Vlaada Chvátil is a famous game designer for a simple reason : he created some of the most amazing brain-burrning experiences in the board game world.
From Through The Ages to Galaxy Trucker to Dungeon Lords to Bunny, Bunny, Moose, Moose, his designs have continued to break new ground, introduced new mechanisms, and universally provided thoughtful, fun game experiences that stick with you long after the games are over.
And Dungeon Petz is no exception.
In Dungeon Petz, Chvatil's sequel to Dungeon Lords, you manage a group of imps that were recently displaced when their dungeons were destroyed by heroes in the previous game, leaving them without jobs. With their limited skills, the imps band together and open a monster pet shop, hoping to achieve fame and glory and a bit of profit selling their pets to the few dungeon lords that still remain in business. Of course, all the imps from the other decimated dungeons decided to do the exact same thing, and now the imps are not only competing to sell pets to the dungeon lords, but they are also competing against each other to see who has the best pets (because that's what imps do).
During the game, you will buy baby pets and raise them for sale and exhibition. Being baby pets, they won't always do what you want, or what you expect. You'll just have to provide for their various needs as best you can. You will buy cages for them, provide them with food, install toys in their cages, clean up poop, more poop, and piles of poop. Or not (your choice). You will defend your cages against pets throwing tantrums and trying to escape (be prepared for the occasional hospital visit). Some pets will try to play with dangerous magic and accidentally grow themselves an extra set of eyes, or an extra tail. And some pets just get depressed when there is no one to play with them. Pets are complicated creatures. And they grow fast. It's probably best if you put in the time and learn about them now while they are little, because when your pets age they get hungrier, more fearsome, and far more demanding. In the game, you can buy books about your pets to learn their inner-most secrets (What To Expect When You Are Expecting Poop). There are a lot of things you can buy: long shovels for cleaning, um, stuff... you get it; whips to encourage the exhibition judges to vote your way; and even magical armor that your imps can use when defending against outbursts and the occasional fit of magical experimentation.
And just when you grow attached to your pets, learn how to care for them, and start to respect them as individuals, you'll throw them on stage and make them compete in shallow exhibitions against each other to see which pets are the meanest, hungriest, and poopiest. And then you'll sell them. Just like that. For one gold nugget if you can. Or less, if it helps your bottom line. From infant to family pet to exhibition to sale, a gold nugget for you, and a life of servitude to horrific dungeon lords for them. Such is the life of a pet.
If any of this sounds fun, then Dungeon Petz is the game for you!
But beware : it's not a light game.
You can see it in action by clicking this link, if you dare:
This is a worker placement, blind bidding and card management game. The game play flows together very nicely if you are able to accept that you can not plan everything. And that's part of the charm.
We would like to thank the team behind Czech Games, Vladaa Chvatil, and all of the game testers.
There would be no games on BGA without the help of developers, and oh... what a humongous work has been done here by our fantastic dev, Victoria_La, who worked on this monster of a game for weeks.
So now, you have two possible choices: Play it, or pass.
But you have to know that there are two kinds of humans in the world:
The ones who have played this game, and the others...
And about expansions?
(we see you)
Like any games on BGA: if the game is played by many people, they will come 😉
Dungeon Petz: Težka trgovina z živalmi iz pekla
Vlaada Chvátil je znana oblikovalka iger iz preprostega razloga: ustvaril je nekaj najbolj neverjetnih izkušenj, ki puščajo možgane v svetu družabnih iger.
Od Skozi veke do Galaxy Truckerja do Lordov Dungeona do Bunnyja, Bunnyja, Moosea, Moosea, njegovi načrti še naprej odpirajo nove točke, uvajajo nove mehanizme in zagotavljajo premišljene, zabavne izkušnje v igrah, ki ostanejo pri vas še dolgo po koncu iger. .
In Dungeon Petz ni nobena izjema.
V Dungeon Petz, Chvatilovem nadaljevanju Dungeon Lords, upravljate skupino vragov, ki so bili nedavno razseljeni, ko so junaki v prejšnji igri uničili njihove ječe, zaradi česar so ostali brez službe.
