You want more ?
**BGA is the place to play Super Fantasy Brawl without the need to check the rules, and you should be able to get why the game mechanics are solid.
That's also why NEW heroes will be released in the upcoming next weeks.
8th March : Gold'arr, Gwaien, Kilgore, Deryn Dungrun et Tzu Xiao
10th March : Izabella, Al'Kemi, Xinshen (Mental Might)
12th March : Korvash, Rath, Mariusz (Circle of Blood)
16th March : Nikkit, Jacques le Beau, Lil'Y (Hot Trick)
19th March : Kol'el, Akhet, Sulka (Art of War)
26th March : King Alistair, Khalize, Sir Tentaclot (Radiant Authority)
2nd April : Loralei, Nevamore et Taze (Force of Nature)
That's a lot of novelties, right?
So, what's up next?
You want to play with the figs? You need to check what the real game is?
So why not check this page:
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/11 ... ref=arj6yf
Youll be able to discover reviews, art and videos about that fantas... (am i too repetitive ?) AWESOME game.
There is only a few days remaining, so don't miss a chance to grab a copy.
What about expansions?
Ah. I saw you coming.
You'll be glad to know that there will be a total of 15 Champions released in the next weeks, or months (including the ones we talked about).
So get your hands on it.
drop mic
Super Fantasy Brawl: Ogromna igra miniatur!
Prišlo bo do osnutka, kombinacij, moči in uničenja.
Tam bo čarovnija, bo kri,
Pod vašim pokrovom bodo posebne sposobnosti.
Kaj je lahko boljšega od ČISTO NOVE miniaturne igre, napolnjene s toliko izjemnosti?
Prosimo, pozdravite SUPER FANTASY BRAWL!
Nova igra legendarne ekipe iz Mythic Games.
Najprej pa zgodba:
V deželi Fabulosa so močne magije postale vojna zastarele.
Ker se ni nič drugega, za kar bi tekmovali, se zdolgočaseno prebivalstvo za zabavo obrne na Super Brawl.
Te iste močne čarovnije se zdaj uporabljajo, da se vrnejo v časovni trak, da izvlečejo najboljše bojevnike iz vseh civilizacij, da bi se pomerili med seboj v največjem zabavnem spektaklu, ki so ga kdaj priredili.
Nato igra:
Super Fantasy Brawl je zabavna, hitra konkurenčna miniaturna družabna igra.
Igralci izberejo ekipo treh prvakov in združijo svoje edinstvene akcijske karte, da ustvarijo sinergično akcijsko ploščad.
Igra je brez frakcij, zato imajo igralci na izbiro poljubno kombinacijo prvakov.
V vsakem potezu igralci z roko akcijskih kart manevrirajo, napadajo, izrinjajo sovražnike in zahtevajo cilje, da dosežejo zmagovite točke.
Cilji v Super Fantasy Brawl se dosežejo le na začetku igralčeve poteze, s čimer zagotovite, da boste vedno imeli možnost, da porušite sovražnikove načrte in postavite svoje prvake, da si sami dosežejo cilj.
Ta taktična smer se nadaljuje, dokler en igralec ne doseže praga zmagovite točke, se razglasi za zmagovalca in napreduje proti zmagi na turnirju Super Brawl!
Zelo smo veseli, da smo to fantazijsko igro predstavili na naši neskončni platformi za pretepe.
Vas zanima ta super-duper igra?
Lahko sprostite do 30 minut in lahko igrate igro za dva igralca?
Preverite povezavo do te strani igre in si oglejte sami:
https://boardgamearena.com/gamepanel?ga ...
Igro je razvil Mistergos, eden najboljših v mestu.
Tako lahko ugotovite, da je mogoče igrati.
Svaka mu čast!
To zelo lepo ponazarjajo nekateri najbolj nadarjeni ljudje, med njimi Stéphane Gantiez, Johannes Helgeson, Bayard Wu in Irek Zielinski.
In oblikovanje igre je odvisno od Jochena Eisenhutha in čudovite ekipe Mythic Games.
Hvala jim, ker so igro predstavili na BGA.
Hočeš več ?
BGA je mesto za igranje Super Fantasy Brawl, ne da bi morali preverjati pravila, in morali bi biti sposobni ugotoviti, zakaj je mehanika igre trdna.
Tudi zato bodo v naslednjih tednih objavljeni NOVI junaki.
8. marec: Gold'arr, Gwaien, Kilgore, Deryn Dungrun et Tzu Xiao
10. marec: Izabella, Al'Kemi, Xinshen (Mental Might)
12. marec: Korvash, Rath, Mariusz (Krog krvi)
16. marec: Nikkit, Jacques le Beau, Lil'Y (Hot Trick)
19. marec: Kol'el, Akhet, Sulka (Umetnost vojne)
26. marec: kralj Alistair, Khalize, sir Tentaclot (Radiant Authority)
2. april: Loralei, Nevamore et Taze (sila narave)
To je veliko novosti, kajne?
Torej, kaj je naslednje?
Se želite igrati s figami?
Preveriti morate, kaj je resnična igra?
Zakaj torej ne bi preverili te strani:
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/11 ...
ref = arj6yf
Odkrili boste lahko ocene, umetnost in video posnetke o teh fantazijah ...
(ali se preveč ponavljam?) ODLIČNA igra.
Na voljo je le še nekaj dni, zato ne zamudite priložnosti, da vzamete kopijo.
Kaj pa razširitve?
Videl sem, da prihajate.
Z veseljem boste vedeli, da bo v naslednjih tednih ali mesecih (vključno s tistimi, o katerih smo govorili) izšlo skupno 15 prvakov.
Torej vzemite v roke.
* spustite mikrofon *