What if i told you that for once there is a game that allows you to play a serious civilization game in 90 minutes, at 2 to 5 players, with simultaneous play?
Take the reins of your Civilization and make the choices that will make it the most prosperous. It does not matter which path you take, as long as it leads your people to glory. Research new technologies to improve your nation's Science, Military strength, Spirituality, Culture, and Industrialization. Grow the greatest Philosophical current of humanity. Use your Philosophers to become one of its forerunners and thus decide its evolution. Send your Builders to create wonders from your territory that will outlive everything, even men. Grow your Population so that the most illustrious Leaders are born from it and change the world forever, even after their death. Develop your Military Legacy so that the name of your civilization is enough to make your opponents tremble. And if that is not enough, send your army to defeat even the most distant External Threat. Use your Sages and the knowledge of your civilization to solve the great Challenges of humanity that will mark its history.
In Path of Civilization, from the very first second of the game you must make choices that will have repercussions until the end of the game. The game is played simultaneously and works with a simple card and resource management system. The diversity of its cards guarantees enormous variability.
Click the link below to discover more about this game, and let's start a game!
We would like to thank Fabien Gridel, the game designer, as well as Captain games for their authorization to bring this game on our platform. Let's also celebrate the work done by thoun for making such a big title reach #BGA. That's a lot to develop!
That's it for today.
And you know what? Tomorrow is the first day of August.
And what happens in August?
Stay connected and don't forget to reach the homepage tomorrow during the day for close to 30 days of new games to enjoy, daily!
See you tomo, and until then...
Take care and play fair!
POT CIVILIZACIJE: Sledite voditeljem, od 2 do 5 igralcev!
Kaj pa, če vam povem, da enkrat obstaja igra, ki vam omogoča, da igrate resno civilizacijsko igro v 90 minutah, z 2 do 5 igralci, s hkratnim igranjem?
Prevzemite vajeti svoje civilizacije in se odločite, da bo najbolj uspešna. Ni pomembno, katero pot uberete, če vodi vaše ljudi do slave. Raziščite nove tehnologije za izboljšanje znanosti, vojaške moči, duhovnosti, kulture in industrializacije vaše države. Rasti največji filozofski tok človeštva. Uporabite svoje Filozofe, da postanete eden od njegovih predhodnikov in tako odločate o njegovem razvoju. Pošljite svoje graditelje, da na vašem ozemlju ustvarijo čudeže, ki bodo preživeli vse, celo ljudi. Povečajte svojo populacijo, tako da se iz nje rodijo najslavnejši voditelji in za vedno spremenijo svet, tudi po njihovi smrti. Razvijte svojo vojaško zapuščino, tako da bo ime vaše civilizacije dovolj, da bodo vaši nasprotniki vznemirjali. In če to ni dovolj, pošljite svojo vojsko, da premaga tudi najbolj oddaljeno zunanjo grožnjo. Uporabite svoje modrece in znanje svoje civilizacije, da rešite velike izzive človeštva, ki bodo zaznamovali njegovo zgodovino.
V igri Path of Civilization morate od prve sekunde igre sprejemati odločitve, ki bodo imele posledice do konca igre. Igra se igra istočasno in deluje s preprostim sistemom za upravljanje kart in virov. Raznolikost njegovih kart zagotavlja izjemno variabilnost.
Kliknite spodnjo povezavo, če želite izvedeti več o tej igri, in začnimo igro!
Radi bi se zahvalili Fabienu Gridelu, oblikovalcu igre, kot tudi Captain games za njihovo pooblastilo za prenos te igre na našo platformo. Proslavimo tudi delo, ki ga je opravil thoun, da je tako velik naslov dosegel #BGA. To je veliko za razvoj!
To je to za danes.
In veš kaj? Jutri je prvi dan avgusta.
In kaj se zgodi avgusta?
Ostanite povezani in ne pozabite obiskati domače strani jutri tekom dneva za skoraj 30 dni novih iger, v katerih lahko uživate vsak dan!
Se vidimo tomo, do takrat pa...
Pazite se in igrajte pošteno!