*Create unique card combinations to keep your civilization alive!
Heir to an exceptional knowledge that has survived the ages, it is now up to you to preserve the vestige of your civilization.
Ancient Knowledge is a strategic card game in which you erect monuments and build artefacts to pass on your knowledge. Time will make your constructions ephemeral, so make the right decision and combine the many cards at your disposal, because all knowledge is doomed to disappear…
It is up to you to find the best synergy so that you can pass down knowledge before the decline of the emblematic monuments you have constructed, monuments we still find today in the four corners of the globe. From Mexican pyramids to the Sphinx of Giza, passing through the famous cities of Tiwanaku and Babylon, only the cleverest builder will shine through the ages and seize victory. In this game, your only enemy is time.
Prove to your opponents that you are the worthy representative of your Legacy!
Will your monuments withstand the trial of time?
Discover it right now by clicking the link below:
https://boardgamearena.com/gamepanel?ga ... tknowledge
...and if you want to learn it in no-time, you can click for the included tutorial!
We would love to thank the game designer, Rémi Mathieu, as well as the IELLO team for their authorization to bring this original game to Board Game Arena!
Also, let's not forget the team responsible for the adaptation, coding and testing: the well-known Tisaac and thoun!
Applause, please!
And... that's it for today's release!
*Can't wait to show you what we have coming to the platform.
*But until then (you know...)
Take care and play fair!
Ustvarite edinstvene kombinacije kart, da ohranite svojo civilizacijo!
Dedič izjemnega znanja, ki je preživelo stoletja, je zdaj na vas, da ohranite ostanke svoje civilizacije.
Ancient Knowledge je strateška igra s kartami, v kateri postavljate spomenike in gradite artefakte, s katerimi prenašate svoje znanje.
Zaradi časa bodo vaše konstrukcije minljive, zato se pravilno odločite in združite številne karte, ki so vam na voljo, saj je vse znanje obsojeno na izginotje ...
Na vas je, da poiščete najboljšo sinergijo, da boste lahko prenašali znanje pred propadom simbolnih spomenikov, ki ste jih zgradili, spomenikov, ki jih še danes najdemo na štirih koncih sveta.
Od mehiških piramid do Sfinge v Gizi, skozi znameniti mesti Tiwanaku in Babilon, bo le najpametnejši graditelj zablestel skozi stoletja in osvojil zmago.
V tej igri je vaš edini sovražnik čas.
Dokaži svojim nasprotnikom, da si vreden predstavnik svoje dediščine!
Bodo vaši spomeniki zdržali preizkušnjo časa?
Odkrijte ga zdaj s klikom na spodnjo povezavo:
... in če se ga želite naučiti v hipu, lahko kliknete za vključeno vadnico!
Radi bi se zahvalili oblikovalcu igre, Rémiju Mathieuju, kot tudi ekipi IELLO za njihovo pooblastilo za prenos te izvirne igre v Board Game Arena!
Ne pozabimo pa tudi na ekipo, odgovorno za prilagoditev, kodiranje in testiranje: znana Tisaac in thoun!
Aplavz, prosim!
to je to za današnjo objavo!
Komaj čakam, da vam pokažem, kaj prihaja na platformo.
Ampak do takrat (saj veste ...)
Pazite se in igrajte pošteno!