Get ready for a colorful game!
In Color Flush, try to be the first to get all the cards of the same color in your hand. But watch out, all the cards are double-sided, and you can only see one side!
You will have to use the different actions you dispose of wisely to flip over, draw, or give away a card to make all of your cards the same color!
In fact, it's so simple that you can learn it in 5 minutes using the integrated tutorial done by Nekonyancer.
Still not convinced? Check the gamepage:
We would love to thank the wonderful Blue Orange team as well as Vivien Roeltgen for their authorization to bring this game online, and of course the work done by darhf by developing it for the platform.
It's an ideal game to chill during your holidays!
And that's it for today.
Until Wednesday, take care, play fair...
And don't forget to enjoy our daily releases for the whole month of August!
COLOR FLUSH: Naravnost do točk!
Pripravite se na barvito igro!
V igri Color Flush poskušajte prvi dobiti vse karte iste barve v roki.
Vendar pozor, vse karte so dvostranske in vidiš samo eno stran!
Različna dejanja, s katerimi razpolagate, boste morali pametno uporabiti, da obrnete, izvlečete ali podarite karto, da bodo vse vaše karte enake barve!
Pravzaprav je tako preprost, da se ga lahko naučite v 5 minutah z integrirano vadnico, ki jo je pripravil Nekonyancer.
Radi bi se zahvalili čudoviti ekipi Blue Orange kot tudi Vivien Roeltgen za njihovo pooblastilo, da to igro objavijo na spletu, in seveda delu, ki ga je darhf opravil pri razvoju za platformo.
To je idealna igra za sprostitev med počitnicami!
In to je to za danes.
Do srede pazite se, igrajte pošteno...
In ne pozabite uživati v naših dnevnih izdajah za ves mesec avgust!