Speed. I am speed.
It is no surprise that HEAT is one of the most played racing car games around since the released in 2022. And there is a solid reason for this.
Based on simple and intuitive hand management, Heat: Pedal to the Metal puts players in the driver's seat of intense car races, jockeying for position to cross the finish line first, while managing their car's speed if they do not want to overheat. Selecting the right upgrades for their car will help them hug the curves and keep their engine cool enough to maintain top speeds. Ultimately, their driving skills will be the key to victory!
Drivers can compete in a single race, customizing their car before the race to claim the top spot of the podium. Players can also enjoy a solo mode with the Legends Module or add automated drivers as additional opponents in multiplayer games.
Championship mode will come later, as we need a bit more time to change the tires.
The rules are fit the racing aspect perfectly, with tension at every turn, and the available maps make its replayability a very good choice for any card player.
With more than a thousand games already going on, there's no doubt you will find drivers to join you on the track! Click below to discover more:
Too shy to join a game you know nothing about? Never worry, we have you covered with a short tutorial done by Nekonyancer for you to learn how to play it.
We want to thank of course the Days of Wonders team, as well as Asger Harding Granerud and Daniel Skjold Pedersen for their authorization to bring the game to our platform.
Let's not forget our amazing developers, Tisaac & thoun, who made a fantastic work here for you to play on (mostly) any platforms. Try it, it really plays like a charm.
Which color do you prefer to play?
If you are new to BGA, remember Premium members can select a color preference for most games from your profile!
*That comes in handy to find where you are at a turn-based game.
**And that's it for today!
**Next week will be Essen, and we will have a big week there.
If you meet any of us while wandering through the halls, don't hesitate to say hello 😉
That's it today. Until next week, take care and play fair!
HEAT: Pedal do konca!
Jaz sem hitrost.
Ni presenetljivo, da je HEAT ena najbolj igranih iger z dirkalnimi avtomobili od izida leta 2022.
In za to obstaja dober razlog.
Temelji na preprostem in intuitivnem ročnem upravljanju, Heat: Pedal to the Metal postavi igralce na voznikov sedež napetih avtomobilskih dirk, kjer se borijo za položaj, da prvi prečkajo ciljno črto, hkrati pa upravljajo hitrost avtomobila, če se ne želijo pregreti.
Izbira pravih nadgradenj za njihov avto jim bo pomagala pri objemanju ovinkov in ohranila motor dovolj hladen za ohranjanje največjih hitrosti.
Navsezadnje bodo njihove vozne sposobnosti ključ do zmage!
Vozniki lahko tekmujejo v eni dirki in pred dirko prilagodijo svoj avto, da osvojijo najvišje mesto na stopničkah.
Igralci lahko uživajo tudi v solo načinu z modulom Legends ali dodajo avtomatizirane gonilnike kot dodatne nasprotnike v igrah za več igralcev.
Prvenstveni način bo prišel kasneje, saj potrebujemo nekaj več časa za menjavo gum.
Pravila se popolnoma prilegajo dirkalnemu vidiku, z napetostjo na vsakem koraku, zaradi razpoložljivih zemljevidov pa je njegova ponovljivost zelo dobra izbira za vsakega igralca kart.
Ste preveč sramežljivi, da bi se pridružili igri, o kateri ne veste ničesar? Brez skrbi, nudimo vam kratko vadnico, ki jo je pripravil Nekonyancer, da se naučite igrati.
Seveda se želimo zahvaliti ekipi Days of Wonders, kot tudi Asgerju Hardingu Granerudu in Danielu Skjoldu Pedersenu za njuno pooblastilo za prenos igre na našo platformo.
Ne pozabimo na naša neverjetna razvijalca, Tisaac & thoun, ki sta naredila fantastično delo, da lahko igrate na (večinoma) vseh platformah. Poskusite, res deluje kot čar.
Katero barvo najraje igraš?
Če ste novi v BGA, ne pozabite, da lahko Premium člani izberejo želeno barvo za večino iger iz vašega profila!
To pride prav, da ugotovite, kje ste v potezni igri.
In to je to za danes!
Naslednji teden bo Essen in tam bomo imeli velik teden.
Če koga od nas srečate med potepanjem po hodnikih, ga ne oklevajte in ga pozdravite
To je to danes. Do naslednjega tedna pazite in igrajte pošteno!