...and they are not twins!
VILLAGERS and STREETS are two TOTALLY different games published by SInister FIsh Games that shares the same graphic feel and the same game designer, but that's it!
**Now it is up to you to decide which one fits your taste best.
On the left side, you have VILLAGERS:
You are the founder of a new village during the middle ages, in the years after a great plague. The loss of so many people has created big problems for the survivors. Many of the people the villagers used to depend on for essential things like food, shelter, and clothes are gone. Craftsmen find themselves without suppliers of raw materials, traders have lost their customers and many have lost their farms and workshops as they escaped the plague.
The roads are full of refugees seeking a new beginning. They come to you, hoping to settle down on your land and make a living. Your grain farm is the ideal starting point for a village, reliably providing food for many people. You must choose wisely who you allow to settle with you, as your food and resources are limited.
The people on the road have valuable and unique skills, but they all in turn rely on other people with very specific crafts to be able to work. Raw materials, tools and services must be provided by other people from the road.
If you manage to find people that can work together to make a profit, while increasing your food surplus and capacity for building new houses, your village will be prosperous.
You can learn it by trying the tutorial available here. Do not worry, you can even share it, because you do not need to be logged in to try it!
On the right side we have... STREETS!
The city was once a small and sleepy town, but the affordable properties have attracted artists, startup companies, and families. Celebrities and influencers are moving in, and after some recent archeological findings, the tourist industry is booming. Street by street, the city is transforming into a centre of culture and commerce.
Players are investors creating attractive new streets in the growing city, investing in new businesses and homes. Some streets will become hotspots for hipsters, others will be dominated by tourists or families with children. Others still will become designated shopping areas. Where will your Microbrewery profit the most? What is the best location for a Toy Store? What kind of environments are the other investors creating, and can you exploit their work for your own gain?
As each street is completed, the people on it will move to new buildings that interest them- hopefully one of your buildings on an up-and-coming street. Can you compete with the hype of your rivals and grow your following over time? To earn the most money and win the game you need to manage your limited investment funds cleverly, planning ahead while keeping your mind open to fresh opportunities.
Streets is a tile-laying game where players build a city together. Each building has a simple evaluation formula which earns money for the owner when the street is scored. Values are affected by the other buildings on the street, so smart placement is essential to maximise profit. On top of this, the city is populated by hipsters, families, shoppers and tourists, each with their own preferred building type. Cleverly located properties can benefit from the growing crowds of people who further increase the value of the buildings they visit.
Optional expansion modules add powerful asymmetric player abilities, extra layers of strategy, & tough decisions. It also has a SOLO mode, so you can even play it alone. But it is more fun with friends.
You can of course learn it also by clicking your way through the short interactive tutorial, available right here.
You can play both of the games and discover more about them (rules, videos, etc...) by clicking the related links below:
And that's it! Play both of them, and come tell us which one you prefer!
You like both of them? Share it with the publisher: They are the one we should thank for this port to Board Game Arena.
Also, let's not forget the very cool work done by the developers, Kayvon & Mogri, who did an excellent job on both games. A big thanks to them. You can play the games on many devices. Nothing is perfect, so if you tried to play it on some very fancy or very old device, do not hesitate to tell us about any bugs using the report form. That's cool for us, and for other users.
Thanks a lot for playing on BGA.
These games are part of a line from an indie company, and we are counting on you to spread the word about them.
That's it for today... and it's only Monday!
See you on Wednesday for our WRT ('Wednesday Release Time) post, and until then...
Take care and play fair!
VAŠČANI + ULICE: Dvojna poslastica za dvakratno veselje...
...in nista dvojčka!
VILLAGERS in STREETS sta dve POVSEM različni igri, ki ju je izdal Sinister Fish Games, ki imata enak grafični občutek in istega oblikovalca igre, toda to je to!
Zdaj je na vas, da se odločite, katera najbolj ustreza vašemu okusu.
Na levi strani imate VAŠČANI:
Ste ustanovitelj nove vasi v srednjem veku, v letih po veliki kugi.
Izguba toliko ljudi je povzročila velike težave preživelim.
Številnih ljudi, od katerih so bili vaščani včasih odvisni pri bistvenih stvareh, kot so hrana, zatočišče in oblačila, ni več.
Obrtniki so ostali brez dobaviteljev surovin, trgovci so izgubili kupce, mnogi so izgubili kmetije in delavnice, ko so ubežali kugi.
Ceste so polne beguncev, ki iščejo nov začetek.
Pridejo k vam v upanju, da se bodo ustalili na vaši zemlji in se preživljali.
