In the left corner, Line-It, a game designed by Tim Juretzki and published by Gigamic. Playable from 2 to 5 players for around 20 minutes, and containing 106 cards and 11 tokens. It will be released in July this year...
In the right corner, Mind Up!, a game designed by Maxime Rambourg and published by Catch Up Games. Playable from 3 to 6 players for around 20 minutes as well, and containing only 104 cards. It has already been released for just a few weeks.
In Line-It, the goal of the game is to make an ascending or descending line of cards in order to score points. You need to decide whether to bank your points and start a new line or wait a little longer and try to win the jackpot!
What makes a line? A line is made up of several Number cards and a maximum of 1 Bet card.
You can only have a single line in front of you at one time.
To start a line, you place a Number or Bet card in front of you. This card can either come from the “market” or your hand.
The second Number card you add to your line determines whether the line is ascending or descending. The Bet card does not count.
In Mind Up!, you start with a line of cards on the table, with as many cards as players. Each turn, players pick a card from their hand and simultaneously reveal it to make a new line, ordered from the lowest to the highest card. Each player then takes the card in the previous line at the same position as the one they just played, adding it to their tableau. These cards will score points at the end of the round, depending on their color and the order they were picked. After being scored, they become the player's hand for the next round.
They are totally different card games with totally different gameplays, feels and mechanisms.
Who will win your heart or your group's love?
It is all up to you to decide!
To play Line-It, click the link below to access the game page, or check the included tutorial to learn the game in no-time!
To play Mind Up!, click the link below to access the game page, or check the included tutorial to learn the game and set it up!
The most beautiful thing here is that both games were developed by thoun who did remarkable work to adapt both of them for Board Game Arena, and whatever happens, he is the real one winning both games! Send him some love, he deserves it.
Of course, as we already mentioned, we would like to thank both publishers and game designers for their authorization to have the game here on Board Game Arena, and we want you to send them some love by playing both of the games. They really deserve your attention, and we appreciate that both teams were inclined to participate in this simultaneous release.
*It's more than enough for today, and we are sure you will at least make one of these games your next favorite - if not both.
*See you next week for another amazing release.
And until then, take care and play fair!
LINE-IT & MIND UP!: Igrajte oba, izberite ENEGA (zase)!
V levem kotu Line-It, igra, ki jo je zasnoval Tim Juretzki in izdal Gigamic.
Igra se lahko od 2 do 5 igralcev približno 20 minut in vsebuje 106 kart in 11 žetonov.
Izšel bo julija letos...
V desnem kotu Mind Up!, igro, ki jo je oblikoval Maxime Rambourg in izdal Catch Up Games.
Igra se lahko od 3 do 6 igralcev tudi približno 20 minut in vsebuje samo 104 karte.
Izšel je že le nekaj tednov.
V igri Line-It je cilj igre sestaviti naraščajočo ali padajočo linijo kart, da dosežete točke.
Odločiti se morate, ali boste nakopičili svoje točke in začeli novo linijo ali počakali še malo in poskušali zadeti glavni dobitek!
Kaj naredi črto?
Linija je sestavljena iz več številskih kart in največ 1 stavne karte.
Naenkrat imate lahko samo eno vrstico pred seboj.
Če želite začeti linijo, predse položite kartico številke ali stave.
Ta karta lahko prihaja iz "tržnice" ali vaše roke.
Druga številska kartica, ki jo dodate svoji vrstici, določa, ali je vrstica naraščajoča ali padajoča.
Stavna karta se ne šteje.
V mislih!, začnete z linijo kart na mizi, s toliko kart, kot je igralcev.
Vsako potezo igralci izberejo karto iz svoje roke in jo istočasno razkrijejo, da sestavijo novo linijo, razvrščeno od najnižje do najvišje karte.
Vsak igralec nato vzame karto v prejšnji vrstici na istem mestu, kot je pravkar odigral, in jo doda svoji tabeli.
Te karte bodo na koncu kroga dosegle točke, odvisno od njihove barve in vrstnega reda, v katerem so bile izbrane.
Ko so doseženi, postanejo igralčeva roka za naslednji krog.
To so popolnoma različne igre s kartami s popolnoma drugačnimi igrami, občutki in mehanizmi.
Kdo bo osvojil vaše srce ali ljubezen vaše skupine?
Vse je na tebi, da se odločiš!
Če želite igrati Line-It, kliknite spodnjo povezavo za dostop do strani igre ali preverite priloženo vadnico, da se igre naučite v hipu!
Igrati Mind Up!, kliknite spodnjo povezavo za dostop do strani igre ali preverite priloženo vadnico, da se naučite igre in jo nastavite!
Najlepše pri tem je, da je obe igri razvilo tisoč ljudi, ki je opravil izjemno delo, da je obe prilagodil za Board Game Arena, in karkoli se že zgodi, on je pravi zmagovalec obeh iger!
Pošlji mu nekaj ljubezni, zasluži si jo.
Seveda, kot smo že omenili, bi se radi zahvalili obema založnikoma in oblikovalcem iger za njuno dovoljenje za objavo igre tukaj na Board Game Arena, in želimo, da jim pošljete nekaj ljubezni z igranjem obeh iger.
Res si zaslužijo vašo pozornost in cenimo, da sta bili obe ekipi nagnjeni k sodelovanju pri tej sočasni izdaji.
Za danes je več kot dovolj in prepričani smo, da bo vsaj ena od teh iger vaša naslednja najljubša - če ne obe.
Se vidimo naslednji teden na še eni neverjetni izdaji.
Do takrat pa pazite in igrajte pošteno!