Congratulations to all of the winners of Season 6!
Better matchmaking experiment
During season 6, we did a 2 week experiment to try matching you with opponents from the same league (or not so far off).
There is no magic here: having better opponents always means waiting longer, so it created longer waiting delays.
The objective was successful in that the vast majority of the tables gathered people from the same league. We got some very interesting feedback from you during these weeks. It seems that the longer delay discouraged a lot of you, and that this experiment had to stop. Since then, the Arena has been just like it was before.
However, we are still not satisfied with the Arena matchmaking, and we plan to do another experiment during a future Arena season. Again, there is no magic: it will mean that you will be able to play less games, but with more appropriate opponents. However, contrary to this experiment and following your feedback, we will try to make sure the waiting time is predictable, so that the wait is less painful.
(to be continued...)
Arena Formats & Gurus
At the beginning of the latest season, we introduced a new way to handle the Arena formats (the settings for each Arena game).
Now Arena formats are decided by a group of experimented players for each games: the Gurus.
This is a great success and we would like to thank all Gurus for their participation, suggestions, and votes!
With over 333 games in the Arena, the Gurus chose:
to keep the current arena format for 235 games.
to set a new format for 82 games.
The 11 other games unfortunately have invalid winning suggestions.
Important: Arena suggestions must clearly write which game options must be set (ex: "Expansion X: Yes"), and they must be options that already exist. Otherwise we are forced to set the suggestion as "invalid" and the current format will be kept for the next Season. If a suggestion is not clear enough, we recommend all Gurus to downvote it so it is not selected.
If the format changes for your game, you should see it in your newsfeed soon.
Thanks to the Gurus, we wish that the new Arena settings will be appreciated by most of you!
Arena Reputation Limit
A lot of you suggested that we limit the Arena to players with a good reputation to avoid "quitters" n the Arena.
This is an excellent suggestion, as in the Arena you cannot choose your opponents.
Starting this season, Arena is reserved to players with a Karma higher than 60.
We hope that this will contribute to making the Arena more enjoyable for everyone.
Important Reminder: Recent Games Are Not Included in the End of This Season.
All games published (= out of Beta) less than 1 month before the end of a season are not included in the end of the season (no trophies, no relegations).
** Season 7 is NOW Launched. **
The new Arena is going to be opened in a few hours.
Some Explanation About: Relegations
At the end of each season, after winners have been awarded, you are relegated.
Some custom relegation rules may have been applied to a game for some reason (ex: we decided to reduce the number of leagues), but in general here is what happens:
For games with 6 or 5 different leagues, all players are decreased by 3 leagues.
For games with 4 different leagues, all players are decreased by 2 leagues.
For games with 2 or 3 different leagues, all players are decreased by 1 league.
For all games and all leagues, your number of Arena points is reset to 1, and your AES ("Arena Elo") is reset to 1500.
** It's up to you to find the way to the elite!
May the odds be ever in your favor!
7. sezona: Nova sezona in nove funkcije!
Čestitamo vsem zmagovalcem šeste sezone!
Boljši poskus ujemanja
V 6. sezoni smo izvedli dvotedenski poskus, da bi vas poskušali povezati z nasprotniki iz iste lige (ali ne tako daleč).
Tu ni čarovnije: imeti boljše nasprotnike vedno pomeni čakati dlje, zato so nastale daljše čakalne zamude.
Cilj je bil uspešen, saj je velika večina tabel zbrala ljudi iz iste lige.
V teh tednih smo od vas dobili zelo zanimive povratne informacije.
Zdi se, da vas je daljša zamuda odvrnila od mnogih in da se je moral ta poskus ustaviti.
Od takrat je Arena takšna, kot je bila prej.
Kljub temu še vedno nismo zadovoljni z ujemanjem z Areno, v prihodnji sezoni Arene pa načrtujemo še en poskus.
Spet ni čarovnije: to bo pomenilo, da boste lahko igrali manj iger, vendar z ustreznejšimi nasprotniki.
Vendar pa bomo v nasprotju s tem poskusom in po vaših povratnih informacijah poskušali zagotoviti, da je čakalna doba predvidljiva, da bo čakanje manj boleče.
(se nadaljuje...)
Formati arene in guruji
Na začetku zadnje sezone smo predstavili nov način obravnave formatov Arena (nastavitve za vsako igro Arena).
Zdaj o formatih Arena odloča skupina preizkušenih igralcev za vsako igro: guruji.
To je velik uspeh in zahvaljujemo se vsem gurujem za sodelovanje, predloge in glasove!
Z več kot 333 tekmami v Areni so guruji izbrali:
- ohraniti trenutno obliko arene za 235 iger.
- za nastavitev nove oblike za 82 iger.
11 drugih iger ima žal neveljavne zmagovalne predloge.
Pomembno: Predlogi arene morajo jasno navesti, katere možnosti igre morajo biti nastavljene (npr .: "Expansion X: Yes"), in morajo biti možnosti, ki že obstajajo.
V nasprotnem primeru smo prisiljeni nastaviti predlog kot "neveljaven" in trenutna oblika se bo ohranila za naslednjo sezono.
Če predlog ni dovolj jasen, priporočamo vsem gurujem, da ga glasujejo, da ne bo izbran.
Če se oblika igre spremeni, bi jo morali kmalu videti v svojem viru novic.
Zahvaljujoč gurujem želimo, da bi večina vas cenila nove nastavitve Arene!
Omejitev ugleda arene
Mnogi od vas so predlagali, da omejimo Areno na igralce z dobrim ugledom, da se izognemo "odpovedam" v Areni.
To je odličen predlog, saj v Areni ne morete izbirati nasprotnikov.
Od te sezone je Arena rezervirana za igralce s karmo nad 60.
Upamo, da bo to prispevalo k temu, da bo Arena prijetnejša za vse.
Pomemben opomnik: Nedavne igre ob koncu te sezone niso vključene.
Vse igre, objavljene (= zunaj beta) manj kot 1 mesec pred koncem sezone, niso vključene v konec sezone (brez pokalov, brez izpadov).
Sezona 7 se začenja ZDAJ.
Nova Arena bo odprta čez nekaj ur.
Nekaj razlage o: Izpisi
Na koncu vsake sezone po podelitvi zmagovalcev izpadite.
Nekatera pravila za izpad po meri so bila morda iz nekega razloga uporabljena za igro (npr. Odločili smo se zmanjšati število lig), vendar se na splošno zgodi naslednje:
- Pri igrah s 6 ali 5 različnimi ligami se vsi igralci zmanjšajo za 3 lige.
- Pri igrah s 4 različnimi ligami se vsi igralci zmanjšajo za 2 ligi.
- Pri igrah z 2 ali 3 različnimi ligami se vsi igralci znižajo za 1 ligo.
- Za vse igre in vse lige se vaše število točk v Areni ponastavi na 1, vaš AES ("Arena Elo") pa na 1500.
Naj ti bo usoda vedno naklonjena!