"In the Wild West, the shootouts between the Outlaws and the Sheriff are becoming particularly tough. Players must be ready to welcome the Dalton Gang, keep cool during the Gold Rush, and be really careful when walking in the ghost town!"
In this Premium expansion to BANG!, there are 15 new High Noon cards: shuffle them and put the one called "High Noon" at the bottom. Each turn the Sheriff reveals a new High Noon card which all players must follow for the entire round.
For example, during 'Hangover' all characters lose their special abilities. With 'Blessing' the suit of every card becomes Hearts (so, Barrels always work and Dynamite never explodes, etc.).
Even if you are already out of the game, you can come back as a ghost for a round during the 'Ghost Town' phase, and try to win!
This first expansion brings a lot more fun to the base game, but beware what you say!
The game designed by Emiliano Sciarra and distributed by DV Giochi is an absolute classic that can shine on BGA as long as you are respectful of other players. Remember that you can report anyone that is behaving mischievously (outside of the scope of the game roleplay focus).
We would love to thank the publisher as well as the game designer for the authorisation to run the game on our platform, as well as the remarkable work done by KuWizard to develop the game for the platform. It's not that easy regarding the millions of possibilities. 😉
That's it for today! Thanks for reading,
And waiting for Wednesday, as always, take care and play fair!
"Na divjem zahodu postajajo strelski obračuni med Outlaws in Šerifom še posebej težki.
Igralci morajo biti pripravljeni na dobrodošlico Dalton Gang, ohraniti hladnokrvnost med zlato mrzlico in biti zelo previdni, ko se sprehajajo po mestu duhov!"
V tej Premium razširitvi na BANG!, na voljo je 15 novih kart opoldne: premešajte jih in na dno položite tisto z imenom "Opoldan".
Šerif na vsaki potezi razkrije novo karto High Noon, ki ji morajo vsi igralci slediti ves krog.
Na primer, med 'Hangover' vsi liki izgubijo svoje posebne sposobnosti.
Z 'Blessing' barva vsake karte postane Hearts (torej sodi vedno delujejo in dinamit nikoli ne eksplodira itd.).
Tudi če ste že izven igre, se lahko vrnete kot duh za krog med fazo 'Ghost Town' in poskusite zmagati!
Ta prva razširitev prinaša veliko več zabave v osnovno igro, vendar pazite, kaj govorite!
Igra, ki jo je zasnoval Emiliano Sciarra in distribuiral DV Giochi, je absolutna klasika, ki lahko blesti na BGA, če le spoštujete druge igralce.
Ne pozabite, da lahko prijavite vsakogar, ki se vede nagajivo (zunaj obsega fokusa igre vlog).
Radi bi se zahvalili založniku in oblikovalcu igre za dovoljenje za izvajanje igre na naši platformi, kot tudi za izjemno delo, ki ga je opravil KuWizard pri razvoju igre za platformo.
Glede na milijone možnosti ni tako enostavno.
To je to za danes!
Hvala za branje,
In v pričakovanju srede, kot vedno, pazite in igrajte pošteno!