At the start of the game, each player receives 9 unknown cards and set up their Mine by placing them face down in front of them, in a 3x3 square. They flip the center card face up and the game can begin.
The goal is to fill the 9 slots of your mine with cards granting you the most points.
On your turn, you can play up to 2 cards from your hand. Play Gem cards in your mine – cards of your favorite color earns you points, as well as cards played in the right spot (each gem and Mine slot is numbered from 1 to 9). Use Adventure cards to your advantage to reveal, swap or steal cards in play and build the best Mine.
But beware: as soon as a Mine is entirely revealed, the game comes to an end and the player with the most points wins!
Click the link below to discover this wonderful game: ... padventure
Nothing would be possible without the help and authorization of the Amazing Games team and the Babel Dread game designers, and we would like to thank them all for making this possible.
Also there's been sweet work done by Mistergos to make it happen and playable on the platform, and he deserves a lot of love from you all!
And... that's it for today!
We are sure you are more than busy these days, especially if you have kids going back to school. (or you are that kid).
The best for this year to you, have fun, play fair and... take care!
DIG UP Adventure: pustolovščina, po kateri bi MORALI kopati!
Na začetku igre vsak igralec prejme 9 neznanih kart in nastavi svoj rudnik tako, da jih položi obrnjene navzdol predse v polje 3x3.
Središčno karto obrnejo navzgor in igra se lahko začne.
Cilj je zapolniti 9 rež vašega rudnika s kartami, ki vam prinesejo največ točk.
Ko ste na vrsti, lahko igrate do 2 karti iz svoje roke.
Igrajte karte z dragulji v svojem rudniku – karte vaše najljubše barve vam prinesejo točke, prav tako karte, ki jih igrate na pravem mestu (vsak dragulj in reža za rudnik sta oštevilčena od 1 do 9).
Uporabite pustolovske karte v svojo korist, da razkrijete, zamenjate ali ukradete karte v igri in zgradite najboljši rudnik.
Toda pozor: takoj ko je rudnik v celoti razkrit, se igra konča in igralec z največ točkami zmaga!
Kliknite spodnjo povezavo in odkrijte to čudovito igro:
Nič ne bi bilo mogoče brez pomoči in pooblastila ekipe Amazing Games in oblikovalcev iger Babel Dread, in radi bi se jim vsem zahvalili, da so to omogočili.
Poleg tega je Mistergos opravil čudovito delo, da se je to zgodilo in da ga je mogoče igrati na platformi, in zasluži si veliko ljubezni od vseh vas!
to je to za danes!
Prepričani smo, da ste v teh dneh več kot zaposleni, še posebej, če se vaši otroci vračajo v šolo.
Vse najboljše v letošnjem letu vam, lepo se imejte, igrajte pošteno in... pazi nase!