- Humankind died out decades ago, leaving behind mere vestiges of its time on Earth. As time went by, nature reclaimed land all over. In this resurgent world, apes have kept evolving. They have been gathering in tribes, growing, mastering human items, and advancing in their quest for knowledge. As the leader of such a tribe, you need to guide it towards collective intelligence.
After Us is a deck-building and resource management game featuring an original and intuitive combo system in which players are each leading a tribe of apes. Starting only with tamarins, they combine their cards each turn to collect resources and gather victory points, attracting new apes into their tribe along the way: powerful gorillas, resourceful orangutans, versatile chimpanzees, and wise mandrills. The first player to obtain 80 points prevails in the race to collective intelligence — and wins the game.
The game shines through its original mechanisms, and that is why you should absolutely try the very short and well made tutorial available by Nekonyancer to know more about it.
Of course, you can check out the rules and start your very first game on the dedicated game page by clicking the link below:
We want to thank the wonderful Catch Up Games team, as well as Florian Sirieix (hey ^^) for their authorization to bring the game online, and of course the wonderful and talented thoun for the development done on BGA.
That's it for today, enjoy your Wednesday Release Time (WRT), and see you next week for another amazing game!
Until then, take care and play fair.
PO NAS: Opičja stvar ...
Človeštvo je izumrlo pred desetletji in za seboj pustilo le ostanke svojega časa na Zemlji.
Sčasoma je narava povsod povrnila zemljo.
V tem ponovno vzpostavljenem svetu so se opice še naprej razvijale.
Zbirali so se v plemena, rasli, obvladovali človeške predmete in napredovali v iskanju znanja.
Kot vodja takega plemena ga morate voditi do kolektivne inteligence.
After Us je igra za sestavljanje krova in upravljanje z viri, ki vsebuje izviren in intuitiven kombinirani sistem, v katerem vsak igralec vodi pleme opic.
Začnejo samo s tamarini, na vsakem koraku združijo svoje karte, da zbirajo vire in zbirajo zmagovalne točke ter na poti privabijo nove opice v svoje pleme: močne gorile, iznajdljive orangutane, vsestranske šimpanze in modre mandrile.
Prvi igralec, ki zbere 80 točk, prevlada v tekmi za kolektivno inteligenco — in zmaga.
Igra blesti skozi svoje izvirne mehanizme, zato morate nujno preizkusiti zelo kratko in dobro izdelano vadnico, ki jo ponuja Nekonyancer, če želite izvedeti več o njej.
Seveda lahko preverite pravila in začnete svojo prvo igro na namenski strani za igro, tako da kliknete spodnjo povezavo:
Želimo se zahvaliti čudoviti ekipi Catch Up Games, pa tudi Florianu Sirieixu (hej ^^) za njihovo pooblastilo za prenos igre na splet ter seveda čudovitemu in nadarjenemu tisoču za razvoj, opravljen na BGA.
To je to za danes, uživajte v času izdaje v sredo (WRT) in se vidimo naslednji teden na še eni neverjetni igri!
Do takrat pa pazite in igrajte pošteno.