...But you do not have to wait till September!
Earth, the soil that supports and sustains our beautiful planet. Over thousands of years of evolution and adaptation the flora and fauna of this unique planet have grown and developed into amazing life forms, creating symbiotic ecosystems and habitats.
It is time to jump into these rich environments and create some amazing natural synergies that replicate and extrapolate on Earth’s amazing versatility and plethora of natural resources. Create a self-supporting engine of growth, expansion, and supply where even your unused plants become compost for future growth.
The game begins before the starting hand has even been drafted. Players will receive an Island, Climate, and Ecosystem card during set-up. Using these double-sided cards, each player sows their strategy by selecting one side of the card to place face-up in their play area.
The combination of these three cards introduces asymmetry to the game by providing variable starting resources, bonus abilities, and unique end-game scoring objectives.
How does it play?
On their turn, the active player will choose one of four different actions, reaping their major benefits, while all other players welcome the minor benefit.
Subsequently, all players activate any cards on their player-board and in their tableau, which match the color of the chosen action.
Players continue taking actions, arranging their Island, sowing Plants, and developing Terrains to attract elusive Fauna, and unlock the scoring bonuses of diverse Ecosystems.
Once a player has added a sixteenth card to their 4×4 tableau, they earn a completion bonus and trigger the end of the game.
All players will tally the victory points they earned from completing Ecosystems, reaching Fauna objectives, Composting cards, gaining Plant cubes, Growth pieces, for their Plant and Terrain values, and for Events played. The player with the most victory points wins!
Earth is an open world engine builder for 1 to 5 players with simple rules but tons of strategic possibilities. With its encyclopedic nature and the enormous number of unique cards and combinations, every single game will allow you to discover new synergies and connections, just as our vast and fascinating world allows us to do!
There is a lot going on here and you can discover everything about the game by clicking this link to the game page:
It's huge, and it's all thanks to the team of Inside Up Games and the game designer Maxime Tardif that you can now play it on your favorite platform.
But the MVP here is the developer, bennygui, that developed the whole game for Board Game Arena.
They all deserves kudos and love for this.
That's a big release for today's Wednesday Release Time, and that's it for this week!
*Play fair and take care... and please, share!
*See you next week for more amazing titles on BGA.
ZEMLJA: Veter in ogenj?
...Ampak ni vam treba čakati do septembra!
Zemlja, prst, ki podpira in vzdržuje naš čudovit planet.
Skozi tisoče let evolucije in prilagajanja je flora in favna tega edinstvenega planeta zrasla in se razvila v neverjetne življenjske oblike ter ustvarila simbiotske ekosisteme in habitate.
Čas je, da skočimo v ta bogata okolja in ustvarimo nekaj neverjetnih naravnih sinergij, ki posnemajo in ekstrapolirajo neverjetno vsestranskost Zemlje in obilico naravnih virov.
Ustvarite samonosni motor rasti, širitve in oskrbe, kjer celo vaše neuporabljene rastline postanejo kompost za prihodnjo rast.
Igra se začne, še preden je začetna kombinacija sestavljena.
Igralci bodo med nastavitvijo prejeli kartico Island, Climate in Ecosystem.
Z uporabo teh dvostranskih kart vsak igralec določi svojo strategijo tako, da izbere eno stran karte, ki jo obrnjeno navzgor položi v svoje igralno območje.
Kombinacija teh treh kart vnaša asimetrijo v igro, saj zagotavlja spremenljive začetne vire, dodatne sposobnosti in edinstvene cilje točkovanja ob koncu igre.
Kako se igra?
Na vrsti bo aktivni igralec izbral eno od štirih različnih dejanj, s čimer bo izkoristil njihove glavne prednosti, medtem ko bodo vsi drugi igralci pozdravili manjše ugodnosti.
Nato vsi igralci aktivirajo poljubne karte na igralni plošči in v svoji tabeli, ki se ujemajo z barvo izbranega dejanja.
Igralci še naprej ukrepajo, urejajo svoj otok, sejejo rastline in razvijajo terene, da bi privabili izmuzljivo favno in odklenili bonuse točkovanja različnih ekosistemov.
Ko igralec doda šestnajsto karto svoji tabeli 4×4, si prisluži bonus za dokončanje in sproži konec igre.
Vsi igralci bodo sešteli zmagovalne točke, ki so si jih prislužili z izpolnjevanjem ekosistemov, doseganjem ciljev favne, kart kompostiranja, pridobivanjem kock rastlin, kosov rasti, za svoje vrednosti rastlin in terena ter za odigrane dogodke.
Zmaga igralec z največ zmagovalnimi točkami!
Earth je graditelj mehanizma odprtega sveta za 1 do 5 igralcev s preprostimi pravili, a ogromno strateških možnosti.
S svojo enciklopedično naravo in ogromnim številom edinstvenih kart in kombinacij vam bo vsaka posamezna igra omogočila odkrivanje novih sinergij in povezav, tako kot nam to omogoča naš ogromen in fascinanten svet!
Tukaj se veliko dogaja in vse o igri lahko odkrijete tako, da kliknete to povezavo na stran igre:
Ogromna je in vse po zaslugi ekipe Inside Up Games in oblikovalca iger Maxime Tardif jo lahko zdaj igrate na svoji najljubši platformi.
Toda MVP tukaj je razvijalec, bennygui, ki je razvil celotno igro za Board Game Arena.
Vsi si za to zaslužijo čast in ljubezen.
To je velika objava za današnji čas izdaje v sredo in to je to za ta teden!
Igraj pošteno in pazi...
in prosim, delite!
Se vidimo naslednji teden za več neverjetnih naslovov o BGA.