The Fox in the Forest is a trick-taking game for two players. Aside from the normal ranked- and suited-cards used to win tricks, fairy characters such as the Fox and the Witch have special abilities that let you change the trump suit, lead even after you lose a trick, and more.
You score points by winning more tricks than your opponent, but do not become greedy! Win too many tricks, and you will fall like the villain in so many fairy tales...
What makes this game special is the scoring.
It is not a simple majority-wins-all situation. The player must either avoid collecting many tricks (0-3 tricks) or a set number of tricks (7-9) to score a maximum 6 points for each round. You do not receive any points if you overshoot and win ten or more tricks. If you win all 13 tricks and score zero points, your opponent will also score the maximum points! Collecting between 4-6 tricks will score you between 1-3 points.
The tug of war between the two players is truly innovative. It is usually important to have some weaker cards to lose some tricks. It is possible to score 0-3 tricks if your cards are low enough. To avoid collecting tricks is not easy, considering your opponent can see this coming a mile away.
There are so many more possibilities here that you will probably need to crawl through the tutorial to learn the game quickly and discover why it's so good, or simply click the link below:
But wait, there's more!
What if you want to play a cooperative rule? And get a whole different game based on the same spirit of THE FOX IN THE FOREST?
We have you covered, as the publisher and his team are also providing THE FOX IN THE FOREST: DUET!
Discover it right now by clicking the link below, or simply learn it through the included tutorial by Nekonyancer:
We would love to thank Renegade Game Studios and Foxtrot Games, as well as Joshua Buergel for these games to happen on BGA, as well as the very nice work done by ufm to bring them here, online, for all to play.
This is the 26th release for the Summer Calendar. Only a few left for this event!
But whatever happens next, see you on Wednesday for another amazing release.
Until then,
Take care and play fair!
LISICA V GOZDU: lisica ... in gozd. + DUET, to sta 2 lepi igri za igranje trikov za 2!
The Fox in the Forest je igra za dva igralca, ki izvaja trike. Poleg običajnih razvrščenih in barvnih kart, ki se uporabljajo za osvajanje trikov, imajo pravljični liki, kot sta Lisica in Čarovnica, posebne sposobnosti, ki vam omogočajo, da spremenite adutno barvo, vodite tudi, ko izgubite trik, in še več.
Točke dosežete tako, da osvojite več trikov kot vaš nasprotnik, vendar ne postanite pohlepni! Osvojite preveč trikov in padli boste kot zlobneži v toliko pravljicah ...
Kar naredi to igro posebno, je točkovanje.
To ni preprosta situacija, kjer večina zmaga vse. Igralec se mora izogibati zbiranju številnih trikov (0-3 trikov) ali določenemu številu trikov (7-9), da doseže največ 6 točk za vsako rundo. Ne prejmete nobenih točk, če presežete in osvojite deset ali več trikov. Če osvojite vseh 13 trikov in dosežete nič točk, bo tudi vaš nasprotnik dosegel največ točk! Če zberete 4-6 trikov, boste dosegli 1-3 točke.
Vlečenje vrvi med obema igralcema je resnično inovativno. Običajno je pomembno imeti nekaj šibkejših kart, da izgubite nekaj trikov. Možno je doseči 0-3 trike, če so vaše karte dovolj nizke. Izogniti se zbiranju trikov ni lahko, glede na to, da lahko vaš nasprotnik vidi, da se to dogaja miljo stran.
Tukaj je toliko več možnosti, da boste verjetno morali prebrskati vadnico, da se hitro naučite igre in odkrijete, zakaj je tako dobra ali preprosto kliknite povezava spodaj:
Toda počakaj, še več je!
Kaj pa, če želite igrati pravilo sodelovanja? In dobite popolnoma drugačno igro, ki temelji na istem duhu LISICA V GOZDU?
Poskrbeli smo za vas, saj založnik in njegova ekipa zagotavljata tudi LISIJKA V GOZDU: DUET!
Odkrijte ga zdaj, tako da kliknete spodnjo povezavo, ali preprosto se ga naučite s priloženo vadnico Nekonyancerja:
Radi bi se zahvalili Renegade Game Studios in Foxtrot Games ter Joshui Buergelu za te igre, ki so se zgodile na BGA, kot tudi za zelo dobro delo, ki ga je opravil *ufm * da jih prinesem sem, na spletu, da se lahko igrajo vsi.
To je že 26. izdaja Poletnega koledarja. Do tega dogodka jih je le še nekaj!
Toda karkoli se bo zgodilo naslednje, se vidimo v sredo na novi neverjetni izdaji.
do takrat pa
Pazite se in igrajte pošteno!