The game Glass Road commemorates the 700-year-old tradition of glass-making in the Bavarian Forest. (Today, the "Glass Road" is a route through the Bavarian forest that takes visitors to many of the old glass houses and museums of that region.) You must skillfully manage your glass and brick production in order to build the structures that help you keep your business flowing. Cut the forest to keep the fires burning in the ovens and spread and remove ponds, pits, and groves to supply yourself with the items you need. Fifteen specialists are there at your side to carry out your orders...
In more detail, the game consists of four building periods. Each player has an identical set of fifteen specialist cards, and each specialist comes with two abilities. At the beginning of each building period, you choose a hand of five specialists. If during this building period, you play a specialist that no other player has in hand, you may use both abilities on that card; if two or more players play the same specialist, each of them may use only one of the two abilities. Exploiting the abilities of these specialists lets you collect resources, lay out new landscape tiles (e.g., ponds and pits), and build a variety of buildings, which come in three types:
- Processing buildings
- "Immediate" buildings with a one-time effect
- Buildings that provide bonus points at the end of the game for various accomplishments
Mastering the balance of knowing the best specialist card to play and being flexible about when you play it- together with assembling a clever combination of buildings- is the key to this game.
You can try this game right now from your browser by clicking the link below:
We're happy to welcome another game by Feuerland Spiele on our platform, and thank Uwe Rosenberg for the authorization to have this game online here. Also, let's celebrate the work done by bartoleo & Sir Heo for adapting it to #BGA.
That's it for your Wednesday Release Time!
What's up next? Did you check our daily releases on the front page SUMMER CALENDAR?
There's so much more to discover!
See you next week and until then, as always...
Take care and play fair!
STEKLENA CESTA: Očistite zemljo, najemite strokovnjake, gradite in zbirajte, da ustvarite svoj trgovski imperij.
Igra Glass Road spominja na 700-letno tradicijo izdelovanja stekla v Bavarskem gozdu. (Danes je "steklena cesta" pot skozi bavarski gozd, ki obiskovalce popelje do številnih starih steklenih hiš in muzejev te regije.) Svojo proizvodnjo stekla in opeke morate spretno upravljati, da lahko zgradite strukture, ki vam bodo v pomoč naj vaše podjetje teče. Posekajte gozd, da ohranite ogenj v pečeh, ter razširite in odstranite ribnike, jame in nasade, da se oskrbite s predmeti, ki jih potrebujete. Petnajst strokovnjakov vam je na voljo za izvajanje vaših naročil ...
Podrobneje je igra sestavljena iz štirih gradbenih obdobij. Vsak igralec ima identičen komplet petnajstih specialističnih kart in vsak specialist ima dve sposobnosti. Na začetku vsakega gradbenega obdobja izberete roko petih strokovnjakov. Če v tem obdobju gradnje igrate strokovnjaka, ki ga nima noben drug igralec, lahko uporabite obe sposobnosti na tej karti; če dva ali več igralcev igra istega strokovnjaka, lahko vsak od njih uporabi samo eno od obeh sposobnosti. Z izkoriščanjem sposobnosti teh strokovnjakov lahko zbirate vire, postavljate nove krajinske ploščice (npr. ribnike in jame) ter gradite različne zgradbe, ki so na voljo v treh vrstah:
- Obdelava zgradb
- "Takojšnje" zgradbe z enkratnim učinkom
- Zgradbe, ki zagotavljajo bonus točke na koncu igre za različne dosežke
Obvladovanje ravnotežja med poznavanjem najboljše specializirane karte za igranje in prilagodljivostjo pri igranju – skupaj s sestavljanjem pametne kombinacije zgradb – je ključ do te igre.
To igro lahko preizkusite zdaj v svojem brskalniku, tako da kliknete spodnjo povezavo:
Z veseljem pozdravljamo še eno igro Feuerland Spiele na naši platformi in se zahvaljujemo Uweju Rosenbergu za dovoljenje, da je ta igra tukaj na spletu. Prav tako proslavimo delo, ki sta ga opravila bartoleo & Sir Heo za prilagoditev na #BGA.
To je to za vaš sredin čas za objavo!
Kaj je naslednje? Ste preverili naše dnevne objave na prvi strani POLETNI KOLEDAR?
Veliko več je treba odkriti!
Se vidimo naslednji teden, do takrat pa kot vedno...
Pazi se in igraj pošteno!