*Yeah, you know they're gonna bring it down now...
They're gonna wreck it down, yeah!*
(Insert a famous 1998's bass line here) You get it?
It is time for some monsters to smash down buildings in Tokyo. Again.
Most players might have heard of Richard Garfield, the creator of the famous trading card game Magic The Gathering. With King of Tokyo, **Richard Garfield **offers a crazy game in which you will play as mutant monsters, gigantic robots and other monstrous creatures who will fight in a joyful atmosphere with the sole purpose of becoming the one and only King of Tokyo.
Destroy everything in your path!
At the start of each turn you roll six dice that show the following six symbols: 1, 2, or 3 Victory Points, Energy, Heal, and Attack. Over three successive throws choose whether to keep or discard each die in order to win victory points, gain energy, restore health, or attack other players into the understanding that Tokyo is YOUR territory.
The fiercest player will occupy Tokyo, and earn extra victory points, but that player cannot heal and must face all the other monsters alone!
Such a (Kai)jūrney!
Top this off with special cards purchased with energy that have a permanent or temporary effect, such as the growing of a second head which grants you an additional die, body armor, nova death ray, and more....
It's up to you to adapt the best strategy to become the King of Tokyo at the right time and attack all of your opponents at the same time...
The first one to reach 20 Victory Points... or the last one alive... wins the game!
More than 20 worldwide awards, a title everybody knows: King of Tokyo (or KoT) is surely a hit, and you can play it now on Board Game Arena, by clicking this link:
Also, the good thing is that you don't HAVE to read the rules anymore if you want to know about a game: There are TUTORIALS!
If you have never played as a 30 Story tall monster, you can learn "how to" by clicking this link that will help you understand the game mechanics and the way to handle your monster. Click on this link to try the interactive tutorial: https://boardgamearena.com/tutorial?game=kingoftokyo
We would like to thank a thousand times the people at Iello, and, obviously, the game designer Richard Garfield for their trust in our team, and their help in bringing this wonderful game on the platform.
And as usual, you might know that we cannot do anything without a developer. And it's thanks to thoun (again) that this has been made possible. Such a development monster. The good kind, of course.
That's it for today.
Next week, we will be in Essen Spiel fair. If you cross our paths, don't hesitate to ask for your "I met you In Real Life" trophy. It always shines on a game profile. 😉
Thanks for reading.
I'm quite surprised you've stayed till the end of this long text. Go. Play Now. Michael Bay style.
Tokyo awaits. And take some mutagens with you. It's dangerous to go alone.
Kralj TOKYA Richarda Garfielda: Na Japonskem sem velik!
Ja, veš, da bodo zdaj to znižali ...
Uničili ga bodo, ja!
(Tukaj vstavite slavno bas linijo iz leta 1998) Razumete?
Čas je, da nekatere pošasti podrjo stavbe v Tokiu.
Večina igralcev je morda slišala za Richarda Garfielda, ustvarjalca slavne igre s kartami Magic The Gathering.
Richard Garfield s kraljem Tokija ponuja noro igro, v kateri boste igrali kot mutirane pošasti, velikanski roboti in druga pošastna bitja, ki se bodo v veselem vzdušju borila z edinim namenom, da postanejo edini kralj Tokija.
Uničite vse na svoji poti!
Na začetku vsakega obrata vržete šest kock, ki prikazujejo naslednjih šest simbolov: 1, 2 ali 3 točke zmage, energija, zdravljenje in napad.
Več kot trije zaporedni meti se odločijo, ali obdržijo ali zavržejo vsako kocko, da bi osvojili zmagovalne točke, pridobili energijo, obnovili zdravje ali napadli druge igralce, da bi razumeli, da je Tokio VAŠE ozemlje.
Najhujši igralec bo zasedel Tokio in si prislužil dodatne zmagovalne točke, vendar se ta igralec ne more pozdraviti in se mora sam soočiti z vsemi drugimi pošasti!
Takšen (Kai) jūrney!
Zaključite s posebnimi karticami, kupljenimi z energijo, ki imajo stalen ali začasen učinek, na primer z rastjo druge glave, ki vam podeli dodatno matrico, oklep, novi smrtni žarek in drugo.
Na vas je, da prilagodite najboljšo strategijo, da boste ob pravem času postali kralj Tokija in hkrati napadli vse svoje nasprotnike ...
Prvi je dosegel 20 točk zmage...
ali zadnji živi ...
zmaga v igri!
Več kot 20 svetovnih nagrad, naslov, ki ga vsi poznajo: Kralj Tokija (ali KoT) je zagotovo hit, in ga lahko igrate zdaj na Board Game Arena s klikom na to povezavo:
Dobra stvar je tudi, da vam ni treba več prebrati pravil, če želite izvedeti o igri: Obstajajo Vadnice!
Če še nikoli niste igrali kot 30 Story visoka pošast, se lahko s klikom na to povezavo naučite "kako", ki vam bo pomagala razumeti mehaniko igre in način ravnanja z vašo pošastjo.
Kliknite to povezavo, da preizkusite interaktivno vadnico: https://boardgamearena.com/tutorial?game=kingoftokyo
Tisočkrat bi se radi zahvalili ljudem v Iellu in očitno oblikovalcu iger Richardu Garfieldu za zaupanje v našo ekipo in njihovo pomoč pri uvajanju te čudovite igre na platformo.
Kot ponavadi veste, da brez razvijalca ne moremo storiti ničesar.
In zahvaljujoč tisoču (spet) je to postalo mogoče.
Takšna razvojna pošast.
Dobra vrsta, seveda.
To je to za danes.
Naslednji teden bomo na sejmu Essen Spiel.
Če nam stopite na pot, ne oklevajte in povprašajte po trofeji "Spoznal sem te v resničnem življenju".
Vedno sije na profilu igre.
Hvala za branje.
Prav presenečen sem, da ste ostali do konca tega dolgega besedila.
Igraj zdaj.
Slog Michael Bay.
Tokio čaka.
In vzemite s seboj nekaj mutagenov.
Nevarno je iti sam.