In Slide, you need to arrange the numbered cards, aiming to score as few points as possible. But watch out, you will need to keep an eye on your opponents and be one step ahead to win the game!
Slide is played over 16 rounds. The game ends when all cards have been revealed and played.
Each round, players choose any face-down card from their grid and turns it face-up, in the middle of the table, at the same time.
Starting with the first player and continuing clockwise, each player chooses one of the cards from the middle of the table and places it in their grid.
To place a card in your grid, push (slide) the card into a row or column to fill an empty space and rebuild the 4 by 4 grid. You cannot slide cards diagonally.
You cannot place a card directly into an empty slot.
The First Player counter passes to the player on the left and a new round begins.
When every card has been turned over, count up the scores.
End of the game: All orthogonally adjacent cards with the same number cancel each other out and are removed from the game.
Each player counts up the values of the remaining cards in their grid. The player
with the lowest score wins the game.
Ready to slide? Click the link below to discover the game or play it from any device:
Note that this game includes a special mode : play until someone at the table reach 100 points. Quite challenging!
The game has been beautifully developed by dahrf and BoucleMed, so there is no doubt you can enjoy it anywhere, anytime, and we want to thank them for this!
Also, let's thank the amazing Gigamic Team as well as the game designer, Claude Clément, for this nice addition to our platform.
That's it for Monday, let's slide into the week with joy, and as always:
Take care and play fair!
See you on Wednesday.
TOBOGAN: Življenje je samo tobogan!
V igri Slide morate razporediti oštevilčene karte, da dosežete čim manj točk. Toda pozor, paziti boš moral na svoje nasprotnike in biti korak pred njimi, da zmagaš!
Slide se igra v 16 krogih. Igra se konča, ko so vse karte razkrite in odigrane.
V vsakem krogu igralci izberejo katero koli obrnjeno karto iz svoje mreže in jo istočasno obrnejo obrnjeno navzgor na sredini mize.
Začenši s prvim igralcem in naprej v smeri urinega kazalca, vsak igralec izbere eno od kart na sredini mize in jo postavi v svojo mrežo.
Če želite kartico postaviti v svojo mrežo, kartico potisnite (potisnite) v vrstico ali stolpec, da zapolnite prazen prostor in ponovno zgradite mrežo 4 x 4. Kartic ne morete drseti diagonalno.
Kartice ne morete vstaviti neposredno v prazno režo.
Števec prvega igralca preide k igralcu na levi in začne se nov krog.
Ko je vsaka karta obrnjena, preštejte rezultate.
Konec igre: vse pravokotno sosednje karte z enakim številom se medsebojno izničijo in odstranijo iz igre.
Vsak igralec prešteje vrednosti preostalih kart v svoji mreži. igralec
z najnižjo oceno zmaga igro.
Ste pripravljeni na drsenje? Kliknite spodnjo povezavo, da odkrijete igro ali jo igrate iz katere koli naprave:
Upoštevajte, da ta igra vključuje poseben način: igrajte, dokler nekdo za mizo ne doseže 100 točk. Precej zahtevno!
Igro sta čudovito razvila dahrf in BoucleMed, tako da ni dvoma, da lahko v njej uživate kjerkoli in kadarkoli, in za to se jima želimo zahvaliti!
Prav tako se zahvalimo neverjetni Gigamic Team in oblikovalcu igre, Claude Clément, za ta lep dodatek k naši platformi.
To je to za ponedeljek, z veseljem oddrsimo v teden in kot vedno:
Pazi se in igraj pošteno!
Se vidimo v sredo.