Vaša žitna kmetija je idealno izhodišče za vas, ki zanesljivo zagotavlja hrano mnogim ljudem.
Modro morate izbrati, komu dovolite, da se nastani pri vas, saj so vaša hrana in viri omejeni.
Ljudje na cesti imajo dragocene in edinstvene spretnosti, vendar se vsi po vrsti zanašajo na druge ljudi z zelo specifičnimi obrtmi, da lahko delajo.
Surovine, orodja in storitve morajo zagotoviti drugi ljudje s ceste.
Če vam uspe najti ljudi, ki lahko sodelujejo pri ustvarjanju dobička, hkrati pa povečajo vaš presežek hrane in zmogljivosti za gradnjo novih hiš, bo vaša vas uspešna.
Naučite se ga tako, da preizkusite vadnico, ki je na voljo tukaj.
Ne skrbite, lahko ga celo delite, saj vam ni treba biti prijavljen, da ga poskusite!
Na desni strani imamo...
Mesto je bilo nekoč majhno in zaspano mestece, vendar so cenovno dostopne nepremičnine pritegnile umetnike, zagonska podjetja in družine.
Priseljujejo se zvezdniki in vplivneži, po nekaterih nedavnih arheoloških najdbah pa turistična industrija cveti.
Ulico za ulico se mesto spreminja v središče kulture in trgovine.
Igralci so vlagatelji, ki ustvarjajo privlačne nove ulice v rastočem mestu, vlagajo v nova podjetja in domove.
Nekatere ulice bodo postale žarišča hipsterjev, na drugih bodo prevladovali turisti ali družine z otroki.
Druga bodo še vedno postala določena nakupovalna območja.
Kje bo vaša mikropivovarna največ zaslužila?
Katera je najboljša lokacija za trgovino z igračami?
Kakšno okolje ustvarjajo drugi vlagatelji in ali lahko njihovo delo izkoristite za lastno korist?
Ko bo vsaka ulica dokončana, se bodo ljudje na njej preselili v nove stavbe, ki jih zanimajo - upajmo, da bo ena od vaših stavb na ulici v vzponu.
Ali lahko tekmujete s navdušenjem svojih tekmecev in sčasoma povečate število svojih privržencev?
Če želite zaslužiti največ denarja in zmagati v igri, morate pametno upravljati s svojimi omejenimi investicijskimi sredstvi, načrtovati vnaprej, hkrati pa ohraniti svoj um odprt za nove priložnosti.
Streets je igra s polaganjem ploščic, kjer igralci skupaj gradijo mesto.
Vsaka zgradba ima preprosto formulo za vrednotenje, ki lastniku prinese denar, ko je ulica ocenjena.
Na vrednosti vplivajo druge zgradbe na ulici, zato je pametna umestitev bistvena za povečanje dobička.
Poleg tega je mesto naseljeno s hipsterji, družinami, nakupovalci in turisti, od katerih ima vsak svojo prednostno vrsto zgradbe.
Pametno locirane nepremičnine lahko izkoristijo vse večje množice ljudi, ki dodatno povečajo vrednost stavb, ki jih obiščejo.
Izbirni razširitveni moduli dodajajo močne asimetrične sposobnosti igralca, dodatne plasti strategije in težke odločitve.
Ima tudi način SOLO, tako da ga lahko igrate tudi sami.
A s prijatelji je bolj zabavno.
Seveda se lahko tega naučite tudi tako, da kliknete svojo pot skozi kratko interaktivno vadnico, ki je na voljo tukaj.
Igrate lahko obe igri in odkrijete več o njiju (pravila, videoposnetke, itd...), tako da kliknete spodnje povezane povezave:
In to je to! Igrajte oba in nam povejte, kateri vam je ljubši!
Ti sta všeč oba? Delite to z založnikom: njim se moramo zahvaliti za to povezavo v Board Game Arena.
Prav tako ne pozabimo na zelo kul delo razvijalcev, Kayvon & Mogri, ki sta odlično opravila obe igri. Najlepša hvala jim. Igre lahko igrate na številnih napravah. Nič ni popolno, zato, če ste ga poskušali igrati na kakšni zelo modni ali zelo stari napravi, nam ne oklevajte in nam sporočite morebitne napake z obrazcem za prijavo. To je kul za nas in za druge uporabnike.
Najlepša hvala za igranje na BGA.
Te igre so del linije neodvisnega podjetja in računamo na vas, da boste razširili glas o njih.
To je to za danes... in šele ponedeljek je!
Se vidimo v sredo na naši objavi WRT ('Sreda za izdajo'), do takrat pa ...
Pazite se in igrajte pošteno!