Will you be able to cross the universe and join one of the Orion nebulas? On the way, you will find black holes that will weaken you to death or galaxies that will make you stronger. Plan your maneuvers well because each of your moves can give your opponent an opportunity to get closer to victory.
Your tiles possess two colors, yours in majority, and your opponent's color as well. Try to connect your tiles smartly while not giving too much opportunities.
You can win in 3 different ways: by connecting 2 opposite sides of the board with an unbroken chain of hexagons of your color; by collecting 4 GALAXY PIECES on connected hexagons of your color; or by making your opponent get 3 BLACK HOLE PIECES on connected hexagons of his/her color. Pay attention to all 3 possibilities! Do not let any of them escape your mind.
You can learn to play the game by going to the included tutorial, or simply check the gamepage by clicking the link below:
We would love to thanks Andre Mainini and Alberto Branciari, the game designers, for their authorization to bring this game to your beloved platform, as well as the Matagot team for their support to port the game to BGA.
The game has been developed by** tchobello** and is playing pretty well on most devices, that's also why he deserves our love and thanks for making this happen!
And that's it for today.
More surprises this week, so stay tuned,
and as always:** Take care and play fair!**
ORION DUEL: Dvoboj, v vesolju!
Vam bo uspelo prečkati vesolje in se pridružiti eni od Orionovih meglic?
Na poti boste našli črne luknje, ki vas bodo oslabile do smrti, ali galaksije, ki vas bodo naredile močnejše.
Dobro načrtujte svoje manevre, saj lahko vsaka vaša poteza daje nasprotniku priložnost, da se približa zmagi.
Vaše ploščice imajo dve barvi, večinoma vaša in tudi nasprotnikova barva.
Poskusite pametno povezati svoje ploščice, pri tem pa ne dajte preveč priložnosti.
Zmagate lahko na 3 različne načine: s povezovanjem dveh nasprotnih strani plošče z neprekinjeno verigo šesterokotnikov vaše barve; z zbiranjem 4 KOSOV GALAKSIJE na povezanih šesterokotnikih vaše barve; ali tako, da vaš nasprotnik dobi 3 KOŠKE ČRNE LUKNJE na povezane šesterokotnike njegove/njene barve.
Bodite pozorni na vse 3 možnosti!
Naj nobena od njih ne uide iz vaših misli.
Igro se lahko naučite igrati tako, da obiščete priloženo vadnico ali preprosto preverite stran igre s klikom na spodnjo povezavo:
Radi bi se zahvalili Andreu Maininiju in Albertu Branciariju, oblikovalcema iger, za njuno pooblastilo za prenos te igre na vašo ljubljeno platformo, pa tudi ekipi Matagot za njihovo podporo pri prenosu igre na BGA.
Igro je razvil tchobello in se precej dobro igra na večini naprav, zato si zasluži našo ljubezen in zahvalo, da se je to zgodilo!
In to je to za danes.
Ta teden še več presenečenj, zato ostanite z nami,
in kot vedno: Pazite se in igrajte pošteno!