A wide orchard lies in front of Applejack's cottage.
Help him and his daughter plant apple trees and harvest the juicy apples. Do not forget to set up the beehives between the trees. Because at the end of this game, whoever gets the most honey wins!
On their turn players choose 1 tree tile from the harvest board in the middle of the table. This tile shows a combination of types of apples and apple blossoms as well as beehives. The beehives show the cost for the tile in honey.
The tree tile will be placed on the players orchard. The beehives need to be places next to other beehives on tiles already in play in order to get the players honey tiles.
When the Applejack die on the harvest board comes across an apple icon this type of apple will be harvested- again gaining the players honey tokens. But only if they arranged the apples in a meaningful way.
After 19 turns each player's orchard is filled and the final scoring takes place. Apples, apple blossoms, and collected honey will be scored. Whoever has the highest score will win a game of Applejack!
If you feel like you do not want to read the rules, or like you do not have a good-good brain to learn the rules, there's a tutorial available!
If you want to give it a try, check the rules, or play against an opponent, here is the link to go:
Thanks to the game designer Uwe Rosenberg and the Game Builders publishing, you are now able to play it on Board Game Arena. A lot of thanks to them.
But no games without developers, and it is all thanks to the work done by Sarix87 and vurtan who did an amazing job to port the game to your platform!
That's it for today's WRT!
See you next week for more amazing games and weird movie quotes.
Until then, take care and play fair!
That would muh muh muh muh make the moderators happy!
Pred Applejackovo kočo leži širok sadovnjak.
Pomagajte njemu in njegovi hčerki posaditi jablane in obirati sočna jabolka.
Ne pozabite postaviti panjev med drevesa.
Ker na koncu te igre zmaga tisti, ki dobi največ medu!
Na vrsti igralci izberejo 1 drevesno ploščico z žetvene deske na sredini mize.
Ta ploščica prikazuje kombinacijo vrst jabolk in jablanovih cvetov ter panjev.
Panji prikazujejo strošek za ploščico v medu.
Ploščica drevesa bo postavljena na sadovnjak igralcev.
Čebelje panje je treba postaviti poleg drugih čebeljih panjev na ploščice, ki so že v igri, da lahko igralci dobijo medene ploščice.
Ko Applejack umre na žetveni deski naleti na ikono jabolka, bo ta vrsta jabolka pridelana – igralci znova pridobijo žetone medu.
A le, če so jabolka smiselno razporedili.
Po 19 obratih je sadovnjak vsakega igralca napolnjen in izvede se končno točkovanje.
Jabolka, jablanovi cvetovi in nabrani med se bodo točkovali.
Kdor bo dosegel najvišje število točk, bo dobil igro Applejack!
Če se vam zdi, da ne želite brati pravil ali da nimate dobrih-dobrih možganov za učenje pravil, je na voljo vadnica!
Če želite poskusiti, preveriti pravila ali igrati proti nasprotniku, je tukaj povezava:
Zahvaljujoč oblikovalcu igre Uweju Rosenbergu in založbi Game Builders jo zdaj lahko igrate na Board Game Arena.
Najlepša hvala jim.
Vendar ni iger brez razvijalcev in vse to je zasluga dela, ki sta ga opravila Sarix87 in vurtan, ki sta opravila neverjetno delo, da sta igro prenesla na vašo platformo!
To je to za današnji WRT!
Se vidimo naslednji teden za več neverjetnih iger in čudnih filmskih citatov.
Do takrat pa pazite in igrajte pošteno!
To bi muh muh muh muh osrečilo moderatorje!