Who will prove themselves as the greatest inventor at the Science Fair?
Fast, fun, and addictive!
The Great Science Fair is drawing together the sharpest minds of our generation. However, only one can be crowned champion. They will have to prove they are the best by thinking on the fly and building their machines quickly and efficiently. Whose project will rise to the top?
In Gizmos, players look to create the most magnificent of machines, taking on the role of inventors at the Great Science Fair. By utilizing four different types of energy marbles taken from the innovative Energy Dispenser, they will purchase and construct new Gizmos. Players need to plan ahead, because Gizmos will be able to chain-react with each other giving multiple results from a single action. The player with the most victory points is declared the winner.
At the beginning of the game, you have 4 actions:
File : Move a card from the public area to your Archive, allowing only you to build it later.
Pick : Take one energy marble from the 3D marble dispenser into your storage.
Build : Build one machine and add it to your line-up! You have to pay the marbles with colors corresponding to the card cost.
Research : Research some blueprint cards and File or Build one of them. The rest go to the bottom of the deck.
Machines give you victory points and allow you to do more actions when conditions are met. As you build, new attachments can trigger chain reactions, letting you do even more on your turn.
Curious? You have to be! Click here to find out if the game is for you!
No games without a publisher, and it is all up to the CMON team and the authorization of the fantastic Phil Walker-Harding, who is also the designer of this very unique game.
And what about this adaptation for BGA? It's been ported by Fletcheese, who did an incredible job bringing the game online and playable on most devices. Try it!
That's it for today!
Have you already played the 500+ games available on the platform?
Don't worry, next week we will release another amazing game... or two.
Until then, take care and play fair!
Bye Billy.
GIZMOS : Močna svetloba. Svetloba...
Kdo se bo na sejmu znanosti izkazal kot največji izumitelj?
Hitro, zabavno in zasvojljivo!
Veliki znanstveni sejem združuje najbolj ostre ume naše generacije.
Vendar pa je le eden lahko okronan za prvaka.
Morali bodo dokazati, da so najboljši, s sprotnim razmišljanjem ter hitro in učinkovito izdelavo svojih strojev.
Čigav projekt se bo povzpel na vrh?
V igri Gizmos si igralci prizadevajo ustvariti najveličastnejše stroje in prevzamejo vlogo izumiteljev na Velikem znanstvenem sejmu.
Z uporabo štirih različnih vrst energijskih frnikol, vzetih iz inovativnega Energy Dispenserja, bodo kupili in izdelali nove Gizmo.
Igralci morajo načrtovati vnaprej, saj bodo Gizmos lahko verižno reagirali drug na drugega, kar bo dalo več rezultatov z enim samim dejanjem.
Igralec z največ zmagovalnimi točkami je razglašen za zmagovalca.
Na začetku igre imate 4 dejanja:
Datoteka : premaknite kartico iz javnega prostora v svoj arhiv, kar vam omogoča, da jo pozneje zgradite.
Izberi: vzemi eno energijsko frnikolo iz razdelilnika 3D frnikole v svojo shrambo.
Zgradite: zgradite en stroj in ga dodajte svoji postavi!
Morate plačati frnikole z barvami, ki ustrezajo ceni kartice.
Raziščite : Raziščite nekaj kartic z načrti in eno od njih vnesite ali sestavite.
Ostali gredo na dno krova.
Stroji vam dajejo zmagovalne točke in vam omogočajo več dejanj, ko so izpolnjeni pogoji.
Ko gradite, lahko nove priloge sprožijo verižne reakcije, kar vam omogoča, da naredite še več.
Moraš biti!
Kliknite tukaj, če želite izvedeti, ali je igra za vas!
Nobene igre brez založnika in vse je odvisno od ekipe CMON in avtorizacije fantastičnega Phila Walker-Hardinga, ki je tudi oblikovalec te zelo edinstvene igre.
In kaj je s to prilagoditvijo za BGA?
Prenesel jo je Fletcheese, ki je naredil neverjetno delo, da je igro postavil na splet in jo je mogoče igrati na večini naprav.
To je to za danes!
Ste že igrali več kot 500 iger, ki so na voljo na platformi?
Ne skrbite, naslednji teden bomo izdali še eno neverjetno igro...
ali dva.
Do takrat pa pazite in igrajte pošteno!
Adijo Billy.