You might not know anything about Andrew, especially if you are not familiar with American history.
Carnegie was inspired by the life of Andrew Carnegie. Andrew Carnegie was born in Scotland in 1835 and emigrated with his parents to the United States in 1848. Although he started his career as a telegraphist, his role as one of the major players in the rise of the United States’ steel industry made him one of the richest men in the world and an icon of the American dream.
Andrew Carnegie was also a benefactor and philanthropist; upon his death in 1919, more than $350 million of his wealth was bequeathed to various foundations, with another $30 million going to various charities. His endowments created nearly 2,500 free public libraries that bear his name: the Carnegie Libraries.
You can of course learn more about him, as there are many articles and books about him and his story.
During the game you will recruit and manage employees, expand your business, invest in real estate, produce and sell goods, and create transport chains across the United States; you may even work with important personalities of the era. Perhaps you will even become an illustrious benefactor who contributes to the greatness of your country through deeds and generosity!
The game takes place over 20 rounds; players will each have one turn per round. On each turn, the active player will choose one of four actions which the other players may follow.
The goal of the game is to build the most prestigious company, symbolized by victory points.
This is a huge game that had a great success on Kickstarter, and is now ready to be played on BGA by clicking here:
The game designed by Xavier Georges and illustrated by Ian O'Toole, is the type of rare marvel you do not get to play often.
Nothing would have been possible without the help of Quined Games and, of course, our developer paramesis who did an excellent job bringing this huge game to BGA.
You will be able to play the game with 1 to 4 players, for about 60mins.
It is not for the faint-hearted.
So be ready to build your own legacy!
Carnegie: V mestu je nov Rockefeller!
O Andrewu morda ne boste vedeli ničesar, še posebej, če niste seznanjeni z ameriško zgodovino.
Carnegieja je navdihnilo življenje Andrewa Carnegieja.
Andrew Carnegie se je rodil na Škotskem leta 1835, leta 1848 pa je s starši emigriral v ZDA.
Čeprav je svojo kariero začel kot telegrafist, ga je njegova vloga enega glavnih akterjev v vzponu jeklarske industrije ZDA postavila med najbogatejše ljudi na svetu in ikono ameriških sanj.
Andrew Carnegie je bil tudi dobrotnik in človekoljub; po njegovi smrti leta 1919 je bilo več kot 350 milijonov dolarjev njegovega bogastva zapuščenih različnim fundacijam, dodatnih 30 milijonov dolarjev pa je bilo namenjenih različnim dobrodelnim organizacijam.
Njegove obdaritve so ustvarile skoraj 2500 brezplačnih splošnih knjižnic, ki nosijo njegovo ime: knjižnice Carnegie.
Seveda lahko o njem izvedete več, saj je o njem in njegovi zgodbi veliko člankov in knjig.
Med igro boste zaposlovali in upravljali zaposlene, širili svoje poslovanje, vlagali v nepremičnine, proizvajali in prodajali blago ter ustvarjali transportne verige po ZDA; morda celo sodelujete s pomembnimi osebnostmi te dobe.
Morda boste celo postali slavni dobrotnik, ki z dejanji in radodarnostjo prispeva k veličini vaše države!
Igra poteka v 20 krogih ; igralci bodo imeli po en obrat na krog.
Na vsakem potezu bo aktivni igralec izbral enega od štirih dejanj, ki jih lahko sledijo drugi igralci.
Cilj igre je zgraditi najprestižnejše podjetje, ki ga simbolizirajo zmagovalne točke.
To je ogromna igra, ki je imela velik uspeh na Kickstarterju in je zdaj pripravljena za igranje na BGA s klikom tukaj:
Igra, ki jo je zasnoval Xavier Georges in ilustriral Ian O'Toole, je vrsta redkega čudeža, ki ga ne morete igrati pogosto.
Brez pomoči Quined Games in seveda našega razvijalca parameze, ki je odlično opravil to ogromno igro na BGA, nič ne bi bilo mogoče.
Igro boste lahko igrali z 1 do 4 igralci približno 60 minut.
Ni za slabovidne.
Bodite torej pripravljeni zgraditi svojo lastno zapuščino!