A mini-expansion for Sea Salt & Paper, presented as a booster pack: 8 new cards with 5 new effects.
It's a bit more salty and spicy.
Discover the new effects:
The Cast of Crabs: 1 point per crab
The Seahorse: replaces a card in a series (shell, octopus, etc.).
The Starfish: played at the same time as a pair of cards to cancel their effect but earn 2 extra points.
The Lobster: draw 5 cards from the deck and choose one. Play with a crab.
The Medusa: to be played at the same time as a swimmer. All other players can only draw one card from the deck on their next turn.
You can play this expansion by selecting the right option on the settings from the game page:
We would love to thank the fantastic Bombyx publishing team members, as well as Bruno Cathala and Théo Rivière for their authorizations, and the wonderful work done by Thoun on this game adaptation.
But wait, there's more...
An official tournament! With prizes!
The "Qualifier" phase ends in mid-October. There are a total of 256 places for the "Groups" phase to be won.
64 spots are being distributed in France by us and our partners, 64 on several Board Game Arena tournaments open to all:
The first two rounds of the competition will be held on BGA, and the remaining 128 rounds will be shared between our partners around the world.
The "Groups" phase will take place on BGA only from late October - early November. Qualifiers will be divided into 8 groups of 32 players and will play with the Extra Salt extension. The top 4 players in each group will qualify for the "Final" phase.
The "Final" phase will take place in late November or early December. The 32 players will compete in a 1 vs 1 knockout format with the Extra Salt extension activated. This stage will also be on BGA only.
And many prizes to win!
Go to their Facebook official page here to know more about it: https://www.facebook.com/studiobombyx
EDIT: 2 new sessions were added for BGA:
FISH n ChampionCHIPS – Qualificateur 5 : https://boardgamearena.com/tournament?id=235750
FISH n ChampionCHIPS – Qualificateur 6 : https://boardgamearena.com/tournament?id=235747
And... that's it for today's release!
The Summer of Games is now terminated. Let's see how many of you were able to come to the front page and click each day:
1 day and 1 gift open | 81554 clicked it!
10 day streak (everyday without missing a release) | 9805 trophies
20 days | 4514 trophies
And... THE WHOLE 31 DAYS, everyday | 2530 whale trophies distributed!
Thanks a lot for your participation. Remember these trophies are unique and you can be proud to have won them.
See you later for more exciting news.
Until then, take care, and... as always... PLAY FAIR!
Mini razširitev za Sea Salt & Paper, predstavljena kot pospeševalni paket: 8 novih kart s 5 novimi učinki.
Je nekoliko bolj slan in pikanten.
Odkrijte nove učinke:
- The Cast of Crabs: 1 točka na raka
- Morski konjiček: nadomesti karto v nizu (školjka, hobotnica itd.).
- Morska zvezda: igra se hkrati s parom kart, da prekliče njihov učinek, vendar si prisluži 2 dodatni točki.
- Jastog: potegnite 5 kart iz kompleta in izberite eno. Igrajte se z rakovico.
- Meduza: igra se istočasno kot plavalec. Vsi drugi igralci lahko na naslednjem koraku potegnejo samo eno karto iz kompleta.
To razširitev lahko igrate tako, da izberete pravo možnost v nastavitvah na strani igre:
Radi bi se zahvalili fantastičnim članom založniške ekipe Bombyx, kot tudi Brunu Cathali in Théu Rivièru za njuna pooblastila in čudovito delo, ki ga je opravil Thoun pri tej adaptaciji igre.
Uradni turnir! Z nagradami!
Faza "Kvalifikacije" se konča sredi oktobra. Skupno je na voljo 256 mest za fazo "Skupine".
Mi in naši partnerji razdelimo 64 mest v Franciji, 64 na več turnirjih Board Game Arena, odprtih za vse:
Prva dva kroga tekmovanja bosta potekala na BGA, preostalih 128 krogov pa si bodo delili naši partnerji po vsem svetu.
Faza "Skupine" bo na BGA potekala šele od konca oktobra do začetka novembra. Kvalifikanti bodo razdeljeni v 8 skupin po 32 igralcev in bodo igrali s podaljškom Extra Salt. Prvi 4 igralci v vsaki skupini se bodo uvrstili v "finalno" fazo.
"Končna" faza bo potekala konec novembra ali v začetku decembra. 32 igralcev se bo pomerilo v izločilnem formatu 1 proti 1 z aktiviranim podaljškom Extra Salt. Tudi ta stopnja bo samo na BGA.
In veliko nagrad za zmago!
Pojdite na njihovo uradno stran na Facebooku, če želite izvedeti več o tem: https://www.facebook.com/studiobombyx
in... to je to za današnjo objavo!
Poletne igre so zdaj zaključene. Poglejmo, koliko vas je uspelo priti na prvo stran in klikniti vsak dan:
1 dan in 1 darilo odprto | 81554 je kliknilo!
10-dnevni niz (vsak dan, ne da bi zamudili izdajo) | 9805 trofej
20 dni | 4514 trofej
in... CELIH 31 DNI, vsak dan | Razdeljenih 2530 trofej kitov!
Najlepša hvala za vašo udeležbo. Ne pozabite, da so te trofeje edinstvene in lahko ste ponosni, da ste jih osvojili.
Se vidimo pozneje za več razburljivih novic.
Do takrat pa pazite nase in... kot vedno... IGRAJ POŠTENO!