With Elawa, you will find all the flavors of a really smart game in a small format!
You will have to assemble your prehistoric tribe while collecting the elements necessary for its development. However, no doubt that the opposing chiefs will not do you any favors: your choices around the campfire are already full of dilemmas...
Elawa is a family card game about set collection and resource management. The idea is that players will take cards from the display, each of which shows the cost to add them to your tableau, the amount of resources they will bring, what they are worth in points, as well as their special abilities. Players keep taking new cards and resources and increasing their tableaus until the end game is reached, when players tally their points from people and other scoring cards, declaring the person with the most points the winner!
Really short and easy to understand, you can play it right now from here:
You can, of course, learn how to play it using the included tutorial here
Published by Bombyx, this novelty is available on BGA thanks to them and the game designers Johannes Goupy and Corentin Lebrat.
No devs no games, and it's all up to thoun for this game, and as usual, the game is very playable on most devices. Try it, and if it doesn't work, bug-report-it!
That's it for your Monday Release!
See you on Wednesday for another amazing game.
Until then, take care and play fair!
ELAWA: Pleme in ponovno pleme!
Z Elawa boste našli vse okuse res pametne igre v majhnem formatu!
Morali boste sestaviti svoje prazgodovinsko pleme, medtem ko zbirate elemente, potrebne za njegov razvoj.
Nedvomno pa vam nasprotni poglavarji ne bodo naredili usluge: vaše izbire ob tabornem ognju so že polne dilem ...
Elawa je družinska igra s kartami o zbiranju kompletov in upravljanju virov.
Ideja je, da igralci vzamejo karte z zaslona, od katerih vsaka prikazuje stroške, da jih dodate na vašo tabelo, količino virov, ki jih bodo prinesli, koliko so vredne v točkah, pa tudi njihove posebne sposobnosti.
Igralci nenehno jemljejo nove karte in vire ter povečujejo svoje tabele, dokler ne pride do konca igre, ko igralci seštejejo svoje točke od ljudi in drugih točkovalnih kart ter razglasijo osebo z največ točkami za zmagovalca!
Res je kratka in lahko razumljiva, predvajate jo lahko zdaj od tukaj:
Seveda se lahko naučite igrati z uporabo priložene vadnice tukaj
Ta novost, ki jo je izdal Bombyx, je na voljo na BGA po zaslugi njih in oblikovalcev iger Johannesa Goupyja in Corentina Lebrata.
Ni razvijalcev, ni iger in za to igro je vse odvisno od tisoč in kot običajno je igra zelo primerna za igranje na večini naprav.
Poskusite in če ne deluje, prijavite napako!
To je to za vašo ponedeljkovo izdajo!
Se vidimo v sredo na še eni neverjetni igri.
Do takrat pa pazite in igrajte pošteno!