Assemble your Viking crew to explore new destinations in the world and trade!
In Knarr, you are the leader of a band of Vikings that you send to new destinations. Manage the recruitment of your crew and choose the best territories to explore. Depending on the destinations reached (for trading or influence) and the Vikings who accompany you, you can increase your reputation to gain even more wealth. Each turn, you:
Place a new member in your Viking crew, activating the effects on each of them with the same icon, and get another from those available under the matching color on the central board, or
Explore new destinations, with the opportunity to trade with those places and get more gains or reputation.
Check more about the game by clicking the link below:
Don't forget that you can learn the game in a hurry by playing the tutorial included!
Let's celebrate Bombyx, the publisher, as well as the game designer Thomas Dupont and obviously, the almighty developer behind this version : thoun.
Thanks a lot to them for bringing this title to the platform, especially as the game is a novelty from 2023.
That's it for today!
We're only a few days before the end of the Summer of Games Calendar.
How many badges/trophies were you able to collect ?
**See you on Wednesday for the usual WRT and until then,
play fair and take care!**
KNARR: Motor za gradnjo krova/Tableau v nordijski temi!
Zberite svojo vikinško posadko za raziskovanje novih destinacij po svetu in trgovanje!
V Knarru ste vodja čete Vikingov, ki jih pošiljate na nove destinacije.
Upravljajte z novačenjem svoje posadke in izberite najboljša ozemlja za raziskovanje.
Odvisno od doseženih ciljev (za trgovanje ali vpliv) in Vikingov, ki vas spremljajo, lahko povečate svoj ugled in pridobite še več bogastva.
Vsak obrat:
Postavite novega člana v svojo posadko Viking, aktivirajte učinke na vsakega od njih z isto ikono in pridobite drugega izmed tistih, ki so na voljo pod ujemajočo se barvo na osrednji plošči, ali
Raziščite nove destinacije z možnostjo trgovanja s temi kraji in pridobite več dobička ali ugleda.
Preverite več o igri s klikom na spodnjo povezavo:
Ne pozabite, da se lahko igre naučite v naglici z igranjem priložene vadnice!
Slavimo Bombyx, založnika, pa tudi oblikovalca iger Thomasa Duponta in očitno vsemogočnega razvijalca, ki stoji za to različico: thoun.
Najlepša hvala jim, ker so ta naslov prenesli na platformo, še posebej, ker je igra novost iz leta 2023.
To je to za danes!
Samo še nekaj dni nas loči do konca koledarja Summer of Games.
Koliko značk/trofej ste lahko zbrali?
Se vidimo v sredo na običajnem WRT, do takrat pa
igraj pošteno in pazi!