S svojimi omejenimi znanji se impi združijo in odprejo pošastno hišno trgovino, v upanju, da bodo dosegli slavo in slavo ter nekaj dobička, prodajo svoje hišne ljubljenčke nekaterim ječmenskim gospodarjem, ki še vedno poslujejo.
Seveda so se vsi impi iz drugih zdesetkanih ječ odločili, da bodo storili popolnoma isto stvar, zdaj pa impi ne tekmujejo le za prodajo hišnih ljubljenčkov gospodarjem ječ, ampak tudi med seboj tekmujejo, kdo ima najboljše hišne ljubljenčke (ker to počnejo imps).
Med igro boste kupili hišne ljubljenčke in jih vzgajali za prodajo in razstavo.
Ker so hišni ljubljenčki, ne bodo vedno počeli tistega, kar želite ali kar pričakujete.
Za njihove različne potrebe boste morali kar najbolje poskrbeti.
Zanje boste kupili kletke, jim priskrbeli hrano, v njihove kletke namestili igrače, pospravili kakce, še kakšnik in kupe kakcev.
Ali pa ne (vaša izbira).
Svoje kletke boste branili pred hišnimi ljubljenčki, ki mečejo napade in poskušajo pobegniti (bodite pripravljeni na občasen obisk bolnišnice).
Nekateri hišni ljubljenčki se bodo poskušali igrati z nevarno magijo in si po naključju pridelali dodaten nabor oči ali dodaten rep.
In nekateri hišni ljubljenčki so kar depresivni, ko se ni nihče z njimi igrati.
Hišni ljubljenčki so zapletena bitja.
In hitro rastejo.
Verjetno je najbolje, če si vložite čas in se zanje naučite že, ko so majhni, kajti ko se vaši ljubljenčki starajo, postanejo bolj lačni, bolj strašljivi in veliko bolj zahtevni.
V igri lahko kupite knjige o svojih ljubljenčkih, da se naučite njihovih najbolj notranjih skrivnosti (Kaj pričakovati, ko pričakujete kakce).
Veliko stvari lahko kupite: dolge lopate za čiščenje, hm, stvari ...
razumeš; biči, da spodbudite razstavne sodnike, da izberejo vašo pot; in celo čarobni oklep, ki ga lahko vaši vragovi uporabljajo pri obrambi pred izbruhi in občasnimi čarovniškimi poskusi.
In ravno ko se navežete na svoje hišne ljubljenčke, se naučite skrbeti zanje in jih začnete spoštovati kot posameznike, jih boste vrgli na oder in jih tekmovali na plitvih razstavah med seboj, da vidite, kateri hišni ljubljenčki so najbolj ostri najbolj lačen in poopiest.
In potem jih boste prodali.
Kar tako.
Za en zlat kos, če le lahko.
Ali manj, če vam pomaga.
Od dojenčka do družinskega hišnega ljubljenčka do razstave do prodaje, zlati grudek za vas in služnostno življenje do grozljivih ječerskih gospodov zanje.
Takšno je življenje hišnega ljubljenčka.
Če se vam kaj od tega zdi zabavno, potem je Dungeon Petz igra za vas!
A pozor: to ni lahko igra.
Če si upate, ga lahko vidite v akciji s klikom na to povezavo:
To je igra za razporeditev delavcev, slepe ponudbe in upravljanje s kartami.
Igra se zelo lepo prepleta, če ste sposobni sprejeti, da ne morete vsega načrtovati.
In to je del čara.
Radi bi se zahvalili ekipi, ki stoji za češkimi igrami, Vladia Chvatil in vsem preizkuševalcem iger.
Brez pomoči razvijalcev na BGA ne bi bilo iger in oh ...
kako čudovito delo je tu opravil naš fantastični razvijalec Victoria_La, ki je tedne delal na tej pošasti v igri.
Zdaj imate na voljo dve možnosti: predvajanje ali podajanje.
Toda vedeti morate, da na svetu obstajata dve vrsti ljudi:
Tisti, ki so igrali to igro, in drugi ...
In o širitvah?
(vidimo se)
Kot vse igre na BGA: če igro igra veliko ljudi, bodo prišli