Tame a variety of mythical creatures to gain their powers!
In The Vale of Eternity, players are tamers who hunt various monsters and spirits to tame them as minions. In this fantasy world, numerous creatures are living in harmony. Among them, dragons are the most valuable and noble ones, and all tamers dream of taming dragons. The player who manages to tame the most outstanding minions wins.
In each round there are three phases:
Hunting phase: Draft two cards from the game board.
Action phase: Take various actions, including selling cards, taming, or summoning cards.
Resolution phase: Use the active effects of cards they have summoned.
Successive rounds are performed until the end of the game is triggered.
The good thing is that we provide a full interactive tutorial for you to learn it if you feel a bit bored by reading the rules.
Did you know that you can share a link to ANY tutorial? That's a very good way to prepare your gaming night by sharing them to your fellow boardgamer friends. (There's no need to have a BGA account to go through them!)
Click below to learn more about the game and play it:
And of course, we need to thank a lot Moof, who made this wonderful adaptation for your favorite platform. The game plays awesomely and you will get the best feelings about the gameplay, right after the real one on a real table (nothing will replace this ^^).
We would love to send our deepest thanks to the team behind this gem : Eric Hong, the game designer, including the great Mandoo Games team.
And that's it for today!
More than enough for you to play a while... or an eternity.
As always, take care and play fair!
See you next week for more adventures...
VALE OF ETERNITY: svet lovcev na pošasti
Ukrotite vrsto mitskih bitij, da pridobite njihove moči!
V The Vale of Eternity so igralci krotilci, ki lovijo različne pošasti in duhove, da bi jih ukrotili kot sluge.
V tem domišljijskem svetu številna bitja živijo v harmoniji.
Med njimi so zmaji najbolj dragoceni in plemeniti in vsi krotilci sanjajo o krotenju zmajev.
Zmaga igralec, ki mu uspe ukrotiti najbolj izjemne minione.
V vsakem krogu so tri faze:
Faza lova: Izvlecite dve karti z igralne plošče.
Akcijska faza: izvajajte različna dejanja, vključno s prodajo kart, krotenjem ali klicanjem kart.
Faza razrešitve: Uporabite aktivne učinke kart, ki so jih priklicali.
Zaporedne runde se izvajajo, dokler se ne sproži konec igre.
Dobra stvar je, da nudimo popolno interaktivno vadnico, da se je naučite, če vam je branje pravil nekoliko dolgčas.
Ali ste vedeli, da lahko delite povezavo do KATEREKOLI vadnice?
To je zelo dober način, da pripravite svoj igralni večer tako, da jih delite s svojimi prijatelji družabniki.
(Za ogled ni potrebe po računu BGA!)
Kliknite spodaj, če želite izvedeti več o igri in jo igrati:
In seveda se moramo zelo zahvaliti Moofu, ki je naredil to čudovito prilagoditev za vašo najljubšo platformo.
Igra se igra odlično in dobili boste najboljše občutke o igranju, takoj za resničnim na pravi mizi (nič ne bo nadomestilo tega ^^).
Radi bi se iskreno zahvalili ekipi, ki stoji za tem biserom: Ericu Hongu, oblikovalcu igre, vključno z odlično ekipo Mandoo Games.
In to je to za danes!
Več kot dovolj, da se nekaj časa igrate...
ali celo večnost.
Kot vedno, pazite in igrajte pošteno!
Se vidimo naslednji teden za več dogodivščin...