...and a perfect occasion to get mad at each others. Tonight, you will go head to head!
Splendor Duel, the sequel from Splendor designed by **Marc André **and Bruno Cathala, is now available for all to play from nearly anywhere!
Confront your rival guild in a race for victory. Take Gem and Pearl tokens from the common board, then purchase cards, gather bonuses, royal favors, and prestige.
Discover new twists and strategic opportunities derived from Splendor, the original best-selling game. Acquire cards with impressive powers, take advantage of special Privileges, and fight over scarce access to Pearls.
Splendor Duel is a two-player only standalone game based on Splendor that retains some of the main gameplay mechanisms of that design, while being a bit more complex, dynamic, interactive, rich, tense, and mean.
The game features a main board shared by both opponents, card powers, and three victory conditions.
This is a special surprise release, and you can play the tutorial provided or play it right now by clicking below (or directly dive into a game if you already know Splendor: It's even faster to go into it):
And this is your very special gift or reason to play on #BGA tonight!
Thanks a lot to the Space Cowboys team, and more specifically to thoun who made this game adaptation for the platform!
You should be able to play it even on the smallest screens.
Today is time to share love.
So why not the love for Board Games ?
You can do it now!
By clicking this link:
you will be able to purchase this extra gift you were missing to play together, from the same place, on Premium games...
...or for one of the many thousands reasons he or she would love to be gifted a Premium account.
We've got you covered 😉
That's it for today!
See you next week, and until then...
Take care, play fair, and send love to those who deserves it 😉
SPLENDOR DUEL: Ko je čas za skupno igro v dvoje ...
...in odlična priložnost, da se jezite drug na drugega.
Nocoj se boste udarili na glavo!
Splendor Duel, nadaljevanje Splendorja, ki sta ga oblikovala Marc André in Bruno Cathala, je zdaj na voljo vsem za igranje od skoraj kjer koli!
Soočite se s svojim rivalskim cehom v tekmi za zmago.
Vzemite žetone draguljev in biserov s skupne plošče, nato kupite karte, zbirajte bonuse, kraljeve usluge in prestiž.
Odkrijte nove preobrate in strateške priložnosti, ki izhajajo iz izvirne najbolje prodajane igre Splendor.
Pridobite karte z impresivnimi močmi, izkoristite posebne privilegije in se borite za redek dostop do Biserov.
Splendor Duel je samostojna igra samo za dva igralca, ki temelji na Splendorju in ohranja nekatere glavne mehanizme igranja te zasnove, hkrati pa je nekoliko bolj zapletena, dinamična, interaktivna, bogata, napeta in zlobna.
Igra ima glavno ploščo, ki si jo delita oba nasprotnika, moči kart in tri pogoje za zmago.
To je posebna izdaja presenečenja in lahko igrate priloženo vadnico ali jo igrate zdaj, tako da kliknete spodaj (ali se neposredno potopite v igro, če že poznate Splendor: še hitreje je, da greste vanjo):
In to je vaše prav posebno darilo ali razlog, da nocoj igrate na #BGA!
Najlepša hvala ekipi Space Cowboys in natančneje tisočem, ki so naredili to prilagoditev igre za platformo!
Predvajati bi ga morali tudi na najmanjših zaslonih.
Danes je čas za delitev ljubezni.
Zakaj torej ne ljubezen do družabnih iger?
Zdaj lahko to storite!
S klikom na to povezavo:
to dodatno darilo, ki ste ga pogrešali, da bi igrali skupaj, boste lahko kupili na istem mestu v igrah Premium ...
... ali zaradi enega od tisočih razlogov, zaradi katerih bi rad prejel Premium račun.
Poskrbeli smo za vas
To je to za danes!
Se vidimo naslednji teden, do takrat pa...
Pazite, igrajte pošteno in pošljite ljubezen tistim, ki si to zaslužijo