In Pax Pamir, players assume the role of nineteenth century Afghan leaders attempting to forge a new state after the collapse of the Durrani Empire. Western histories often call this period "The Great Game" because of the role played by the Europeans who attempted to use central Asia as a theater for their own rivalries. In this game, those empires are viewed strictly from the perspective of the Afghans who sought to manipulate the interloping ferengi (foreigners) for their own purposes.
In terms of game play, Pax Pamir is a pretty straightforward tableau builder. Players spend most of their turns purchasing cards from a central market, then playing those cards in front of them in a single row called a court. Playing cards adds units to the game's map and grants access to additional actions that can be taken to disrupt other players and influence the course of the game. That last point is worth emphasizing. Though everyone is building their own row of cards, the game offers many ways for players to interfere with each other directly and indirectly.
To survive, players will organize into coalitions. Throughout the game, the dominance of the different coalitions will be evaluated by the players when a special card, called a "Dominance Check", is resolved. If a single coalition has a commanding lead during one of these checks, those players loyal to that coalition will receive victory points based on their influence in their coalition. However, if Afghanistan remains fragmented during one of these checks, players instead will receive victory points based on their personal power base.
After each Dominance Check, victory is checked and the game will be partially reset, offering players a fresh attempt to realize their ambitions. The game ends when a single player is able to achieve a lead of four or more victory points or after the fourth and final Dominance Check is resolved.
If you're fond of these kind of games, you absolutely need to play this one. It has won many awards worldwide and the fact that it will require a lot of analysis should prove how deep it is, all while being accessible.
**Check the game page by clicking this link:
Designed, published and all crafted by Cole Wehrle, we would like to thank him for the authorization to bring his game to our platform. We would also love to thank Thalack for the development of the game. It plays beautifully, and if you like it, don't forget to support the publishers and grab a copy of the game.
That's it for today!
Next week is gonna be more relaxed. I see animals and another big release.
Like we have done for a few years now!
Thanks for your support, play fair and... take care!
PAX PAMIR: Strokovna in kompaktna igra moči!
V igri Pax Pamir igralci prevzamejo vlogo afganistanskih voditeljev iz devetnajstega stoletja, ki poskušajo oblikovati novo državo po propadu imperija Durrani.
Zahodne zgodovine to obdobje pogosto imenujejo "velika igra" zaradi vloge Evropejcev, ki so poskušali uporabiti srednjo Azijo kot prizorišče lastnih rivalstev.
V tej igri se na te imperije gleda strogo z vidika Afganistancev, ki so skušali manipulirati z vmešanimi ferengiji (tujci) za svoje namene.
Kar zadeva igranje igre, je Pax Pamir precej enostaven graditelj miz.
Igralci večino časa porabijo za nakup kart na osrednjem trgu, nato pa te karte igrajo pred seboj v eni vrsti, imenovani igrišče.
Igralne karte dodajajo enote na zemljevid igre in omogočajo dostop do dodatnih dejanj, s katerimi lahko motite druge igralce in vplivate na potek igre.
To zadnjo točko je vredno poudariti.
Čeprav vsak sestavlja svojo vrsto kart, igra igralcem ponuja veliko načinov, da se neposredno in posredno vmešajo drug v drugega.
Za preživetje se bodo igralci organizirali v koalicije.
Skozi igro bodo igralci ocenjevali prevlado različnih koalicij, ko bo razrešena posebna karta, imenovana "Preverjanje prevlade".
Če ima posamezna koalicija glavno prednost med enim od teh preverjanj, bodo tisti igralci, ki so zvesti tej koaliciji, prejeli zmagovalne točke glede na njihov vpliv v svoji koaliciji.
Če pa Afganistan med enim od teh preverjanj ostane razdrobljen, bodo igralci namesto tega prejeli zmagovalne točke glede na svojo osebno bazo moči.
Po vsakem preverjanju prevlade se zmaga preveri in igra bo delno ponastavljena, kar igralcem ponuja nov poskus uresničitve njihovih ambicij.
Igra se konča, ko lahko en igralec doseže prednost štirih ali več zmagovalnih točk ali ko je rešen četrti in zadnji pregled prevlade.
Preverite stran igre s klikom na to povezavo:
Oblikoval, izdal in vse izdelal Cole Wehrle, radi bi se mu zahvalili za pooblastilo za prenos njegove igre na našo platformo. Prav tako bi se radi zahvalili Thalacku za razvoj igre. Igra se čudovito, in če vam je všeč, ne pozabite podpreti založnikov in zgrabiti izvod igre.
To je to za danes!
Naslednji teden bo bolj sproščen. Vidim živali in še en velik izpust.
Tako kot že nekaj let!
Hvala za vašo podporo, igrajte pošteno in... pazi nase!