When wealthy citizens of medieval Prague organize building projects to gain king's favor...
Charles IV has been crowned King of Bohemia and ruler of the Holy Roman Empire. From his castle in Prague, he oversees construction of new fortifications: a bridge across the Vltava River, a university, and a cathedral rising within the walls of the castle itself. Prague is already among the largest cities in Europe. King Charles will make it the capital of an empire!
In Praga Caput Regni, players take the role of wealthy citizens who are organizing various building projects in medieval Prague. By expanding their wealth and joining in the construction, they gain favor with the king. Players choose from six actions on the game board- the "action crane"- that are always available, but which are weighted with a constantly shifting array of costs and benefits. By using these actions, you can increase your resources, improve the strength of your chosen actions, and build "New Prague City," the Charles Bridge, or city walls. You can possibly gain additional actions or even participate in the construction of St. Vitus Cathedral.
Clever players will discover synergies between carefully timed actions and the rewards from constructing civic projects as all of the mechanisms mesh together. At the end of the game, the player who most impressed King Charles wins.
The game has won many awards, and for a solid reason: it's a very nice city-building game with area majority/influence managed on a big beautiful board.
Curious about it? Try it by clicking the link right below and dive into this game in no-time from your favorite device. You can luckily learn it quickly by playing through the included tutorial:
All of our deepest thanks go to the wonderful team of Delicious Games, the game designer Vladimír Suchý and the amazing people who made it happen to our platform, the developers Seytonia and Ginso.
That's it for a wonderful week on Board Game Arena!
Let's play, and see you next week for more games.
Until then, take care and... play fair!
PRAGA CAPUT REGNI: Obogatite se, da boste še bogatejši!
Ko premožni meščani srednjeveške Prage organizirajo gradbene projekte, da bi pridobili kraljevo naklonjenost ...
Karel IV je bil okronan za kralja Češke in vladarja Svetega rimskega cesarstva. S svojega gradu v Pragi nadzira gradnjo novih utrdb: most čez reko Vltavo, univerzo in katedralo, ki se dviga znotraj obzidja samega gradu. Praga je že med največjimi mesti v Evropi. Kralj Charles ga bo naredil za prestolnico imperija!
V Praga Caput Regni igralci prevzamejo vlogo bogatih meščanov, ki organizirajo različne gradbene projekte v srednjeveški Pragi. S povečanjem bogastva in sodelovanjem pri gradnji si pridobijo naklonjenost kralja. Igralci izbirajo med šestimi dejanji na igralni plošči - "akcijski žerjav" - ki so vedno na voljo, vendar so obtežena z nenehno spreminjajočim se nizom stroškov in koristi. Z uporabo teh dejanj lahko povečate svoje vire, izboljšate moč svojih izbranih dejanj in zgradite »novo mesto Praga«, Karlov most ali mestno obzidje. Morda lahko pridobite dodatna dejanja ali celo sodelujete pri gradnji katedrale sv. Vida.
Pametni igralci bodo odkrili sinergije med skrbno načrtovanimi dejanji in nagradami iz gradnje državljanskih projektov, saj se vsi mehanizmi prepletajo. Na koncu igre zmaga igralec, ki je najbolj navdušil kralja Charlesa.
Igra je prejela veliko nagrad in to z dobrim razlogom: je zelo lepa igra za gradnjo mesta z večino/vplivom območja, ki se upravlja na veliki lepi plošči.
Vas to zanima? Preizkusite tako, da kliknete spodnjo povezavo in se v hipu potopite v to igro iz svoje najljubše naprave. Na srečo se lahko tega hitro naučite z igranjem skozi priloženo vadnico :
Najgloblje se zahvaljujemo čudoviti ekipi Delicious Games, oblikovalcu iger Vladimír Suchý in izjemnim ljudem, ki so to omogočili naši platformi, razvijalcema Seytonia in Ginso.
To je to za čudovit teden na Board Game Arena!
Igrajmo se in se vidimo naslednji teden za več iger.
Do takrat pa pazite in... igrajte pošteno!