Number Drop is a Tetris-style roll & write game played with shapes & numbers.
As simple as that.
Players use 4 number dice and 1 shape die to determine the way they must fill in their grid, by creating the shape with the numbers. Players also have 5 block tiles they can use to block the other players' grids.
In this game, you must drop shapes in the right places to create combinations of identical or consecutive numbers on your grid. You aim at being the most efficient and being able to drop penalties onto your opponents!
As soon as a player reaches the Game Over line, the game ends and whoever has the most points is the winner.
Will you reach the ultimate score of 100?
Discover it by clicking there:
Thanks to Débâcle Jeux and the game designers Florian Sirieix & Benoit Turpin, you can now play this game on BGA!
Developed by Tisaac and vincentt, you'll be able to enjoy a game from 1 up to 6 players, simultaneously.
Thanks to all of them, you now have the opportunity to enjoy a new take on the famous Alekseï Pajitnov concept 😉
That's all for today, see you on Wednesday for another release!
Številka Drop: Zdaj se predvaja - Korobeïniki
Number Drop je igra roll & write v slogu tetrisa, ki se igra z oblikami in številkami.
Tako preprosto.
Igralci uporabljajo 4 številčne kocke in 1 oblikovno kocko, da določijo, kako morajo zapolniti svojo mrežo, tako da ustvarijo obliko s številkami.
Igralci imajo tudi 5 blokovnih ploščic, s katerimi lahko blokirajo mreže drugih igralcev.
V tej igri morate spustiti oblike na prava mesta, da ustvarite kombinacije enakih ali zaporednih številk na vaši mreži.
Vaš cilj je biti najučinkovitejši in biti sposoben spuščati kazni svojim nasprotnikom!
Takoj, ko igralec doseže črto Game Over, se igra konča in tisti, ki ima največ točk, je zmagovalec.
Boste dosegli končni rezultat 100?
Odkrijte ga tako, da kliknete tam:
Zahvaljujoč Débâcle Jeuxu in oblikovalcem iger Florianu Sirieixu in Benoitu Turpinu lahko zdaj igrate to igro na BGA!
Razvila sta ga Tisaac in vincentt, hkrati pa boste lahko uživali v igri od 1 do 6 igralcev.
Zahvaljujoč vsem, imate zdaj priložnost, da uživate v novem pogledu na slavni koncept Alekseï Pajitnov
To je vse za danes, se vidimo v sredo na drugi izdaji!