*Transparent cards to make layered art, an original and wonderful-looking game for all.
In Canvas, you play as a painter competing in an art competition. Players will collect art cards, layering 3 of them together to create their own unique Painting. Each card contains a piece of artwork as well as a set of icons used during scoring. Icons will be revealed or hidden based on the way players choose to layer the cards, making for an exciting puzzle. Paintings are scored based on a set of Scoring Cards which will change each game. The game ends once players have created and scored 3 paintings.
On your turn you may take an Art Card or make a painting. Art Cards are selected from a row of cards in the center of play. Each of these cards has a cost associated with their position. After selecting an Art Card you must pay its cost by placing an Inspiration Token on each of the cards to its left. If you do not have enough Inspiration Tokens, you may not select that card. Any tokens on the card you have selected are kept for future turns. The far left card costs no Inspiration Tokens to take.
If you have three or more Art Cards you may choose to make a painting. Select 3 of your Art Cards, arrange them in any order and then score them by comparing the visible icons on your painting to the Scoring conditions.
Once all players have made 3 paintings the game ends.
It's wonderful to play, and if you like it on BGA, do not hesitate to find it at your local retailer! You can learn it in no-time by using the included tutorial.
Curious about this game? Discover more about it by following this link to the game page and start to play!
We would love to thank Jeff Chin and Andrew Nerger, the game designers, as well as R2i Games for their authorization to port the game to Board Game Arena!
No games without developers, and this adaptation has been done beautifully thanks to the work done by jordijansen. Lots of love here, so thanks to all to have this title available to the platform!
That's it for today!
How many gifts have you opened consecutively from the Summer Calendar this year?
There's a new game to discover everyday, so don't hesitate to come back until the end of August.
See you next week, and until then, take care and play fair!
CANVAS: postanite umetnik z večplastnimi kompozicijami, ki prinašajo točke!
Prozorne karte za večplastno umetnost, izvirna in čudovita igra za vse.
V Canvasu igrate kot slikar, ki tekmuje na umetniškem tekmovanju.
Igralci bodo zbirali umetniške karte in jih zložili po 3 skupaj, da bodo ustvarili svojo edinstveno sliko.
Vsaka karta vsebuje kos umetniškega dela in niz ikon, ki se uporabljajo med točkovanjem.
Ikone bodo razkrite ali skrite glede na način, kako se igralci odločijo za plastenje kart, kar bo omogočilo vznemirljivo uganko.
Slike se točkujejo na podlagi nabora točkovalnih kart, ki bodo spremenile vsako igro.
Igra se konča, ko igralci ustvarijo in dosežejo 3 slike.
Na vrsti lahko vzamete umetniško kartico ali naslikate.
Umetniške karte se izberejo iz vrste kart v središču igre.
Vsaka od teh kart ima strošek, povezan z njihovim položajem.
Ko izberete umetniško kartico, morate plačati njene stroške tako, da položite žeton navdiha na vsako od kart na levi strani.
Če nimate dovolj žetonov navdiha, morda ne boste izbrali te kartice.
Vsi žetoni na kartici, ki ste jo izbrali, so shranjeni za prihodnje obrate.
Skrajno leva karta ne stane nobenih žetonov navdiha.
Če imate tri ali več umetniških kart, se lahko odločite za slikanje.
Izberite 3 svoje umetniške kartice, jih razporedite v poljubnem vrstnem redu in jih nato ocenite tako, da primerjate vidne ikone na vaši sliki s pogoji točkovanja.
Ko vsi igralci naredijo 3 slike, se igra konča.
Čudovito ga je igrati in če vam je všeč na BGA, ga ne oklevajte in ga poiščite pri lokalnem prodajalcu!
S priloženo vadnico se je lahko naučite v hipu.
Radi bi se zahvalili Jeffu Chinu in Andrewu Nergerju, oblikovalcema iger, kot tudi R2i Games za njihovo pooblastilo za prenos igre v Board Game Arena!
Ni iger brez razvijalcev in ta prilagoditev je bila narejena čudovito zahvaljujoč delu, ki ga je opravil jordijansen. Veliko ljubezni tukaj, zato hvala vsem, da je ta naslov na voljo platformi!
To je to za danes!
Koliko daril iz Poletnega koledarja ste letos zapored odprli?
Vsak dan lahko odkrijete novo igro, zato ne odlašajte in se vrnite do konca avgusta.
Se vidimo naslednji teden, do takrat pa pazite in igrajte pošteno!