The fierce and friendly pick and pass card game.
Collect enclosures, rescue animals, and install upgrades over 3 years and build the highest scoring wildlife park you can in this fast-paced card game. Do not let the cutesy look fool you into thinking this is going to be easy though! Can you keep the Lions away from the Anteaters on the Savannah plains? Are your sloths lonely or living a happy life on an Open-Air island? Your Zuuli adventure awaits!
If you are not afraid to play it, here is the link to the game page:
Of course, you should never miss the included tutorial.
Published by Unfringed and created by Chris Priscott, we would like to thank the whole team as well as n_e_s_s_u_n_o who developed it for Board Game Arena!
And that's it for today.
Until Wednesday, take care and play fair!
ZUULI: Ste mojster ključev ohišij?
Ostra in prijazna igra s kartami pick and pass.
Zbirajte ograde, rešujte živali in nameščajte nadgradnje v 3 letih ter zgradite park divjih živali z najvišjim številom točk v tej hitri igri s kartami.
Naj vas ljubek videz ne zavede, da mislite, da bo to enostavno!
Ali lahko leve odvrnete od mravljinčarjev na planjavah Savannah?
Ali so vaši lenivci osamljeni ali živijo srečno življenje na otoku na prostem?
Vaša pustolovščina Zuuli čaka!
Če vas ni strah igrati, je tukaj povezava do strani igre:
Seveda nikoli ne smete zamuditi vključene vadnice.
Objavil Unfringed in ustvaril Chris Priscott, radi bi se zahvalili celotni ekipi kot tudi n_e_s_s_u_n_o, ki so jo razvili za Board Game Arena!
In to je to za danes.
Do srede pazite se in igrajte pošteno!