*Neolithic clan leaders settle once and for all who will rule them all.
Each player plays as a clan leader and has to secretly and wisely play a card from their hand, representing a member of their tribe, to try to take over some territories. Strategy and timing will be crucial for scoring! The player that scores the most points after 9 rounds wins the game.
Subcontinent of Vaalbara, Neolithic era. Your tribe sets out to explore uncharted lands in order to establish sedentary villages. Use the various talents of your tribe to optimize your development, expand your territory, and enforce your dominance!
All players have the same deck of 12 cards representing the members of their tribe. Each turn, players secretly choose one card. In the order of initiative of the revealed Characters, players will be able to activate their powers and take over one of the available Territories. Each type of Territory has its own way of scoring points (collection, pair, diversity, risk…). Deciding between playing the best powers and high initiatives at the most opportune moment will be difficult. After 9 rounds, the player with the most points wins the game and unites the tribes of the continent under their banner!
You should try out the tutorial included to learn more about the very-specific mechanics of the game, since it only takes a few minutes to understand what it is all about!
And you can click the link below to find out how smart it can be, and how smart you need to be:
We must thank all of the Studio H for their authorization, as well as the fantastic work done by Moof who developed it for Board Game Arena. Thanks to it's minimallistic display, it works very well on mobile as well as on desktop. Try it!
The game designed by Olivier Cipière is already a hit on some countries, and he deserves a lot of thanks for allowing the game to be published here as well.
That's it for today's release!
What will be next?
Let me check my crystal ball... I see...
*Large animals from the past... Complex machineries... What seems to be dice... Ancient civilizations... and a moon?
*Ok, it's all mixed up, but what i can clearly see is that we will have a fantastic year of releases!
See you next week and until then,
Play fair and take care!
VAALBARA: Kakšen je občutek biti kralj?
Neolitski voditelji klanov se enkrat za vselej ustalijo, kdo jim bo vsem vladal.
Vsak igralec igra kot vodja klana in mora na skrivaj in modro odigrati karto iz svoje roke, ki predstavlja člana svojega plemena, da bi poskušal zavzeti nekatera ozemlja.
Strategija in čas bosta ključnega pomena za točkovanje!
Zmaga igralec, ki po 9 krogih doseže največ točk.
Podcelina Vaalbara, neolitik.
Vaše pleme se odpravi na raziskovanje neoznačenih dežel, da bi ustanovilo sedeče vasi.
Uporabite različne talente svojega plemena, da optimizirate svoj razvoj, razširite svoje ozemlje in uveljavite svojo prevlado!
Vsi igralci imajo enak komplet 12 kart, ki predstavljajo člane njihovega plemena.
Na vsakem koraku igralci skrivaj izberejo eno karto.
V vrstnem redu pobude razkritih likov bodo igralci lahko aktivirali svoje moči in prevzeli eno od razpoložljivih ozemelj.
Vsaka vrsta ozemlja ima svoj način točkovanja (zbiranje, par, raznolikost, tveganje ...).
Odločitev med igranjem najboljših moči in visokimi pobudami v najprimernejšem trenutku bo težka.
Po 9 rundah igralec z največ točkami zmaga igro in pod svojo zastavo združi plemena celine!
Preizkusite vključeno vadnico, če želite izvedeti več o zelo specifičnih mehanikah igre, saj potrebujete le nekaj minut, da razumete, za kaj gre!
In lahko kliknete spodnjo povezavo, da ugotovite, kako pameten je lahko in kako pametni morate biti vi:
Zahvaliti se moramo vsem Studiu H za njihovo avtorizacijo, pa tudi za fantastično delo, ki ga je opravil Moof, ki ga je razvil za Board Game Arena.
Zahvaljujoč minimalističnemu zaslonu deluje zelo dobro tako na mobilnih kot namiznih računalnikih.
Igra, ki jo je zasnoval Olivier Cipière, je v nekaterih državah že uspešnica in zasluži si veliko zahvalo, da je omogočil objavo igre tudi pri nas.
To je to za današnjo objavo!
Kaj bo naslednje?
Naj preverim svojo kristalno kroglo ...
Velike živali iz preteklosti...
Kompleksni stroji...
Kar se zdi kocka ...
Starodavne civilizacije...
in luna?
V redu, vse je zmešano, a jasno vidim, da bomo imeli fantastično leto izdaj!
Se vidimo naslednji teden, do takrat pa
Igrajte pošteno in pazite!