This is what happens when adorable bunnies build cities, harvest carrots, and go on missions to be "Big Ears!"
If you have not already tried this Richard Garfield game, you can play it now!
So, what's up, doc?
Peace has come at last to the great Bunny Kingdom! Lead your clan of rabbits to glory by gathering resources and building new cities across the land!
Draft cards and pick the right ones to position your warrens on the 100 squares of the board, provide resources to your colonies, build new cities to increase your influence, and plan your strategy to score big at the end of the game. Settle in lakesides or fields to collect water and grow carrots, gather mushrooms in the green forest, and climb the highest mountains to discover rare and precious resources... Secretly rally rabbit lords and recruit skillful masters to make your cities and resources even more valuable at the end of the game.
After each turn, your groups of contiguous warrens grant you points depending on the cities and different resources they include. The game ends after 4 rounds, and the player with the most points wins the game.
And you can play it right here, right now, on Board Game Arena!
And if you didn't know how to play it, don't worry, Nekonyancer has you covered by another simple tutorial to learn it in no-time!
Thanks to BaronFraser who developed this title, the game plays beautifully on most devices, but don't forget that you can use your phone in landscape mode if needed. 😉
And when you get a bunny from a hat, there is plenty to come out of it! That's why we want to send our love to the IELLO team that made it possible to have this game on Board Game Arena.
Annnnnnnnd... that's it for today's WRT!
What will come next? I see time, codes and colors!
But not all together.
See you next Wednesday,
until then, take care and play fair!
ZAJČKO KRALJESTVO: Korenčkove torte v Caerbannogu
To se zgodi, ko prikupni zajčki gradijo mesta, žanjejo korenje in se odpravijo na misije, da postanejo "veliki ušesi!"
Če še niste preizkusili te igre Richarda Garfielda, jo lahko igrate zdaj!
Torej, kaj je, doktor?
V veliko kraljestvo zajčkov je končno prišel mir!
Vodite svoj klan zajcev do slave z zbiranjem virov in gradnjo novih mest po vsej deželi!
Osnutek kart in izberite prave, da postavite svoje lovorike na 100 polj na plošči, zagotovite vire svojim kolonijam, zgradite nova mesta, da povečate svoj vpliv, in načrtujte svojo strategijo za doseganje velikih rezultatov na koncu igre.
Naselite se ob jezerih ali poljih, da zbirate vodo in gojite korenje, nabirate gobe v zelenem gozdu in se povzpnete na najvišje gore, da odkrijete redke in dragocene vire ...
Na skrivaj zberite gospodarje zajcev in zaposlite spretne mojstre, da bodo vaša mesta in viri ob koncu igre še bolj dragoceni.
Po vsakem koraku vam vaše skupine sosednjih ladij podelijo točke glede na mesta in različne vire, ki jih vključujejo.
Igra se konča po 4 rundah in igralec z največ točkami zmaga.
In igrate jo lahko tukaj, prav zdaj, na Board Game Arena!
In če niste vedeli, kako jo igrati, ne skrbite, Nekonyancer vam ponuja še eno preprosto vadnico, da se je naučite v hipu!
Zahvaljujoč BaronFraserju, ki je razvil ta naslov, se igra odlično igra na večini naprav, vendar ne pozabite, da lahko po potrebi uporabljate svoj telefon v ležečem načinu.
In ko dobiš zajčka iz klobuka, se iz njega izcimi marsikaj!
Zato želimo poslati svojo ljubezen ekipi IELLO, ki je omogočila to igro na Board Game Arena.
to je to za današnji WRT!
Kaj bo naslednje?
Vidim čas, kode in barve!
Ampak ne vsi skupaj.
Se vidimo naslednjo sredo,
do takrat pa pazite in igrajte pošteno!