A very cute game for kids and everyone who wants to learn the basics of Shogi, a traditional Japanese "chess" game.
どうぶつしょうぎ - Let's Catch the Lion! (a.k.a. Dōbutsu Shōgi, which means "animal shogi") is a simple version of Shogi. Both players have only four pieces – chick, giraffe, elephant and lion – and they're trying to either catch the opponent's lion or move their own lion to the other side. The board is just 3×4 squares, so the game is rather short, aimed mostly at getting children interested in Shogi – but even if you're an adult, the game is enjoyable. As for how to play:
The giraffe moves like a rook, but moves only one space.
The elephant moves like a bishop, but moves only one space. (Interestingly, in Xiangqi and Tamerlane Chess, the elephant moves precisely two spaces diagonally.)
The chick is directly analogous to the pawn/soldier of Shogi, and is promoted to a full-grown chicken, equivalent to the gold general in Shogi.
The lion is analogous to a king, except that he can win essentially by promoting, as long as it doesn't leave him in check.
Even on this 3×4 board, you are still able to drop in pieces that you captured from your opponent!
Unlike in Shogi, you can drop a chick for mate or have two chicks in a column.
Let's Catch the Lion is one of the most successful Japanese titles released over the last 15 years, and its success is mostly due to the very short and clever rules; as well as the very cute design of the tiles.
There's no doubt you should dive into this game, because it's a very good and short entry point to the more complex Shogi with full rules.
Check out the tutorial provided by Nekonyancer, or click the link below to know more about the game:
https://boardgamearena.com/gamepanel?ga ... tchthelion
We would love to thank, of course, the whole Nekomado team, as well as the game designer Madoka Kitao, for their authorization to bring this game to our platform.
Of course, there would be no games on BGA without developers, and this simple but very efficient adaptation has been done by MathCT who did an excellent job here! Send them some love for making it happen on the platform.
And... That's it for today!
Next Monday, there will be another Japan-flavored game coming!
*But until then we will have the Wednesday release. What could it be? What would you love it to be?
*Stay tuned, and until then... Take care and play fair!
UJEMIMO LEVA : Prečkanje živali!
Zelo ljubka igra za otroke in vse, ki se želite naučiti osnov Shogi, tradicionalne japonske igre "šah".
どうぶつしょうぎ - Ujemimo leva! (aka
Dōbutsu Shōgi, kar pomeni "živalski šogi") je preprosta različica šogija.
Oba igralca imata samo štiri figure – piščančka, žirafo, slona in leva – in poskušata bodisi ujeti nasprotnikovega leva bodisi svojega leva premakniti na drugo stran.
Tabla je le 3 × 4 polja, zato je igra precej kratka, namenjena predvsem vzbuditi zanimanje otrok za Shogi – a tudi če ste odrasli, je igra prijetna.
Kar se tiče igranja:
Žirafa se premika kot top, vendar se premakne samo za eno mesto.
Slon se premika kot škof, vendar se premakne le za eno polje.
(Zanimivo je, da se v šahu Xiangqi in Tamerlane Chess slon premakne natanko za dve polji diagonalno.)
Piščanec je neposredno podoben kmetu/vojaku Shogija in je povišan v odraslo kokoš, enakovreden zlatemu generalu v Shogiju.
Lev je podoben kralju, le da lahko zmaga v bistvu z napredovanjem, če ga to ne pusti pod šahom.
Tudi na tej plošči 3×4 lahko še vedno spuščate figure, ki ste jih vzeli od nasprotnika!
Za razliko od šogija lahko spustite piščanca za mate ali pa imate dva piščanca v koloni.
Let's Catch the Lion je eden najuspešnejših japonskih naslovov, izdanih v zadnjih 15 letih, za njegov uspeh pa so zaslužna predvsem zelo kratka in pametna pravila; pa tudi zelo ljubek dizajn ploščic.
Brez dvoma bi se morali poglobiti v to igro, saj je zelo dobra in kratka vstopna točka v bolj zapleten Shogi s popolnimi pravili.
Oglejte si vadnico, ki jo ponuja Nekonyancer, ali kliknite spodnjo povezavo, če želite izvedeti več o igri:
Seveda bi se radi zahvalili celotni ekipi Nekomado, kot tudi oblikovalcu igre Madoki Kitao, za njihovo pooblastilo za prenos te igre na našo platformo.
Seveda ne bi bilo iger na BGA brez razvijalcev in to preprosto, a zelo učinkovito prilagoditev je izvedel MathCT, ki je tukaj opravil odlično delo!
Pošljite jim nekaj ljubezni, ker so to uresničili na platformi.
Naslednji ponedeljek bo na sporedu še ena igra z japonskim okusom!
Toda do takrat bomo imeli izdajo v sredo. Kaj bi lahko bilo? Kaj bi si želel, da bi bilo?
Ostanite z nami, do takrat pa... Pazite se in igrajte pošteno!