At the turn of the 16th Century, King Manuel I commissioned Portugal's greatest artisans to construct grandiose buildings. After completing the Palaces of Evora and Sintra, the king sought to build a summer pavilion to honor the most famous members of the royal family. This construction was intended for the most talented artisans — whose skills meet the splendor that the royal family deserves. Sadly, King Manuel I died before construction ever began.
In Azul: Summer Pavilion, players return to Portugal to accomplish the task that never began. As a master artisan, you must use the finest materials to create the summer pavilion while carefully avoiding wasting supplies. Only the best will rise to the challenge to honor the Portuguese royal family.
Azul: Summer Pavilion lasts six rounds, and in each round players draft tiles, then place them on their individual player board to score points. Each of the six colors of tiles is wild during one of the rounds.
At the start of each round, draw tiles at random from the bag to refill each of the factories with four tiles each. Draw tiles as needed to refill the ten supply spaces on the central scoring board. Players then take turns drafting tiles. You can choose to take all of the tiles of a non-wild color on a factory and place them next to your board; if any wild tiles are on this factory, you must take one of them. Place all remaining tiles in the center of the table. Alternatively, you can take all tiles of a non-wild color from the center of play; you must also take one wild tile, if present.
After all tiles have been claimed, players then take turns placing tiles on their individual boards. Each board depicts seven stars that would be composed of six tiles; each space on a star shows a number from 1-6, and six of the stars are for tiles of a single color while the seventh will be composed of one tile of each color. To place a tile on the blue 5, for example, you must discard five blue or wild tiles from next to your player board (with at least one blue being required), placing one blue tile in the blue 5 space and the rest in the discard tower. You score 1 point for this tile and 1 point for each tile within this star connected to the newly placed tile.
If you completely surround a pillar, statue, or window on your game board with tiles, you get an immediate bonus, taking 1-3 tiles from the central supply spaces and placing them next to your board. At the end of the round, you can carry over at most four tiles to the next round; discard any others, losing 1 point for each such tile.
After six rounds, you score a bonus for each of the seven stars that you've filled completely. Additionally, you score a bonus for having covered all seven spaces of value 1, 2, 3 or 4. You lose 1 point for each remaining tile unused, then whoever has the most points wins.
This game is quite different from the original Azul, and that's a game you should definitely discover and play right now on BGA. Click the link below to start a game:
All of our thanks goes to the Plan B Games team and Michael Kiesling for their enthousiasm to bring this game to our platform. But let's celebrate the work done by thoun who developed this game for all devices, that works beautifully on most platforms.
That's it for today!
Enjoy your wednesday release time and as always,
Play fair and take care!
AZUL: Poletni paviljon - Vpadljivi vzorci za kralja!
Na prelomu v 16. stoletje je kralj Manuel I. največjim portugalskim obrtnikom naročil gradnjo veličastnih zgradb. Po dokončanju palač Evora in Sintra si je kralj prizadeval zgraditi poletni paviljon v čast najbolj slavnim članom kraljeve družine. Ta konstrukcija je bila namenjena najbolj nadarjenim rokodelcem — katerih spretnosti ustrezajo sijaju, ki si ga kraljeva družina zasluži. Na žalost je kralj Manuel I. umrl, preden se je gradnja sploh začela.
V Azul: Summer Pavilion se igralci vrnejo na Portugalsko, da bi opravili nalogo, ki se nikoli ni začela. Kot obrtniški mojster morate za ustvarjanje poletnega paviljona uporabiti najboljše materiale, hkrati pa se previdno izogibati zapravljanju zalog. Le najboljši bodo kos izzivu, da počastijo portugalsko kraljevo družino.
Azul: Poletni paviljon traja šest krogov in v vsakem krogu igralci pripravijo ploščice, nato pa jih položijo na igralno ploščo, da dosežejo točke. Vsaka od šestih barv ploščic je med enim od krogov divja.
Na začetku vsakega kroga iz vrečke naključno izvlecite ploščice, da vsako od tovarn napolnite s štirimi ploščicami. Narišite ploščice, kot je potrebno, da ponovno napolnite deset prostorov za zalogo na osrednji točkovni tabli. Igralci nato izmenično sestavljajo ploščice. Lahko se odločite, da vzamete vse ploščice ne-divje barve v tovarni in jih postavite poleg vaše plošče; če so v tej tovarni kakšne divje ploščice, morate vzeti eno od njih. Vse preostale ploščice postavite na sredino mize. Druga možnost je, da iz središča igre vzamete vse ploščice, ki niso divje barve; vzeti morate tudi eno divjo ploščico, če je prisotna.
Ko so vse ploščice prevzete, igralci nato izmenično postavljajo ploščice na svoje posamezne plošče. Vsaka tabla prikazuje sedem zvezd, ki bi bile sestavljene iz šestih ploščic; vsak prostor na zvezdi prikazuje številko od 1 do 6, šest zvezd pa je za ploščice ene barve, medtem ko bo sedma sestavljena iz ene ploščice vsake barve. Če želite na primer postaviti ploščico na modro 5, morate zavreči pet modrih ali divjih ploščic zraven igralne plošče (pri čemer je potrebna vsaj ena modra ploščica), eno modro ploščico postavite v modro polje 5, preostale pa v polje zavreči stolp. Dobite 1 točko za to ploščico in 1 točko za vsako ploščico v tej zvezdi, ki je povezana z novo postavljeno ploščico.
Če steber, kip ali okno na svoji igralni plošči v celoti obdate s ploščicami, prejmete takojšen bonus, saj vzamete 1-3 ploščice iz osrednjih prostorov za oskrbo in jih postavite poleg svoje plošče. Na koncu kroga lahko v naslednji krog prenesete največ štiri ploščice; zavrzite vse druge in izgubite 1 točko za vsako tako ploščico.
Po šestih krogih dobite bonus za vsako od sedmih zvezdic, ki ste jih v celoti izpolnili. Poleg tega dobite bonus, če pokrijete vseh sedem mest z vrednostjo 1, 2, 3 ali 4. Izgubite 1 točko za vsako preostalo neuporabljeno ploščico, nato zmaga tisti, ki ima največ točk.
Ta igra se precej razlikuje od prvotnega Azula in to je igra, ki bi jo zagotovo morali odkriti in igrati zdaj na BGA. Za začetek igre kliknite spodnjo povezavo:
Zahvaljujemo se ekipi Plan B Games in Michaelu Kieslingu za njuno navdušenje, da sta to igro prenesla na našo platformo. Toda proslavimo delo, ki ga je opravil thoun, ki je razvil to igro za vse naprave, ki odlično deluje na večini platform.
To je to za danes!
Uživajte v sredo ob izdaji in kot vedno,
Igrajte pošteno in pazite!