*It's all about the sun. Oh Yeah!
*Welcome to the world of Photosynthesis, the green strategy board game!
Plant and shape the ever-changing forest as you cultivate your seeds and your strategy. Take your trees through their life-cycle, from seedling to full bloom to rebirth, and earn points as their leaves collect energy from the revolving sun’s rays. Carefully pick where you sow and when you grow, as trees in the shadows are blocked from light, and from points.
Each turn the sun moves around the board, shifting the directions of its rays so different trees are now bathed in light and generate light points based on the size of the tree- as long as the tree is in the light and not shadowed by other trees. On your turn you can take a couple of different actions including:
*-Planting seeds on the board
-Growing trees to the next size
-Buying trees
-Harvesting fully grown trees*
When you grow a tree you need to have an available tree of the next size next to your player board. So, in order for a tree to grow you need to first buy a bigger tree.
Once you understand this sequence of events the gameplay is pretty straightforward and turns are quick. You usually only have enough light points to do 1-3 actions per turn.
It is light, green and available for you to play on Board Game Arena right now! And if you are too shy to dive into the rules, you can just learn it by playing the tutorial included!
Of course you can find the game page by clicking right below:
https://boardgamearena.com/gamepanel?ga ... osynthesis
The publisher is Blue Orange Games, the designer is Hjalmar Hach, and the developers for BGA are darhf and lordalx. And they all deserve a big THANKS and some LOVE for making the game available to all on your favorite platform! It is thanks to the efforts of many people that we can offer you the best of both real and digital worlds.
**So don't loose a minute, the sun is rising, it's time to plant a tree!
**That's it for today Wednesday Release Time.
See you next week, and until then, take care and play fair!
FOTOSINTEZA: Ne električni klavir, ampak lahka malica!
Vse se vrti okoli sonca.
Oh ja!
Dobrodošli v svetu Photosynthesis, zelene strateške družabne igre!
Posadite in oblikujte nenehno spreminjajoči se gozd, medtem ko gojite svoja semena in svojo strategijo.
Popeljite svoja drevesa skozi njihov življenjski cikel, od sadike do polnega cvetenja do ponovnega rojstva, in zaslužite točke, ko njihovi listi zbirajo energijo vrtečih se sončnih žarkov.
Previdno izberite, kje sejete in kdaj rastete, saj so drevesa v senci blokirana pred svetlobo in točkami.
Vsak obrat se sonce premika po plošči in spreminja smer svojih žarkov, tako da se različna drevesa zdaj kopajo v svetlobi in ustvarjajo svetlobne točke glede na velikost drevesa – dokler je drevo na svetlobi in ni v senci drugih dreves .
Ko ste na vrsti, lahko izvedete nekaj različnih dejanj, vključno z:
-Sajenje semen na desko
- Gojenje dreves do naslednje velikosti
-Nakup dreves
-Pobiranje zrelih dreves
Ko zraste drevo, morate poleg igralne plošče imeti na voljo drevo naslednje velikosti.
Torej, da bi drevo raslo, morate najprej kupiti večje drevo.
Ko enkrat razumete to zaporedje dogodkov, je igranje precej preprosto in preobrati hitri.
Običajno imate dovolj svetlobnih točk, da izvedete 1-3 akcije na potezo.
Je svetel, zelen in na voljo za igranje na Board Game Arena prav zdaj!
In če ste preveč sramežljivi, da bi se poglobili v pravila, se jih lahko preprosto naučite z igranjem priložene vadnice!
Seveda lahko najdete stran igre s klikom desno spodaj:
Založnik je Blue Orange Games, oblikovalec Hjalmar Hach, razvijalca za BGA pa darhf in lordalx.
In vsi si zaslužijo veliko HVALO in nekaj LJUBEZNI, da je igra na voljo vsem na vaši najljubši platformi!
Zahvaljujoč prizadevanjem mnogih ljudi vam lahko ponudimo najboljše iz realnega in digitalnega sveta.
Torej ne izgubljajte niti minute, sonce vzhaja, čas je, da posadite drevo!
To je to za danes v sredo.
Se vidimo naslednji teden, do takrat pa pazite in igrajte pošteno!