Are you eager to visit the tourist spots in Goa, the beautiful yet tiny state in India? What will you choose? Do you wish to visit only the beaches...or the forts? Or would you rather visit one of each type of destination? Will you complete your tour plans? Now you can enjoy the beauty of Goa in this roll-and-write game.
In Go Goa, you have twelve days to tour the state, collecting souvenirs from different tourist destinations. Each day, you select three dice to decide the direction, distance, and deviation in the route you will travel, then trace a route to your new destination.
In more detail: during each round the starting player rolls three dice, then reserves one die for the direction that only they can use. All other players use the dice to determine the direction to travel in, the number of steps, and the deviations they are allowed to take. Players then draw the route that they are taking for the day on their player sheet, which represents the map of Goa. The map contains tourist destinations, and if you end your movement on such a spot, you score points.
You also score bonus points for completing sets of five different destination types or three of one particular destination. In addition, you can score points for completing the tour plans that you chose.
After all players take their turn, a new round starts, with the starting player role moving clockwise.
The game ends after twelve rounds are completed. Players tally their scores for the tourist destinations visited and any bonus points that they may have collected along their trip. The player with the highest score wins.
Play it right now from your browser, try it, and if you like it don't hesitate to support the publisher!
The game has been developed by GTSchemer and is fully playable from pretty much any device!
We would love to also thank the team behind Kheo Games, and the game designers Andy Desa & Suyog Kamat for their authorization to bring the game on your platform!
That's Monday, and that's it for today.
A roll and write that's worth giving a try,
and we'll see each others... on Wednesday Release Time!
Until then, take care and play fair!
POJDI GOA! ROLL do vašega GOA(L)!
Ali si želite obiskati turistične točke v Goi, čudoviti, a majhni državi v Indiji?
Kaj boste izbrali?
Ali želite obiskati samo plaže ... ali utrdbe?
Ali pa bi raje obiskali eno od vseh vrst destinacij?
Boste dokončali svoje načrte turneje?
Zdaj lahko uživate v lepotah Goe v tej igri z vrtenjem in pisanjem.
V Go Goa imate dvanajst dni časa za ogled države in zbiranje spominkov iz različnih turističnih destinacij.
Vsak dan izberete tri kocke, da določite smer, razdaljo in odstopanje na poti, po kateri boste potovali, nato pa začrtate pot do svojega novega cilja.
Podrobneje: med vsakim krogom začetni igralec vrže tri kocke, nato pa rezervira eno kocko za smer, ki jo lahko uporabi samo on.
Vsi ostali igralci s pomočjo kocke določijo smer, v kateri se bodo gibali, število korakov in odstopanja, ki jih smejo narediti.
Igralci nato na list za igralce narišejo pot, po kateri se peljejo za ta dan, kar predstavlja zemljevid Goe.
Zemljevid vsebuje turistične destinacije in če na takem mestu končate svoje gibanje, dobite točke.
Dobite tudi dodatne točke za dokončanje sklopov petih različnih vrst destinacij ali treh ene določene destinacije.
Poleg tega lahko dobite točke za dokončanje načrtov izletov, ki ste jih izbrali.
Ko vsi igralci pridejo na vrsto, se začne nov krog, pri čemer se vloga začetnega igralca premika v smeri urinega kazalca.
Igra se konča po zaključku dvanajstih krogov.
Igralci seštejejo svoje rezultate za obiskane turistične destinacije in morebitne dodatne točke, ki so jih morda zbrali na svojem potovanju.
Zmaga igralec z najvišjim številom točk.
Predvajajte jo zdaj v svojem brskalniku, poskusite in če vam je všeč, ne oklevajte in podprite založnika!
Igro je razvil GTSchemer in jo je mogoče v celoti igrati s skoraj katere koli naprave!
Radi bi se tudi zahvalili ekipi, ki stoji za Kheo Games, in oblikovalcema igre Andy Desa & Suyog Kamat za njuno pooblastilo za prenos igre na vašo platformo!
To je ponedeljek in to je to za danes.
Preberite in napišite, da je vredno poskusiti,
pa se vidimo...
v sredo Čas za objavo!
Do takrat pa pazite in igrajte pošteno!