Hola! And welcome to a very special Board Game Arena release: TRIO!
Special because it is one of these game that are released from our side, as a surprise for all to enjoy! [Not all games are in public beta 😉]
And because the game is short, very fun and quite addicting, we need to talk a bit about it first.
How does it play? Simple:
First, we deal 10/9/8 or 6 cards (depending on player count) face down to the table. Players are dealt 10/8/7/6 cards, and their hands are arranged in numerical order. That is important.
**On your turn, take either of these actions up to three times:
**1) - Flip a table card face-up
- Reveal a hand card: Choose any player and select a card at either end of their hand: that card is placed face-up in front of them.
If you reveal three cards with the same value, it is a success: claim this "trio" of cards as a scoring set.
If your second or third card does not match those already revealed, you fail: the revealed cards are returned to their previous places.
**To win, you have to take 3 sets of Trios- or the trio of three 7s.
Want to add more spice to the game?
Try the Picante mode: Win if you take two "linked" trios (where the cards of one trio include a small icon of the other), or the trio of three 7s.
That is it! It is simply brilliant, and there is no doubt that some Hanabi players will find some joy in this game, as it has some similarities in team mode. Yes, you can also play it with teams.
Curious? Try it right here right now:
No games on BGA without developers, and it is thanks to appollo1001s work that it has been possible to bring this game to your platform!
Obviously, the game cannot be published without a game author and... a publisher. Thanks to the Cocktail Games team, and the amazing work done by Kaya Miyano designing this wonderful short game.
Will you be addicted? You love it? You don't?
Share your thoughts! We're listening!
And that's it for today's WRT release.
Until next week, take care and...
Play fair!
Veliko več kot UNO ali DUO: TRIO!
In dobrodošli v zelo posebni izdaji Board Game Arena: TRIO!
Poseben, ker je ena od iger, ki so bile izdane z naše strani, kot presenečenje za vse!
[Niso vse igre v javni različici beta
In ker je igra kratka, zelo zabavna in precej zasvojljiva, se moramo najprej malo pogovoriti o njej.
Kako se igra?
Najprej na mizo razdelimo 10/9/8 ali 6 kart (odvisno od števila igralcev).
Igralcem se razdeli 10/8/7/6 kart, njihove roke pa so razporejene po številčnem vrstnem redu.
To je pomembno.
Ko ste na vrsti, do trikrat izvedite eno od teh dejanj:
1) - Namizno kartico obrnite s sprednjo stranjo navzgor
2) - Odkrijte ročno karto: izberite katerega koli igralca in izberite karto na obeh koncih njegove roke: ta karta je obrnjena pred njim.
Če odkrijete tri karte z enako vrednostjo, je to uspeh: zahtevajte ta "trio" kart kot nabor točkovanja.
Če se vaša druga ali tretja karta ne ujemata z že razkritimi kartami, ste neuspešni: razkrite karte se vrnejo na prejšnja mesta.
Če želite zmagati, morate vzeti 3 nize Trios- ali trio treh 7s.
Želite igri dodati več začimb?
Preizkusite način Picante: Zmagajte, če vzamete dve "povezani" trojici (kjer karte ene trojice vključujejo majhno ikono druge) ali trojico treh 7s.
To je to!
Je preprosto briljantna in ni dvoma, da bodo nekateri Hanabi igralci našli nekaj veselja v tej igri, saj ima nekaj podobnosti v ekipnem načinu.
Da, igrate ga lahko tudi z ekipami.
Poskusite zdaj tukaj:
Nobenih iger na BGA brez razvijalcev in zahvaljujoč delu appollo1001 je bilo mogoče to igro prenesti na vašo platformo!
Očitno igre ni mogoče objaviti brez avtorja igre in ...
Hvala ekipi Cocktail Games in neverjetnemu delu, ki ga je opravila Kaya Miyano pri oblikovanju te čudovite kratke igre.
Boste zasvojeni?
Všeč ti je?
ti ne?
Delite svoje misli!
In to je to za današnjo izdajo WRT.
Do naslednjega tedna pazite nase in...
Igraj pošteno!