Build your Greek city on multiple levels to keep your districts perfectly placed!
This game has been released not so long ago and already won multiple distinctions worldwide, such as the french Cannes As d'Or in February.
That is why you definitely should try it!
The goal is pretty simple:
The most talented architects in ancient Greece stand ready to achieve building the most beautiful city. Build housing, temples, markets, gardens and barracks, so you can grow your city and ensure it triumphs over the others. Raise its prestige with harmonious planning that conforms to specific rules, and enhance it by building plazas.
Stone is an essential resource, so make sure you do not neglect it. You will need enough quarries so you can build higher up, making your city stretch towards the sky.
Choose a tile from the construction site
Arrange it in your city to unlock each district's full potential
Build on higher levels to increase the value of your districts and win the game
That is all you need! And more: you can learn the game by playing the included tutorial!
Click right below to go to the game page and discover everything about this game:
We would love to thank all of the Gigamic team members, and of course Jules Messaud, the game designer, for their authorization to bring this amazing game to Board Game Arena.
A game on BGA means there are developers behind it, to make it happen!
And it is all up to the very well-known team composed of **Tisaac **and thoun that it has been possible. Thanks to them for their (again) impressive efforts to have the game on time and working so well on most devices. Do not forget that bugs can happen, and that you can use the bug report page to inform the developers about them. (But remember that a bad day is not a bug by itself. Or at least, we cannot fix this kind of issue! 😉 )
That's it for your Wednesday Release Time!
Next week, there will be... Lights and people. Or people and lights. Nothing related to the Statue of Liberty. Or is it?
Anyway, thanks for reading, and don't forget:
Take care and play fair!
AKROPOLIS: Moja velika debela grška zgradba!
Zgradite svoje grško mesto na več ravneh, da bodo vaša okrožja popolnoma umeščena!
Ta igra je bila izdana ne tako dolgo nazaj in je že osvojila več priznanj po vsem svetu, kot je francoski Cannes As d'Or februarja.
Zato ga vsekakor morate poskusiti!
Cilj je precej preprost:
Najbolj nadarjeni arhitekti v stari Grčiji so pripravljeni zgraditi najlepše mesto.
Zgradite stanovanja, templje, trge, vrtove in vojašnice, da boste lahko razvili svoje mesto in poskrbeli, da bo zmagalo nad drugimi.
Dvignite njegov prestiž s harmoničnim načrtovanjem, ki je v skladu s posebnimi pravili, in ga povečajte z gradnjo trgov.
Kamen je bistven vir, zato ga ne zanemarjajte.
Potrebovali boste dovolj kamnolomov, da boste lahko gradili višje, tako da se bo vaše mesto raztezalo proti nebu.
- Izberite ploščico z gradbišča
- Uredite ga v svojem mestu, da sprostite polni potencial vsakega okrožja
- Gradite na višjih ravneh, da povečate vrednost svojih okrožij in zmagate v igri
To je vse, kar potrebujete! In še več: igre se lahko naučite z igranjem vključene vadnice!
Kliknite desno spodaj, da odprete stran igre in odkrijete vse o tej igri:
Radi bi se zahvalili vsem članom ekipe Gigamic in seveda Julesu Messaudu, oblikovalcu igre, za njihovo pooblastilo za prenos te neverjetne igre v Board Game Arena.
Igra na BGA pomeni, da za njo stojijo razvijalci, ki to uresničijo!
In vse je odvisno od zelo znane ekipe, ki jo sestavljata Tisaac in Thoun, da je bilo to mogoče. Hvala jim za njihov (spet) impresiven trud, da so igro pravočasno predstavili in tako dobro delovali na večini naprav. Ne pozabite, da se lahko pojavijo napake in da lahko uporabite stran s poročilom o napakah, da o njih obvestite razvijalce. (Vendar ne pozabite, da slab dan sam po sebi ni napaka. Ali vsaj ne moremo odpraviti te vrste težave! )
To je to za vaš sredin čas za objavo!
Prihodnji teden bo... Luči in ljudje. Ali ljudje in luči. Nič v zvezi s Kipom svobode. Ali pač?
Vseeno hvala za branje in ne pozabite:
Pazite se in igrajte pošteno!