A very light game to start the week!
Spots is a casual push your luck game from CMYK. It was designed by Jon Perry with Alex Hague and Justin Vickers, and features dozens of adorable dog illustrations from the artist John Bond. And we would like to thank them all for bringing this game to BGA.
On your turn, you will be rolling and placing dice onto dog cards. Dice you cannot place get buried in your yard. Bury too many dice and you bust. Complete 6 dogs and you win! If you want to check the very fast tutorial on how to play it, it is available from the game page or by clicking here.
The only risk is that your dogs are frisky and will bury any dice that do not happen to line up with an open slot. When you bury too many dice and bust, you lose all your dice, both those buried in the yard and those waiting atop your dogs. Such an eventuality effectively forces you to start from scratch, with the exception that any finished dogs, those you filled with spots and then spent a turn scoring, are safe forevermore, secure in the comfort of their speckled fur.
It is short, fun and playable by pretty much...anyone. Click below for more information and play a game:
Lastly, we would love to thank Kayvon and Mogri for making such a cute and efficient adaptation for Board Game Arena. Development is not always about the deepest game mechanics, but to be able to play them easily from anywhere, and that is where Spots shines.
And that's it for today!
See you on Wednesday Release time,
Take care and play fair!
SPOTI: Ujemite spote! Kdo je dobra kocka? To je dobra kocka!
Zelo lahka igra za začetek tedna!
Spots je priložnostna igra za srečo iz CMYK.
Oblikoval jo je Jon Perry z Alexom Hagueom in Justinom Vickersom, vsebuje pa na desetine čudovitih ilustracij psov umetnika Johna Bonda.
Vsem bi se radi zahvalili, da so to igro predstavili BGA.
Ko boste na vrsti, boste metali in polagali kocke na pasje karte.
Kocke, ki jih ne morete postaviti, se zakopljejo na vašem dvorišču.
Zakopajte preveč kock in propadli boste.
Izpolni 6 psov in zmagaš!
Če želite preveriti zelo hitro vadnico o tem, kako jo igrati, je na voljo na strani igre ali s klikom tukaj.
Edino tveganje je, da so vaši psi živahni in bodo zakopali vse kocke, ki se slučajno ne bodo postavile v odprto režo.
Ko zakopljete preveč kock in jih razbijete, izgubite vse kocke, tako tiste, ki so zakopane na dvorišču, kot tiste, ki čakajo na vaših psih.
Takšen dogodek vas dejansko prisili, da začnete iz nič, z izjemo, da so vsi dokončani psi, tisti, ki ste jih napolnili s pikami in nato na vrsti dosegli točke, varni za vedno, varni v udobju svojega pegastega kožuha.
Je kratka, zabavna in jo lahko igra skoraj vsak.
Kliknite spodaj za več informacij in igrajte igro:
Nazadnje bi se radi zahvalili Kayvonu in Mogriju za tako ljubko in učinkovito prilagoditev za Board Game Arena.
Pri razvoju ne gre vedno za najglobljo mehaniko iger, ampak za to, da jih lahko preprosto igrate od koder koli, in tu blesti Spots.
In to je to za danes!
Se vidimo v sredo Čas sprostitve,
Pazite se in igrajte pošteno!